South Carolina General Assembly
103rd Session, 1979-1980

Continuation of Appropriations Act

   Travel                                            40,000          23,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 361,629        $ 90,062
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Marine Research Institute                $ 1,529,517       $ 623,515
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Marine Resources Division                 $ 3,530,928     $ 2,169,452
                                                ===========     ===========
X. Heritage Trust:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 112,211       $ 112,211
                                                        (7)             (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                               11,074          11,074
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 123,285       $ 123,285
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 11,161        $ 11,161
   Supplies                                           7,900           7,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   17,004          17,004
   Travel                                             2,966           2,966
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 39,031        $ 39,031
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Heritage Trust                             $ 162,316       $ 162,316
                                                ===========     ===========
XI. Small Game Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 23,856        $ 23,856
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 23,856        $ 23,856
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 650           $ 650
   Supplies                                           1,750           1,750
   Travel                                               600             600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 3,000         $ 3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Small Game Program                          $ 26,856        $ 26,856
                                                ===========     ===========
XII. Furbearer Program:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 32,442        $ 32,442
                                                        (3)             (3)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 32,442        $ 32,442
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 650           $ 650
   Supplies                                           1,750           1,750
   Travel                                               600             600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 3,000         $ 3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Furbearer Program                           $ 35,442        $ 35,442
                                                ===========     ===========
XIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 292,742       $ 138,663
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 292,742       $ 138,663
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 292,742       $ 138,663
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,687,635       $ 841,440
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                         $ 1,687,635       $ 841,440
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                                 $ 1,687,635       $ 841,440
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 1,980,377       $ 980,103
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Wildlife and
 Marine Resources                              $ 17,349,081     $ 8,426,908
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (749)           (362)
  Provided, That funds belonging to the counties of the State, now on hand or 
hereafter accruing to the counties, shall be expended on approval of a 
majority of the respective county delegations. Provided, That an annual 
accounting for all such funds and expenditures shall be furnished by the 
Department to each member of each county delegation, it being the intent of 
the General Assembly that the appropriations made in this section are 
conditioned upon compliance with this requirement. In addition to the annual 
accounting required above, the Department shall make a proposal for 
expenditures of such funds in the succeeding fiscal year in each county to 
the members of the county legislative delegations; and upon approval thereby 
shall proceed with the use of such funds in compliance with the finalized and 
approved plan as approved by the legislative delegations. Provided, that if 
no plan is approved, the expenditures of such funds is to be administered as 
determined by the various legislative delegations.
  Provided, Further, That any equipment purchased by the department from 
county game funds on approval of a majority of a county delegation shall 
remain in that county upon the request of a majority of the respective county 
delegation, and if sold by the department, the proceeds of such sale shall be 
credited to such county game fund.
  Provided, Further, That any member of the armed forces of the United 
States, on active duty, who is on furlough or leave, shall upon presentation 
of his official furlough or leave papers, be allowed to fish or hunt without 
purchasing a fishing or hunting license, or permit.
  Provided, Further, That of the revenue collected during 1980-81 pursuant to 
the provisions of Sector 12-21 630, Code of Laws of 1976, providing a tax on 
cartridges and shells a sum not exceeding $165,000.00 if so much be available 
shall be transferred to the Wildlife and Marine Resources Department for use 
by the Department in budgeted operations.
  Provided, Further, That the South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources 
Department's Game Management Personnel, Fish Hatchery Superintendents, Lake 
Superintendents and Fort Johnson Superintendent may be permitted to occupy 
residences owned by the South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources 
Department without charge.
                                  SECTION 65
                                Coastal Council
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2466)
I. Administration and Operations:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 35,958        $ 35,958
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             349,539          66,831
                                                       (25)             (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                  20,000
   Temporary Positions                               10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 415,497       $ 102,789
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 201,875          $     
   Supplies                                          99,695           1,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  112,200          20,560
   Travel                                            25,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 438,770        $ 22,060
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Allocations to Counties-
    -Restricted                                   $ 100,000          $     
   Allocations to Other
    State Agencies                                  250,000
   Aid to Cities and Towns Restricted                25,000          25,000
   Aid to Counties Restricted                        80,000          80,000
   Aid to Other Entities                             38,911          38,911
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Distribution to
   Subdivisions                                   $ 493,911       $ 143,911
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration and
  Operations                                    $ 1,348,178       $ 268,760
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 9,905         $ 2,307
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 9,905         $ 2,307
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 9,905         $ 2,307
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 62,017        $ 15,750
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 62,017        $ 15,750
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 62,017        $ 15,750
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 71,922        $ 18,057
                                                ===========     ===========
Total South Carolina
 Coastal Council                                $ 1,420,100       $ 286,817
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (26)             (6)
                                  SECTION 66
                            Sea Grants Consortium
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2479)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 47,000        $ 47,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              47,000          47,000
                                                        (3)             (3)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 94,000        $ 94,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 7,700         $ 7,700
   Supplies                                          15,512          15,512
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      350             350
   Travel                                             3,819           3,819
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 27,381        $ 27,381
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 121,381       $ 121,381
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Research:
  Personal Service:
  New Positions:
   Secretary I                                     $ 17,880        $ 17,880
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Director of Accounting                            20,000          20,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Spec. Prog. Coord.                                13,631          13,631
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                               12,000          12,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 63,511        $ 63,511
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                        $ 20,000        $ 20,000
   Contractual Services                             851,000          88,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    5,881           5,881
   Travel                                            10,000          10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 886,881       $ 123,881
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Research                                   $ 950,392       $ 187,392
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 14,555        $ 14,555
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 14,555        $ 14,555
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 14,555        $ 14,555
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 14,555        $ 14,555
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Sea Grant Consortium                      $ 1,086,328       $ 323,328
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (8)             (8)
                                  SECTION 67
                  Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2493)
I. Administration:
 A. Executive Offices:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 40,247        $ 40,247
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              93,712          93,712
                                                        (4)             (4)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   6,000           6,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 139,959       $ 139,959
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 10,000        $ 10,000
   Supplies                                             800             800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      400             400
   Travel                                             7,276           7,276
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 18,476        $ 18,476
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Executive Offices                          $ 158,435       $ 158,435
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Administrative Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 246,069       $ 246,069
                                                       (18)            (18)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 246,069       $ 246,069
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 11,550        $ 11,550
   Supplies                                           9,874           9,874
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  163,261         163,261
   Travel                                             1,000           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 185,685       $ 185,685
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administrative Services                    $ 431,754       $ 431,754
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Analysis and Audit:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 49,195        $ 49,195
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 49,195        $ 49,195
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,375         $ 1,375
   Supplies                                             500             500
   Travel                                             3,200           3,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,075         $ 5,075
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Analysis and Audit                          $ 54,270        $ 54,270
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Administration                              $ 644,459       $ 644,459
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Planning and Development:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 140,450       $ 140,450
                                                        (8)             (8)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 140,450       $ 140,450
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 32,700        $ 32,700
   Supplies                                           1,900           1,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      300             300
   Travel                                             6,022           6,022
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 40,922        $ 40,922
  Special Items:
   Recreation Planning                             $ 90,000        $ 90,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 90,000        $ 90,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Planning and Development                   $ 271,372       $ 271,372
                                                ===========     ===========
III. State Parks:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 2,959,748     $ 1,818,884
                                                      (294)           (161)
  New Position:
   Greens Supt                                       20,000          20,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                              536,482         136,135
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 3,516,230     $ 1,975,019
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 991,254       $ 317,369
