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House > Former Members > Former Representative Larry Labruce Koon
Former Representative Larry Labruce Koon

Home County: LEXINGTON
House District 87 - Lexington
Personal Information
- Residing at Old Cherokee Rd., Lexington
- Born Feb. 1944
- Son of Carl Benton and Jennie (Porth) Koon
- Graduated from Univ. of S.C., B.S., 1967
- Jan. 23, 1966 m. Katheryn Mack, 4 sons
- Member of Bd. of Deacons, Red Bank Baptist Church, Sun. School Supt. & Church Moderator, 1974-76, 1984-85
- Lexington Rotary Club, 1974-98
- Pres., S.C. Fox Hunters Assn., 1976-77, 1985-86
- Distinguished Sales Award & Top Salesman, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, 1970-74, 1976-79, 1982
- Companion Life Sales Award, 1979-80, 1982-85, 1996-98
- Hon. Legis. Award, Clemson Univ. School of Agric., 1992
- State Distinguished Serv. Award, by State Library, 1997-98
- State Conservation Dists. State Legis. Award, 1999-00
- Prev. serv. in House 1975-03.