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House > Former Members > Former Representative John William Tucker, Jr.
Former Representative John William Tucker, Jr.

Home County: ANDERSON
House District 6 - Anderson
Personal Information
- Residing at 4033 Highway 81 North, Anderson
- Born Sept. 29, 1950
- Son of Florence (Moore) Tucker and the late John W., Sr.
- Graduated from Univ. of S.C., B.A., 1973
- Attended Clemson Univ.
- Aug. 1, 1992 Married to Kimberly Frances Walter of Anderson
- Mem.: Anderson Rotary Club, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 10
- Central Presbyterian Church
- Page, S.C. Sen., 1971-72
- INtern, U.S. Sen., 1973
- Admin. Asst. Fifth Jud. Circuit, 1975-78
- Asst. Operations Mgr., U.S. Census Bureau, 1980
- Admin. Asst. & Dir., Pre-Trial INtervention, Tenth Jud. Circuit, 1980-84
- MADD (Mothers Aganist Drunk Driving) Certificate of Merit, 1987-88
- Adv. Bd. of Anderson Vocational Rehabilition Bd.
- Adv. Bd. for Anderson Co. Fair
- Bd. of Trustees, Anderson Area Medical Center
- Comm. of the Anderson Unit of the American Cancer Society
- Chm., Anderson Area Transportation Study Co.
- House Judiciary Com., 1st V.C.
- House Rules Com., 1st V.C.
- Joint Appropriations Review Com.
- Prosecution Coordination Comm.
- Healthcare, Planning and Oversight Com.
- Elected by petition to House Nov. 6, 1984
- Prev. serv. in House 1985-93.