   Supplies                                         605,498         271,822
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  201,150
   Travel                                            75,000
   Purchase for Resale                              675,000
   Sales and Use Tax                                123,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 2,670,902       $ 589,191
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Parks                              $ 6,187,132     $ 2,564,210
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Young Adult Conservation Corps:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 123,121          $     
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                              209,460
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 332,581          $     
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 13,675          $     
   Supplies                                          96,650
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   23,700
   Travel                                            15,150
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 149,175          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Young Adult
  Conservation Corps                              $ 481,756          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Recreation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 121,988       $ 121,988
                                                        (8)             (8)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 121,988       $ 121,988
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 7,240         $ 7,240
   Supplies                                           1,450           1,450
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      200             200
   Travel                                             6,619           6,619
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                     15,509          15,509
  Distributions to Subdivisions:
   Commercial Agricultural Museum                   $ 5,000         $ 5,000
   Stumphouse Tunnel Park                            10,000          10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
   to Subdivision                                  $ 15,000        $ 15,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Recreation                                 $ 152,497       $ 152,497
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Heritage, Conservation 
 Recreation Service:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 81,286        $ 81,286
                                                        (5)             (5)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 81,286        $ 81,286
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,875         $ 3,875
   Supplies                                             100             100
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      300             300
   Travel                                             5,500           5,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 9,775         $ 9,775
  Distributions to Subdivisions: 
   Allocation to Other Entities                 $ 3,000,000          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Distributions
   to Subdivisions                              $ 3,000,000          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Heritage Conservation
  Recreation Service                            $ 3,091,061        $ 91,061
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Tourism:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 846,124       $ 846,124
                                                       (83)            (83)
  New Positions:
   Welcome Center Supervisor                         10,022          10,022
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Welcome Center
    Information Specialist                           31,940          31,940
                                                        (4)             (4)
   Custody Worker II                                  2,987           2,987
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Part Time                               31,847          31,847
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 922,920       $ 922,920
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 457,120       $ 312,566
   Supplies                                         199,560         144,114
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   58,150          58,150
   Travel                                            58,218          58,218
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 773,048       $ 573,048
  Special Items:
   Advertising                                    $ 575,000       $ 425,000
   American Legion Baseball
    World Series                                     25,000          25,000
   Canadian Festival                                 85,000          85,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 685,000       $ 535,000
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Local Promotion Grants                         $ 350,000          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total--Distribution to
   Subdivisions                                   $ 350,000          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Tourism                                  $ 2,730,968     $ 2,030,968
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 137,412        $ 96,244
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 137,412        $ 96,244
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 137,412        $ 96,244
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 874,100       $ 600,714
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 874,100       $ 600,714
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 874,100       $ 600,714
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 1,011,512       $ 696,958
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Parks, Recreation
 and Tourism                                   $ 14,570,757     $ 6,451,525
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (442)           (297)
  Provided, That the amount of $425,000.00 appropriated in this section under 
Program VII "Tourism" for "Advertising" shall be on a competitive bid basis 
and placed with an advertising agency in this State. Provided, however, that 
if in the judgment of the Commission no competitive, qualified advertising 
agency is located in South Carolina, an out-of-state advertising agency may 
be employed on a competitive bid basis.
  Provided, Further, That the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation 
and Tourism personnel and the manager of Charles Town Landing may be 
permitted to occupy residences owned by the South Carolina Department of 
Parks, Recreation and Tourism without charge.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1980, of funds 
appropriated for Historical Site Sumter may be carried forward to the fiscal 
year 1980-81 and expended for the same purpose.
  Provided, Further, That the amount appropriated for the Canadian Days 
Festival be expended by Parks, Recreation and Tourism only for the purpose of 
promoting Canadian Tourism in South Carolina.
  Provided, Further, That the Department when expending the $85,000 
appropriation herein contained for a Canadian Festival shall designate one 
day of such Festival as "Canadian Day" and not withstanding any other 
provision of law, all Canadians shall be allowed to utilize state parks and 
facilities on Canadian Day free of charge in order to give recognition to the 
support that the United States has received from the Canadian Government and 
people with regard to the hostages held in Iran.
  Provided, Further, That $37,731 appropriated for Musgrove Mill State Park 
in fiscal year 1979-80 may be carried forward to fiscal year 1980-81 and may 
be expended for operations.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance June 30, 1980, in the 1977-
78 Supplemental Item "Wateree Recreation Center" may be carried forward and 
made available for expenditure through June 30, 1981 for the "Wateree 
Recreation Project."
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance June 30, 1980, in the 1977-
78 Supplemental Item "Hunting Island State Park--Parking" may be carried 
forward and made available for expenditure through June 30, 1981.
  Provided, Further, That the $40,000 1979-80 appropriation to Parks, 
Recreation and Tourism for "Purchase Improvements--Hunting Island" may be 
carried forward to 1980-81 with authorization for "Purchase Improvements or 
Permanent Improvements Hunting Island."
                                  SECTION 68
                            State Development Board
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2532)
Development Board:                            Total Funds     General Funds
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 52,084        $ 52,084
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              85,004          85,004
                                                       (5)              (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                  14,200          14,200
   Temporary Positions                                  955             955
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 152,243       $ 152,243
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 14,600        $ 14,600
   Supplies                                           4,150           4,150
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,550           3,550
   Travel                                            17,300          17,300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 39,600        $ 39,600
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 191,843       $ 191,843
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Economic Development and Support:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,096,415     $ 1,096,415
                                                       (58)            (58)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                2,564           2,564
   Terminal Leave                                     5,000           5,000
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,103,979     $ 1,103,979
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 152,850       $ 152,850
   Supplies                                         168,410         168,410
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  194,269         194,269
   Travel                                           142,660         142,660
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 658,189       $ 658,189
  Special Items:
   Printing, Binding,
    Advertising--Commercial                       $ 554,776       $ 554,776
  Other Contractual Services                         91,560          91,560
   China Trade Mission                               11,000          11,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 657,336       $ 657,336
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Economic Development
  and Support                                   $ 2,419,504     $ 2,419,504
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 36,203        $ 36,203
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 36,203        $ 36,203
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 36,203        $ 36,203
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 193,081       $ 193,081
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 193,081       $ 193,081
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 193,081       $ 193,081
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 229,284       $ 229,284
                                                ===========     ===========
Total State Development Board                   $ 2,840,631     $ 2,840,631
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (64)            (64)
                                  SECTION 69
                    Patriot's Point Development Authority
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2550)
I. administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 29,017        $ 29,017
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 31,017        $ 29,017
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 31,017        $ 29,017
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Naval and Maritime Museum:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 473,375       $ 347,538
                                                       (44)            (31)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                               10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 483,375       $ 347,538
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 179,188          $     
   Supplies                                          88,335
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,780
   Travel                                            17,500
   Sales and Use Tax                                 26,763
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 321,566          $     
  Special Items:
   Purchase for Resale                             $ 93,000          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 93,000          $     
  Permanent Improvements:
   Improvements to Existing Building                 71,054
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvement                      $ 71,054          $     
  Debt Service:
   Principal                                       $ 48,030          $     
   Interest                                         191,906
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Debt Service                              $ 239,936          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Naval and Maritime Museum                $ 1,208,931       $ 347,538
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Land Development:
  Permanent Improvement:
   Purchase of Land                                $ 20,946          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvements                     $ 20,946          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Land Development                            $ 20,946          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefit:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 14,330        $ 11,418
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 14,330        $ 11,418
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 14,330        $ 11,418
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 86,237        $ 66,488
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 86,237        $ 66,488
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 86,237        $ 66,488
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 100,567        $ 77,906
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Patriots Point
 Development Authority                          $ 1,361,461       $ 454,461
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (45)            (32)
  Provided, That it is the intent of the General Assembly that the proceeds 
of bonds authorized to be issued for the development of Patriot's Point shall 
be emended solely for capital purposes. The Budget and Control Board is 
authorized to interpret this expressed intent when necessary.
