Previous Amendment Session 125 (2023-2024)
Bill Number H 5100 - Amendment Number 6
Considered 28-OCT-2024
Next Amendment

Current Amendment: 6 to Bill 5100


   AMENDMENT NO. _____


CREATEDATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT April 22, 2024



Clerk of the Senate

   ADOPTION NO. _____

BILL NO: H.5100 (Reference is to Printer's Date 04/23/24-S.)


 Senator HEMBREE proposes the following amendment (SA\5100C011.JN.SA24.DOCX):

 Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 1, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, page 309, after line 31, by adding an appropriately numbered new proviso to read:

/ (SDE: School Mapping Data Program) (A) From the funds appropriated to the Department of Education, to facilitate efficient emergency responses in public schools by public safety agencies in this State, the School Mapping Data Program is established as a statewide initiative within the State Department of Education. Subject to funding, the department shall contract with a vendor to provide school mapping data for each public school in the State. The data must be provided to each school district, local law enforcement agency, and public safety agency for use in response to emergencies. For purposes of this proviso, emergencies include, but are not limited to, any event in which a law enforcement officer, firefighter, rescue squad, emergency medical service provider, public safety telecommunicator, or any other emergency management provider may respond.

 (B) School mapping data must:

(1) be compatible with software platforms used by local, county, state, and federal public safety agencies that provide emergency services to the specific school for which the data is provided without requiring such agencies to purchase additional software or requiring a fee to view or access the data;

 (2) be compatible with security software platforms in use by the specific school for which the data is provided without requiring the local law enforcement agencies or school districts to purchase additional software or requiring a fee to view or access the data;

 (3) be in a printable format and, if requested, be in a digital file format that may be integrated into interactive mobile platforms in use;

 (4) be verified by the entity producing the data for accuracy by a walk-through of school buildings and grounds;

 (5) be oriented true north;

 (6) include accurate floor plans overlaid on current, verified aerial imagery of the campus, which must be updated by the department as it considers necessary;

 (7) contain site-specific labeling that matches the structure of school buildings, including room labels, hallway names, and external door or stairwell numbers and locations of hazards, critical utility locations, key boxes, automated external defibrillators, and trauma kits;

 (8) contain site-specific labeling that matches the school grounds, including parking areas, athletic fields, surrounding roads, and neighboring properties;

 (9) be overlaid with gridded x and y coordinates; and

 (10) be updated and accessible within software platforms used by local, county, state, and federal public safety agencies that provide emergency services to the specific school.

 (C) Each school district must be required to pay an annual maintenance fee to update their school map to ensure the school floor plans and aerial imagery are accurate and up-to-date. This fee may not exceed six hundred fifty dollars for each school.

 (D) School mapping data is not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. For purposes of this proviso, "school mapping data" means information collected pursuant to this proviso in an electronic or a digital format and provided to assist first responders in responding to emergencies at school.


 Amend sections, totals and title to conform.