                                  SECTION 70
               Clark's Hill-Russell Authority of South Carolina
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2565)
Clark's Hill--Russell Authority:              Total Funds     General Funds
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 20,555        $ 20,555
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              16,898          16,898
                                                        (2)             (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           5,000           5,000
   Temporary Positions                                  780             780
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 43,233        $ 43,233
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 13,450        $ 13,450
   Supplies                                           4,292           4,292
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,250           1,250
   Travel                                             4,500           4,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 23,492        $ 23,492
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 66,725        $ 66,725
                                                ===========     ===========

II. Operations:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 42,725        $ 42,725
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 42,725        $ 42,725
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operations                                  $ 42,725        $ 42,725
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 1,054         $ 1,054
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,054         $ 1,054
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 1,054         $ 1,054
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 9,004         $ 9,004
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 9,004         $ 9,004
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 9,004         $ 9,004
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 10,058        $ 10,058
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Clark's Hill-
 -Russell Authority                               $ 119,508       $ 119,508
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (3)             (3)
                                  SECTION 71
                       Old Exchange Building Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2576)
Old Exchange Building Commission:
I. Administration and Operations:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 10,036        $ 10,036
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   4,620           4,620
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 14,656        $ 14,656
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,500         $ 2,500
   Supplies                                             400             400
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      500             500
   Travel                                             4,206           4,206
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 7,606         $ 7,606
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 22,262        $ 22,262
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 351           $ 351
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 351           $ 351
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 351           $ 351
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 1,790         $ 1,790
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 1,790         $ 1,790
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,790         $ 1,790
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 2,141         $ 2,141
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Old Exchange
 Building Commission                               $ 24,403        $ 24,403
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
                                  SECTION 72
                  American Revolution Bicentennial Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2590)
American Revolution Bicentennial Commission:
I. Administration and Operations:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                 $ 1,800         $ 1,800
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,800         $ 1,800
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,300           $    
   Supplies                                           2,480
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      250             250
   Travel                                             2,950           2,950
   Sales and Use Tax                                     20
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 8,000         $ 3,200
  Allocation to Other Entities:
   2nd Reg.--S. C. Line Contin. Estab               $ 5,000         $ 5,000
   Commemoration of Battles                           7,500           7,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Allocation to Other Entities               $ 12,500        $ 12,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration and Operations               $ 22,300        $ 17,500
                                                ===========     ===========
Total American Revolution
 Bicentennial Commission                           $ 22,300        $ 17,500
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 78
                          Public Service Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2603)
Public Service Commission:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Agency Director                                 $ 40,241        $ 40,241
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Chairman                                          36,306          36,306
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Commissioner                                     200,194         200,194
                                                        (6)             (6)
   Classified Positions                             374,167         374,167
                                                       (26)            (26)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 650,908       $ 650,908
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 77,266        $ 77,266
   Supplies                                          20,900          20,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   63,679          63,679
   Travel                                            88,007          88,007
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 249,852       $ 249,852
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 900,760       $ 900,760
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Utility Regulation:
 A. Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 156,472       $ 156,472
                                                       (10)            (10)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 156,472       $ 156,472
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 23,312        $ 23,312
   Supplies                                           3,755           3,755
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   24,935          24,935
   Travel                                            37,148          37,148
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 89,150        $ 89,150
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Management                                 $ 245,622       $ 245,622
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Accounting:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 223,352       $ 223,352
                                                       (13)            (13)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 223,352       $ 223,352
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,423         $ 1,423
   Supplies                                           1,029           1,029
   Travel                                            15,330          15,330
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 17,782        $ 17,782
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Accounting                                 $ 241,134       $ 241,134
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Telephone:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 75,339        $ 75,339
                                                        (4)             (4)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 75,339        $ 75,339
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,680         $ 2,680
   Supplies                                             970             970
   Travel                                             4,735           4,735
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 8,385         $ 8,385
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Telephone                                   $ 83,724        $ 83,724
                                                ===========     ===========

 D. Gas:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 89,090        $ 89,090
                                                        (5)             (5)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 89,090        $ 89,090
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,163         $ 2,163
   Supplies                                           1,191           1,191
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      645             645
   Travel                                            10,884          10,884
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 14,883        $ 14,883
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Gas                                        $ 103,973       $ 103,973
                                                ===========     ===========
 E. Water and Sewerage:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 69,837        $ 69,837
                                                        (4)             (4)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 69,837        $ 69,837
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 4,394         $ 4,394
   Supplies                                           1,073           1,073
   Travel                                             4,828           4,828
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 10,295        $ 10,295
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Water and Sewerage                          $ 80,132        $ 80,132
                                                ===========     ===========
 F. Electric:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 102,822       $ 102,822
                                                        (6)             (6)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 102,822       $ 102,822
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,895         $ 2,895
   Supplies                                           1,404           1,404
   Travel                                             6,365           6,365
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 10,664        $ 10,664
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Electric                                   $ 113,486       $ 113,486
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Utility Regulation                          $ 868,071       $ 868,071
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Transportation Regulation:
 A. Management:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 159,948       $ 159,948
                                                       (10)            (10)
  Other Personal Service:
   Other Personal Services                            1,147           1,147
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 161,095       $ 161,095
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 8,883         $ 8,883
   Supplies                                          11,577          11,577
   Fixed Charges and Contribution                    24,845          24,845
   Travel                                            33,704          33,704
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 79,009        $ 79,009
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Management                                 $ 240,104       $ 240,104
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Railway:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 90,212        $ 74,931
                                                        (4)             (4)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 90,212        $ 74,931
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 40,420        $ 20,420
   Supplies                                             586             586
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      348             348
   Travel                                             2,865           2,865
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 44,219        $ 24,219
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Railway                                    $ 134,431        $ 99,150
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Motor Transportation:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 433,724       $ 433,724
                                                       (33)            (33)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 433,724       $ 433,724
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 5,000         $ 5,000
   Supplies                                          28,434          28,434
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,392           1,392
   Travel                                           124,378         124,378
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total other Operating Expenses                  $ 159,204       $ 159,204
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Motor Transportation                       $ 592,928       $ 592,928
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Registration and Safety:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 244,206       $ 244,206
                                                       (20)            (20)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 244,206       $ 244,206
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 4,000         $ 4,000
   Supplies                                           8,500           8,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    8,500           8,500
   Travel                                            43,405          43,405
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 64,405        $ 64,405
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Registration and Safety                    $ 308,611       $ 308,611
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Transportation Regulation                 $ 1,276,074     $ 1,240,793
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 65,470        $ 64,970
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 65,470        $ 64,970
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 65,470        $ 64,970
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 400,821       $ 398,251
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 400,821       $ 398,251
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 400,821       $ 398,251
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 466,291       $ 463,221
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Public Service
 Commission                                     $ 3,511,196     $ 3,472,845
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (143)           (143)
  Provided, That the Public Service Commission shall certify to the 
Comptroller General the amounts to be assessed against utilities companies to 
cover appropriations in this section as follows: (1) the amount applicable to 
the assessment on utilities companies as provided for by Section 58-3-100, 
Code of Laws of 1976, (2) the amount to be assessed against gas utility 
companies as provided for in Section 58-5-940, Code of Laws of 1976, (3) the 
amount to be assessed against electric light and power companies as  provided 
for in Section 58-3-100, Code of Laws of 1976, and (4) the amount to be 
covered by revenue from motor transport fees as provided for by Section 58-
23-630, Code of Laws of 1976. Provided, however, that the railroad companies 
shall be assessed an amount of $64,051.00 for the support of the rates and 
Railroad Inspection sub-units of the Transportation Division.
  Provided, Further, That the Motor Transport Division of the Public Service 
Commission is hereby authorized to make refunds of fees which were 
erroneously collected.
  Provided, Further, That the Commission, within its discretion, may prorate 
and adjust any portion or all of the license fees for D, E, and F certificate 
holders as between vehicles and units of  various types, when the exceptions 
to provisions of Section 58-23-610, Code of Laws of 1976 are met.
  Provided, Further, That the Public Service Commission shall, on  or before 
June 30, 1981, certify to the Comptroller General the intrastate gross 
income, for the year ending December 31, 1980, of each public service company 
doing business in the State and the Comptroller General shall use this 
certified intrastate gross income to assess the companies for the support of 
the Commission as provided under Sections 58-3-100 and 58-5-940, Code of Laws 
of 1976. The intrastate gross income shall show: (1) The amount applicable to 
utility companies as provided for by Section 58-3-100, Code of Laws of 1976; 
(2) the amount applicable to gas utility companies as provided for by Section 
58-5-940, Code of Laws of 1976, and (3) the amount applicable to electric 
light and power companies as provided for by Section 58-3-100, Code of Laws 
of 1976.
  Provided, Further, That the four attorneys provided for in this section 
Program I "Administration" shall be appointed by the Commission with the 
approval of the Attorney General and be assigned to the Commission.
  Provided, Further, That the salaries of the chairman and the commissioners 
as provided in this section shall not be construed as limiting the maximum 
salary which may be paid to other employees of the Public Service Commission.
  Provided, Further, That the funds appropriated in Program III B "Railway" 
shall be used as matching funds to provide for two railroad inspection 
engineers in order to comply with the provisions of Public Law 91-458 (The 
Rail Safety Act).
                                  SECTION 74
                            Industrial Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2636)
Industrial Commission:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 29,083        $ 29,083
                                                        (3)             (3)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 29,083        $ 29,083
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,901         $ 1,901
   Supplies                                          20,940           9,940
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   83,466          83,466
   Travel                                               375             375
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 106,682        $ 95,682
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 135,765       $ 124,765
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Judicial:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioners                                  $ 327,776       $ 327,776
                                                        (7)             (7)
   Classified Positions                             310,558         310,558
                                                       (24)            (24)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 638,334       $ 638,334
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                              13,815        $ 13,815
   Supplies                                          56,572          52,772
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,835           7,835
   Travel                                            43,200          42,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 121,422       $ 116,422
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Judicial                                   $ 759,756       $ 754,756
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Administrative:
 A. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 46,825        $ 46,825
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              34,475          34,475
                                                        (4)             (4)
   Temporary Positions                                  881             881
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 82,181        $ 82,181
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,434         $ 2,434
   Supplies                                           4,286           4,286
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,699           3,699
   Travel                                             1,500           1,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 11,919        $ 11,919
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 94,100        $ 94,100
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Coverage and Compliance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 150,001       $ 150,001
                                                       (14)            (14)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 150,001       $ 150,001
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 4,561         $ 4,561
   Supplies                                           8,497           6,347
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,959           6,959
   Travel                                            10,533           9,683
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 30,550        $ 27,550
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Coverage and Compliance                    $ 180,551       $ 177,551
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Claims and Statistics:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 153,385       $ 153,385
                                                       (13)            (13)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 153,385       $ 153,385
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,071         $ 3,071
   Supplies                                           7,686           7,686
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,640           2,640
   Travel                                               500             500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 13,897        $ 13,897
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Claims and Statistics                      $ 167,282       $ 167,282
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Medical Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 35,845        $ 35,845
                                                        (3)             (3)
   Unclassified Positions                             7,510           7,510
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 43,355        $ 43,355
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 6,883         $ 6,883
   Supplies                                             450             450
   Travel                                               500             500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 7,833         $ 7,833
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Medical Services                            $ 51,188        $ 51,188
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Administrative                              $ 493,121       $ 490,121
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1979-80                   $ 25,589        $ 25,589
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 25,589        $ 25,589
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 25,589        $ 25,589
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 173,613       $ 173,613
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 173,613       $ 173,613
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 173,613       $ 173,613
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 199,202       $ 199,202
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Industrial Commission                     $ 1,587,844     $ 1,568,844
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (70)            (70)
                                  SECTION 76
                      State Workman's Compensation Fund
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2661)
Workmen's Compensation Fund:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 32,711        $ 32,711
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             353,919         353,919
                                                       (32)            (32)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 386,630       $ 386,630
  Other Operating expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 36,565        $ 36,565
   Supplies                                          29,900          29,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   36,887          36,887
   Travel                                            36,744          36,744
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 140,096       $ 140,096
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 526,726       $ 526,726
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 9,964         $ 9,964
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 9,964         $ 9,964
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 9,964         $ 9,964
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 66,504        $ 66,504
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 66,504        $ 66,504
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 66,504        $ 66,504
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 76,468        $ 76,468
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Workmen's
 Compensation Fund                                $ 603,194       $ 603,194
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (33)            (33)
                                  SECTION 76
                              Second Injury Fund
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2674)
Second Injury Fund:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 28,927          $     
   Classified Positions                              79,609
  New Positions:
   Comp. Claim Field Rep. II                         23,724
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 132,260           $    
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 11,260           $    
   Supplies                                           5,058
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   16,550
   Travel                                            25,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 57,868           $    
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 190,128           $    
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 2,829           $    
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,829           $    
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 2,829           $    
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 17,740           $    
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 17,740           $    
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 17,740           $    
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 20,569           $    
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Second Injury Fund                          $ 210,697           $    
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (9)
                                  SECTION 77
                             Insurance Department
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2686)
Insurance Department: 
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Chief Insurance Commissioner                    $ 49,059        $ 49,059
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified                                       600,230         600,230
                                                       (37)            (37)
  Other Personal Service:
                                                      2,625           2,625
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 651,914       $ 651,914
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 135,123       $ 135,123
   Supplies                                          76,300          76,300
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  225,600         225,600
   Travel                                            26,900          26,900
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 463,923       $ 463,923
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                           $ 1,115,837     $ 1,115,837
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Licensing and Taxation Division:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 243,990       $ 243,990
                                                       (18)            (18)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 243,990       $ 243,990
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 6,000         $ 6,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 6,000         $ 6,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Licensing and 
  Taxation Division                               $ 249,990       $ 249,990
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Financial Condition Division:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 456,938       $ 456,938
                                                       (25)            (25)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 456,938       $ 456,938
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                         $ 219,000       $ 219,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 219,000       $ 219,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Financial Condition Division               $ 675,938       $ 675,938
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Market Conduct Division:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 239,162       $ 239,162
                                                       (15)            (15)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 239,162       $ 239,162
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                          $ 10,000        $ 10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 10,000        $ 10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Market Conduct Division                    $ 249,162       $ 249,162
                                                ===========     ===========
V. State Rating and Statistical Division:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 411,171       $ 411,171
                                                       (26)            (26)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 411,171       $ 411,171
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 702,329       $ 702,329
   Supplies                                           2,000           2,000
   Travel                                            12,000          12,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 716,329       $ 716,329
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Rating and
  Statistical Division                          $ 1,127,500     $ 1,127,500
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 55,621        $ 55,621
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 55,621        $ 55,621
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 55,621        $ 55,621
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 321,377       $ 321,377
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 321,377       $ 321,377
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 321,377       $ 321,377
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 376,998       $ 376,998
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Department of Insurance                   $ 3,795,425     $ 3,795,425
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (122)           (122)
  Provided, That all reimbursements received by the Department for travel 
expenses shall be remitted to the General Fund of the State.
                                  SECTION 78
                        Board of Financial Institutions
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2705)
Subsection 78A:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board                                  $ 3,360         $ 3,360
   Official Ex-Officio Allow.-
    -Chairman                                         2,986           2,986
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 6,346         $ 6,346
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 100           $ 100
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,162           6,162
   Travel                                             1,762           1,762
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 8,024         $ 8,024
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 14,370        $ 14,370
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 408           $ 408
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 408           $ 408
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 408           $ 408
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 408           $ 408
                                                ===========     ===========
Total State Board of Financial
 Institutions Administration                       $ 14,778        $ 14,778
                                                ===========     ===========
Subsection 78B:
I. Bank Examining:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner of Banking                         $ 34,787        $ 34,787
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             388,038         388,038
                                                       (26)            (26)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 422,825       $ 422,825
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 4,300         $ 4,300
   Supplies                                           3,850           3,850
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   12,815          12,815
   Travel                                           120,029         120,029
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 140,994       $ 140,994
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Bank Examining                             $ 563,819       $ 563,819
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 10,240        $ 10,240
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 10,240        $ 10,240
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 10,240        $ 10,240
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 68,184        $ 68,184
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits:                           $ 68,184        $ 68,184
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 68,184        $ 68,184
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 78,424        $ 78,424
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Bank Examining                              $ 642,243       $ 642,243
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (27)            (27)
Subsection 78C:
I. Consumer Finance:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 29,470        $ 29,470
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             124,873         124,873
                                                        (7)             (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                   97              97
   Official Ex-Officio Allow. Chairman                1,590           1,590
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 156,030       $ 156,030
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,800         $ 1,800
   Supplies                                           4,500           4,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,030           6,030
   Travel                                            44,404          44,404
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expense                    $ 56,734        $ 56,734
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Internal Administration                    $ 212,764       $ 212,764
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 3,473         $ 3,473
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 3,473         $ 3,473
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 3,473         $ 3,473
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                      24,198        $ 24,198
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 24,198        $ 24,198
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 24,198        $ 24,198
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 27,671        $ 27,671
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Consumer Finance Division                   $ 240,435       $ 240,435
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (8)             (8)
Total Board of Financial
 Institutions                                     $ 897,456       $ 897,456
                                                ===========     ===========
  Provided, That the Board of Financial Institutions shall fix the 
examination fees of banks, depositories, savings and loan associations and 
credit unions on a scale which, together with fees collected by the Consumer 
Finance Division, will fully cover the total funds appropriated under this 
section. Such collections shall be deposited for credit to the General Fund.
                                  SECTION 79
                        Commission on Consumer Affairs
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2737)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Administrator                                   $ 41,000        $ 41,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             193,778         193,778
                                                       (16)            (16)
  New Position:
   Legal                                              3,753           3,753
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           3,780           3,780
   Temporary Positions                                1,000           1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 243,311       $ 243,311
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 14,830        $ 14,330
   Supplies                                          11,164          10,615
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   61,162          60,612
   Travel                                             7,420           7,420
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 94,576        $ 92,977
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 337,887       $ 336,288
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Consumer Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 107,557       $ 107,557
                                                        (9)             (9)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 107,557       $ 107,557
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 17,460        $ 17,460
   Supplies                                           9,195           9,195
   Travel                                             3,875           3,875
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 30,530        $ 30,530
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Consumer Services                          $ 138,087       $ 138,087
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Consumer Advocacy:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 163,639       $ 163,639
                                                       (12)            (12)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 163,639       $ 163,639
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 218,376       $ 191,206
   Supplies                                           4,226           3,400
   Travel                                             7,500           6,975
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 230,102       $ 201,581
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Consumer Advocacy                          $ 393,741       $ 365,220
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 12,468        $ 12,468
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 12,468        $ 12,468
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 12,468        $ 12,468
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 84,203        $ 82,793
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 84,203        $ 82,793
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total State Employer Contributions               $ 84,203        $ 82,793
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Employee Benefits                           $ 96,671        $ 95,261
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Department of
 Consumer Affairs                                 $ 966,386       $ 934,856
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (39)            (39)
                                  SECTION 80
                            State Dairy Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2753)
I. Administration:                            Total Funds     General Funds
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 31,183        $ 31,183
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              16,778          16,778
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           4,000           4,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 51,961        $ 51,961
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 16,188        $ 16,188
   Supplies                                           7,357           7,357
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,379           9,379
   Travel                                             5,000           5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 37,924        $ 37,924
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 89,885        $ 89,885
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Audits:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 70,549        $ 70,549
                                                        (5)             (5)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 70,549        $ 70,549
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 8,900         $ 8,900
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 8,900         $ 8,900
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Audits                                      $ 79,449        $ 79,449
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Inspections:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                             $ 7,562         $ 7,562
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 7,562         $ 7,562
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                             $ 350           $ 350
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                      $ 350           $ 350
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Inspections                                  $ 7,912         $ 7,912
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 374           $ 374
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 374           $ 374
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 374           $ 374
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 19,961        $ 19,961
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 19,961        $ 19,961
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 19,961        $ 19,961
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 20,335        $ 20,335
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Dairy Commission                            $ 197,581       $ 197,581
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (8)             (8)
  Provided, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, distributors and 
sub-distributors of milk, licensed by the State Dairy Commission, shall be 
allowed to bid for the milk and milk products required by any state, county 
or municipal agency or institution in its day-to-day operations. Such bid 
shall not be restricted to any minimum price established by the Commission 
and the agency or institution involved shall comply with the applicable laws 
as certain to accepting merchandise on bid. All milk and milk products must 
be bid and priced separately. This proviso shall not be construed to require 
any institution to accept the lowest bid for milk and milk products and such 
institutions may consider any other relevant factors in awarding contracts 
for the purchase of such products.
  Provided, That the Dairy Commission shall assess the dairy industry, one-
half (1/2) to the producer and one-half (1/2) to the distributor, during the 
fiscal year 1980-81, in an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount 
appropriated in this Section and shall be deposited to the credit of the 
General Fund.
                                  SECTION 81
                              Department of Labor
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2768)
I. Administration:                            Total Funds     General Funds
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner                                    $ 40,247        $ 40,247
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             304,944         304,944
                                                       (24)            (24)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 345,191       $ 345,191
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                        $ 23,937        $ 23,937
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   76,810          76,810
   Travel                                            16,750          16,750
   Contractual Services                              62,271          62,271
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 179,768       $ 179,768
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 524,959       $ 524,959
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Occupational Safety and Health:
 A. General Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 49,554        $ 23,008
                                                        (3)             (3)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 49,554        $ 23,008
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 11,828         $ 5,914
   Supplies                                           8,400           4,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   12,642           6,321
   Travel                                             3,000           1,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 35,870        $ 17,935
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total General Administration                      $ 85,424        $ 40,943
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Compliance:
 1. Safety Compliance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 389,411       $ 194,705
                                                       (32)            (32)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 389,411       $ 194,705
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 12,860         $ 6,430
   Supplies                                          14,028           7,014
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   13,818           6,909
   Travel                                           128,236          64,118
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 168,942        $ 84,471
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Safety Compliance                          $ 558,353       $ 279,176
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Compliance                                  $ 558,353       $ 279,176
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Consultation--Public Sector:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                             $ 2,950         $ 1,475
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,950         $ 1,475
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 600           $ 300
   Supplies                                             330             165
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      470             235
   Travel                                             1,188             594
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 2,588         $ 1,294
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Consultation--Public Sector                  $ 5,538         $ 2,769
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Training:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 118,948        $ 59,474
                                                        (7)             (7)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 118,948        $ 59,474
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 5,050         $ 2,525
   Supplies                                           3,100           1,550
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,404           3,202
   Travel                                            19,502           9,751
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 34,056        $ 17,028
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Training                                   $ 153,004        $ 76,502
                                                ===========     ===========
 E. Standards:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 26,540        $ 13,270
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 26,540        $ 13,270
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,000         $ 1,000
   Supplies                                           1,500             750
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,230           1,615
   Travel                                               888             444
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 7,618         $ 3,809
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Standards                                   $ 34,158        $ 17,079
                                                ===========     ===========
 F. Legal Review:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 46,658        $ 23,329
                                                        (4)             (4)
  New Positions:
   Legal Secretary II                                11,655           5,827
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Attorney I                                        18,449           9,225
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 76,762        $ 38,381
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 94,600        $ 47,300
   Supplies                                          11,200           5,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    8,332           4,166
   Travel                                            10,000           5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 124,132        $ 62,066
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Legal Review                               $ 200,894       $ 100,447
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Occupational Safety
 and Health                                     $ 1,037,371       $ 516,916
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Labor Management Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 191,778       $ 191,778
                                                       (11)            (11)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 191,778       $ 191,778
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 8,803         $ 8,803
   Supplies                                           1,800           1,800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,810           7,810
   Travel                                            21,743          21,743
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 40,156        $ 40,156
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Labor Management Services                  $ 231,934       $ 231,934
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Migrant Labor:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 191,257        $ 26,129
                                                       (17)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 191,257        $ 26,129
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 16,933           $ 800
   Supplies                                           7,900             550
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   23,029             125
   Travel                                            60,591             591
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 108,453         $ 2,066
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and
    Public Assistance                             $ 125,000         $      
   Case Services--Physician                           1,897
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Public Assistance                         $ 126,897         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Migrant Labor                              $ 426,607        $ 28,195
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Employment Standards:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 214,941       $ 214,941
                                                       (16)            (16)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 214,941       $ 214,941
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 10,725        $ 10,725
   Supplies                                           2,675           2,675
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,694           6,694
   Travel                                            33,101          33,101
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 53,195        $ 53,195
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Employment Standards                       $ 268,136       $ 268,136
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Research and Statistics:
 A. State Programs:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 27,157        $ 27,157
                                                        (3)             (3)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 27,157        $ 27,157
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 9,550         $ 9,550
   Supplies                                           5,600           5,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,666           3,666
   Travel                                               588             588
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 19,404        $ 19,404
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Programs                              $ 46,561        $ 46,561
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. OSHA--Statistics:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 45,855        $ 22,928
                                                        (4)             (4)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 45,855        $ 22,928
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 31,200        $ 15,600
   Supplies                                          10,300           5,150
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    4,762           2,381
   Travel                                             1,410             705
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 47,672        $ 23,836
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total OSHA--Statistics                            $ 93,527        $ 46,764
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. OSHA--Mis:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 45,494        $ 22,747
                                                        (4)             (4)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 45,494        $ 22,747
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 19,150         $ 9,575
   Supplies                                           1,050             525
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    4,762           2,381
   Travel                                               310             155
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 25,272        $ 12,636
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total OSHA--Mis                                   $ 70,766        $ 35,383
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Research and Statistics                     $ 210,854       $ 128,708
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Consultation--Private Sector:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 160,713        $ 16,072
                                                       (10)            (10)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 160,713        $ 16,072
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 6,000           $ 600
   Supplies                                           3,050             305
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,030             903
   Travel                                            31,340           3,134
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 49,420         $ 4,942
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Consultation--Private Sector               $ 210,133        $ 21,014
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 62,176        $ 34,466
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 62,176        $ 34,466
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 62,176        $ 34,466
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 325,092       $ 203,984
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 325,092       $ 203,984
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 325,092       $ 203,984
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 387,268       $ 238,450
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Labor Department                          $ 3,297,262     $ 1,958,312
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (140)           (125)
  Provided, Further, That of the appropriations contained in this section, 
$199,000 shall be contingent upon the Department of Labor receiving and 
remitting to the General Fund indirect and/or over-head cost recoveries of a 
like amount. If the indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries are less than 
the foregoing amount, the appropriations provided in this section shall be 
reduced by the difference between the foregoing amount and the amount 
actually collected and remitted to the General Fund. However, nothing 
contained herein shall be construed as authorizing additional appropriations 
should the indirect and/or overhead cost recoveries exceed $199,000.
  Provided, That any unexpended balance of the $53,000 appropriated to the 
Department of Labor to install computer terminal equipment may be carried 
forward to the year 80-81 and expended for
the same purpose.
                                  SECTION 82
                             State Tax Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2803)
I. Administration and Program Support:
 A. Administrative:
  Personal Service:
   Chairman                                        $ 42,750        $ 42,750
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Commissioner                                      80,200          80,200
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Classified Positions                             656,484         656,484
                                                       (36)            (36)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                              104,206         104,206
  Total Personal Service                          $ 883,640       $ 883,640
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 227,766       $ 227,766
   Supplies                                         213,586         213,586
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  615,287         615,287
   Travel                                            66,155          66,155
   Purchase of Evidence                               3,000           3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,125,794     $ 1,125,794
  Special Items:
   Codifying Regulations
    and Decisions                                   $ 5,500         $ 5,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 5,500         $ 5,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administrative                           $ 2,014,934     $ 2,014,934
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Data Processing:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 934,700       $ 934,700
                                                       (80)            (80)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 934,700       $ 934,700
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                          25,000        $ 25,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  328,902         328,902
   Travel                                             1,682           1,682
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 355,584       $ 355,584
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Data Processing                          $ 1,290,284     $ 1,290,284
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. Service:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 447,374       $ 447,374
                                                       (42)            (42)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 447,374       $ 447,374
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                        $ 52,600        $ 52,600
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,380           9,380
   Travel                                             3,496           3,496
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 65,476        $ 65,476
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Service                                    $ 512,850       $ 512,850
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Warrant:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 420,297       $ 420,297
                                                       (27)            (27)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 420,297       $ 420,297
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                        $ 11,000        $ 11,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,000           1,000
   Travel                                           100,200         100,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 112,200       $ 112,200
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Warrant                                    $ 532,497       $ 532,497
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Administration and
 Program Support                                $ 4,350,565     $ 4,350,565
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Audit and Collection:
 A. Estate Tax:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 213,666       $ 213,666
                                                       (12)            (12)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 213,666       $ 213,666
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                         $ 8,000         $ 8,000
   Travel                                            16,745          16,745
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 24,745        $ 24,745
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Estate Tax                                 $ 238,411       $ 238,411
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Income Tax:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 2,432,701     $ 2,432,701
                                                      (163)           (163)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,432,701     $ 2,432,701
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                       $ 528,330       $ 528,330
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,920           1,920
   Travel                                           202,362         202,362
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 732,612       $ 732,612
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Income Tax                               $ 3,165,313     $ 3,165,313
                                                ===========     ===========
 C. License Tax:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 1,070,185     $ 1,070,185
                                                       (68)            (68)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,070,185     $ 1,070,185
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                       $ 132,500       $ 132,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,200           1,200
   Travel                                           187,729         187,729
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 321,429       $ 321,429
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total License Tax                              $ 1,391,614     $ 1,391,614
                                                ===========     ===========
 D. Property Tax:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 925,291       $ 925,291
                                                       (54)            (54)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 925,291       $ 925,291
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                        $ 36,400        $ 36,400
   Travel                                           189,891         189,891
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 226,291       $ 226,291
  Special Items:
  Agricultural and Forest Land Use:
   Property Reassessment                           $ 12,900        $ 12,900
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 12,900        $ 12,900
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Property Tax                             $ 1,164,482     $ 1,164,482
                                                ===========     ===========
 E. Sales and Use Tax:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 2,334,160     $ 2,334,160
                                                      (153)           (153)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,334,160     $ 2,334,160
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                       $ 136,204       $ 136,204
   Travel                                           278,178         278,178
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 414,382       $ 414,382
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Sales and Use Tax                        $ 2,748,542     $ 2,748,542
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Audit and Collection                      $ 8,708,362     $ 8,708,362
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments--Continued 79-80                    $ 273,490       $ 273,490
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 273,490       $ 273,490
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 273,490       $ 273,490
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,594,746     $ 1,594,746
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                         $ 1,594,746     $ 1,594,746
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                                 $ 1,594,746     $ 1,594,746
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 1,868,236     $ 1,868,236
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Tax Commission                           $ 14,927,163    $ 14,927,163
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                            (638)           (638)
  Provided, That appropriations in this Act to cover the cost of law 
enforcement in the Governor's Office with respect to alcoholic liquors and 
the cost of the administration and enforcement of alcoholic liquor laws by 
the Tax Commission and appropriations in this Act for expenses of the 
Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission shall be deducted from the total 
revenues from alcoholic liquors before distribution of such revenues to the 
counties and municipalities of the State and such amounts withheld shall be 
remitted to the General Fund of the State.
  Provided, Further, That the Tax Commission, with the approval of the Budget 
and Control Board, is authorized to withhold from the revenue collected under 
the provisions of Section 12-29-10 through 12-29-40, and Section 12-31-10 
through 12-31-50, Code of Laws, 1976, such funds as are necessary for the 
adequate administration and enforcement of said Act and remit the funds 
withheld to the credit of the General Fund of the State.
  Provided, Further, That the Tax Commission is hereby directed to design and 
provide special tax stamps for use in the administration and collection of 
the tax on shells and cartridges provided for in Section 12-21-610 through 
12-21-820, Code of Laws, 1976. Such stamps shall be sold on the same terms 
and conditions as stamps provided for other taxes in this same Article.
  Provided, Further, That funds received from the collection of Warrants for 
Distraint shall not be expended to supplement the appropriations of the Tax 
Commission and the Warrant Division. Any unexpended balance in the "Warrant 
Revolving Fund", less any amount necessary for adequate cash flow, shall be 
deposited to the Credit of the General Fund of the State.
                                  SECTION 83
                    Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2833)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Chairman                                        $ 42,308        $ 42,308
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Commissioners                                     79,434          79,434
                                                        (2)             (2)
   Classified Positions                             186,214         186,214
                                                       (14)            (14)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 307,956       $ 307,956
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 26,179        $ 26,179
   Supplies                                           5,301           5,301
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   49,685          49,685
   Travel                                             4,027           4,027
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 85,192        $ 85,192
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 393,148         393,148
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Investigation:
   Classified Positions                           $ 563,882       $ 563,882
                                                       (41)            (41)
  New Positions:
   Investigator I A B C                              22,000          22,000
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 585,882       $ 585,882
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 21,320        $ 21,320
   Supplies                                          85,950          85,950
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   11,810          11,810
   Travel                                            27,000          27,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 146,080       $ 146,080
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Investigation                              $ 731,962       $ 731,962
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Licensing:
   Classified Positions                            $ 57,792        $ 57,792
                                                        (5)             (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Position                                 1,911           1,911
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 59,703        $ 59,703
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,000         $ 1,000
   Supplies                                          22,600          22,600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 23,600        $ 23,600
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Licensing                                   $ 83,303        $ 83,303
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 23,338        $ 23,338
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 23,338        $ 23,338
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 23,338        $ 23,338
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 182,539       $ 182,539
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 182,539       $ 182,539
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 182,539       $ 182,539
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 205,877       $ 205,877
                                                ===========     ===========
Total ABC Commission                            $ 1,414,290     $ 1,414,290
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (65)            (65)
  Provided, That the Revolving Fund which is maintained for the purpose of 
purchasing alcoholic beverages in connection with law enforcement by this 
Commission, shall be limited to $500.00.
  Provided, Further, That the Commission is directed to maintain adequate 
records accounting for the receipt of funds from the sale of confiscated 
alcoholic beverages. Such revenue shall be deposited to the credit of the 
General Fund of the State.
                                  SECTION 84
                            State Ethics Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2851)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 27,608        $ 27,608
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              34,521          34,521
                                                        (3)             (3)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   2,520           2,520
   Temporary Positions                                2,646
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 67,295        $ 64,649
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 10,385        $ 10,385
   Supplies                                           7,700           7,700
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,123           7,123
   Travel                                             3,400           3,400
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 28,608        $ 28,608
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 95,903        $ 93,257
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
  Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 1,154         $ 1,154
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,154         $ 1,154
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 1,154         $ 1,154
                                                ===========     ===========
  State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 9,975         $ 9,815
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 9,975         $ 9,815
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 9,975         $ 9,815
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 11,129        $ 10,969
                                                ===========     ===========
Total State Ethics Commission                     $ 107,032       $ 104,226
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (4)             (4)
                                  SECTION 85
                     S. C. Employment Security Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2864)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Chairman                                        $ 34,893          $     
   Commissioners                                     68,272
   Executive Director                                43,295
   Classified Positions                           1,497,482
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                               65,559
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 1,709,501          $     
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 478,959          $     
   Supplies                                         197,953
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  414,739
   Travel                                           151,132
   Indemnity Claims and Awards                           37
   Sales and Use Tax                                      4
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,242,824          $     
  Permanent Improvement:
   Nonstructural Improvement                        $ 7,500          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvement                       $ 7,500          $     
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments                           $ 153,619          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Public Assistance Payments                $ 153,619          $     
  Distribution to Subdivisions:
   Allocation to Other
    State Agencies                                 $ 33,836          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Distribution to Subdivisions               $ 33,836          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                           $ 3,147,280          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employment Service:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                        $ 10,476,763          $     
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                              384,832
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                       $ 10,861,595          $     
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                          $ 1,176,41          $     
   Supplies                                         486,214
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                1,043,237
   Travel                                           420,332
   Indemnity Claims and Awards                           94
   Sales and Use Tax                                     11
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 3,126,303          $     
  Permanent Improvement:
   Nonstructural Improvement                       $ 20,000          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvement                      $ 20,000          $     
  Public Assistance Payment:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments                           $ 377,317          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Public Assistance Payments                $ 377,317          $     
  Distribution to Subdivision:
   Allocation to Other
    State Agencies                                 $ 81,671          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Distribution to Subdivision                $ 81,671          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Employment Services                     $ 14,466,886          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Unemployment Insurance Services:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 5,343,644          $     
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                              220,632
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 5,564,276          $     
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 689,016          $     
   Supplies                                         284,772
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  611,017
   Travel                                           246,185
   Indemnity Claims and Awards                           54
   Sales and Use Tax                                      7
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 1,831,051          $     
  Permanent Improvement:
   Nonstructural Improvement                       $ 15,000          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvement                      $ 15,000          $     
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Case Services and Public
    Assistance Payments                        $ 15,150,836          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Public Assistance
   Payments                                    $ 15,150,836          $     
  Distribution to Subdivision:
   Allocation to Other
    State Agencies                                 $ 48,677          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Distribution
   to Subdivision                                  $ 48,677          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Unemployment
  Insurance Services                           $ 22,609,840          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                    $ 469,601          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 469,601          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                          $ 469,601          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                 $ 3,071,897          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                         $ 3,071,897          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                                 $ 3,071,897          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                         $ 3,541,498          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employment
 Security Commission                           $ 43,765,504          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                           (1391)
                                  SECTION 86
                             Board of Accountancy
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2883)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 10,000        $ 10,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              13,448          13,448
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   6,820           6,820
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 30,268        $ 30,268
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 32,291        $ 32,291
   Supplies                                           3,262           3,262
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    5,066           5,066
   Travel                                             9,200           9,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 49,819        $ 49,819
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Administration                              $ 80,087        $ 80,087
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 387           $ 387
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 387           $ 387
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 387           $ 387
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 3,312         $ 3,312
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 3,312         $ 3,312
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 3,312         $ 3,312
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 3,699         $ 3,699
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Accountancy Board                            $ 83,786        $ 83,786
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (2)             (2)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of the Sections 40-1-10 through 
40-1-10, Code of Laws of 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 87
                       Board of Architectural Examiners
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2896)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Secretary-Treasurer                    $ 9,500         $ 9,500
   Classified Position                                7,543           7,543
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board                                    6,430           6,430
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 23,473        $ 23,473
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 7,806         $ 7,806
   Supplies                                           7,620           7,620
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    7,553           7,553
   Travel                                             7,586           7,586
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 30,565        $ 30,565
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 54,038        $ 54,038
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 264           $ 264
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 264           $ 264
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 264           $ 264
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 2,708         $ 2,708
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 2,708         $ 2,708
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 2,708         $ 2,708
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 2,972         $ 2,972
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Architectural Examiners Board                $ 57,010        $ 57,010
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (2)             (2)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-3-10 through 40-3-
160, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, examination 
fees, other fees, use of commodities and services, and income derived from 
any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be remitted to the 
State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least once each week, 
and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, 
all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be leaned in an amount sufficient 
to at least equal the amount appropriated in this section.
                                  SECTION 88
                            Auctioneers' Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2911)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 25,983        $ 25,983
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Position                               10,812          10,812
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Services:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   2,275           2,275
   Temporary Positions                                5,566           5,566
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 44,636        $ 44,636
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 11,878        $ 11,878
   Supplies                                           2,900           2,900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    4,475           4,475
   Travel                                             6,000           6,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 25,253        $ 25,253
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 69,889        $ 69,889
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 378           $ 378
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 378           $ 378
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 378           $ 378
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 6,080         $ 6,080
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 6,080         $ 6,080
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 6,080         $ 6,080
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 6,458         $ 6,458
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Auctioneers' Commission                      $ 76,347        $ 76,347
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (2)             (2)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Act 111 of 1977, all revenues 
and income from licenses, examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities 
and services, and income derived from any other Board or Commission source or 
activity shall be remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when 
practicable, but at least once each week, and shall be credited to the 
General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or 
licenses shall be levied in an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount 
appropriated in this section.
                                  SECTION 89
                          Board of Barber Examiners
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2925)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 44,894        $ 44,894
                                                        (5)             (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission                     6,300           6,300
   Temporary Position                                 2,400           2,400
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 53,594        $ 53,594
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,973         $ 1,973
   Supplies                                           1,800           1,800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,740           3,740
   Travel                                            16,179          16,179
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 23,692        $ 23,692
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 77,286        $ 77,286
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 839           $ 839
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 839           $ 839
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 839           $ 839
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 8,265         $ 8,265
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 8,265         $ 8,265
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 8,265         $ 8,265
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 9,104         $ 9,104
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Board of Barber Examiners                    $ 86,390        $ 86,390
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (5)             (5)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-7-10 through 40-7-
300, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, examination 
fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income derived from 
any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be remitted to the 
State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, ,but at least once each week, 
and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, 
all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in an amount sufficient 
to at least equal the amount appropriated this section.
                                  SECTION 90
                                Cemetery Board
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2936)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service: I
   Ex. Officio Chairman                               $ 900           $ 900
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board                                      400             400
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,300         $ 1,300
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                          $ 947            $ 947
   Travel                                               250             250
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,197         $ 1,197
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 2,497         $ 2,497
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:                        Total Funds     General Funds
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 124           $ 124
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 124           $ 124
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 124           $ 124
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 124           $ 124
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Cemetery Board                                $ 2,621         $ 2,621
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 39-55-10 through 39-
55-120, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source of activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                 SECTION 90-A
                        Board of Chiropractic Examiners
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
  New Position:
   Clerk of the Board                              $ 11,107        $ 11,107
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission                     4,200           4,200
   Temporary Position                                 3,681           3,681
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 18,988        $ 18,988
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 10,800        $ 10,800
   Supplies                                           4,200           4,200
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,000           6,000
   Travel                                             9,000           9,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 30,000        $ 30,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 48,988        $ 48,988
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Board of Chiropractic
 Examiners                                         $ 48,988        $ 48,988
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-9-10 through 40-9-
110, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, examination 
fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income derived from 
any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be remitted to the 
State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least once each week, 
and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, 
all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in an amount sufficient 
to at least equal the amount appropriated in this section.
                                  SECTION 91
                          Contractors Licensing Board
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2947)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 23,132        $ 23,132
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              67,136          67,136
                                                        (6)             (6)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   1,200           1,200
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    1,475           1,475
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 92,943        $ 92,943
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 10,400        $ 10,400
   Supplies                                          15,060          15,060
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,300           9,300
   Travel                                            17,353          17,353
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 52,113        $ 52,113
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 145,056       $ 145,056
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 2,350         $ 2,350
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,350         $ 2,350
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 2,350         $ 2,350
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 15,408        $ 15,408
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 15,408        $ 15,408
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 15,408        $ 15,408
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 17,758        $ 17,758
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Contractors' Licensing Board                $ 162,814       $ 162,814
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (7)             (7)
                                  SECTION 92
                        Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2961)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Secretary                             $ 14,585        $ 14,585
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              61,056          61,056
                                                        (7)             (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission                    17,000          17,000
   Temporary Positions                                1,500           1,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 94,141        $ 94,141
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 20,129        $ 20,129
   Supplies                                           7,500           7,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   13,347          13,347
   Travel                                            41,191          41,191
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 82,167        $ 82,167
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 176,308       $ 176,308
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 1,883         $ 1,883
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,883         $ 1,883
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 1,883         $ 1,883
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 14,284        $ 14,284
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 14,284        $ 14,284
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 14,284        $ 14,284
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 16,167        $ 16,167
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Cosmetic Art Examiners Board                $ 192,475       $ 192,475
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (8)             (8)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-13-10 through 40-
13-420, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 93
                              Board of Dentistry
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2974)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                               $ 6,085         $ 6,085
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              12,011          12,011
                                                        (5)             (5)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board                                    9,202           9,202
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 27,298        $ 27,298
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 16,001        $ 16,001
   Supplies                                           9,800           9,800
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    3,881           3,881
   Travel                                            13,500          13,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 43,182        $ 43,182
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 70,480        $ 70,480
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 421           $ 421
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 421           $ 421
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 421           $ 421
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 2,441         $ 2,441
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 2,441         $ 2,441
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 2,441         $ 2,441
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 2,862         $ 2,862
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Dentistry Board                              $ 73,342        $ 73,342
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (6)              (6)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-15-10 through 40-
15-380, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be are credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments fees and/or licenses shall be levied in an 
amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this section.
                                  SECTION 94
                        Board of Engineering Examiners
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2986)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 23,027        $ 23,027
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              45,866          45,866
                                                        (4)              (4
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board Members                            6,170           6,170
   Temporary Positions                                1,449           1,449
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 76,512        $ 76,512
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 27,473        $ 27,473
   Supplies                                          14,758          14,758
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   22,652          22,652
   Travel                                             8,629           8,629
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 73,512        $ 73,512
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 150,024       $ 150,024
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 752           $ 752
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 752           $ 752
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 752           $ 752
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 11,625        $ 11,625
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 11,625        $ 11,625
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 11,625        $ 11,625
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 12,377        $ 12,377
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Board of
 Engineering Examiners                            $ 162,401       $ 162,401
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (5)             (5)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-21-10 through 40-
21-410, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 95
          Board of Certification of Environmental Systems Operators
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2999)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 22,146        $ 22,146
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              19,347          19,347
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 41,493        $ 41,493
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 8,575         $ 8,575
   Supplies                                           3,960           3,960
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    9,386           9,386
   Travel                                             2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 23,921        $ 23,921
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 65,414        $ 65,414
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 678           $ 678
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 678           $ 678
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 678           $ 678
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 6,814         $ 6,814
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 6,814         $ 6,814
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 6,814         $ 6,814
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 7,492         $ 7,492
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Board of Certification
 of Environmental Systems Operators                $ 72,906        $ 72,906
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (3)             (3)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-23-10 through 40-
23-170, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 96
                      Board of Registration for Foresters
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3014)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Position                              $ 1,757         $ 1,757
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission                       300             300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,057         $ 2,057
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 173           $ 173
   Supplies                                           1,145           1,145
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                       25              25
   Travel                                               625             625
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,968         $ 1,968
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 4,025         $ 4,025
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                         $ 60            $ 60
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                               $ 60            $ 60
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                               $ 60            $ 60
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 240           $ 240
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 240           $ 240
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 240           $ 240
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 300           $ 300
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Foresters Registration Board                  $ 4,325         $ 4,325
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 48-27-10 through 48-
27-250, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 97
                           Board of Funeral Service
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3025)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Secretary                              $ 8,177         $ 8,177
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Position                               12,780          12,780
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board                                    3,395           3,395
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 24,352        $ 24,352
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,987         $ 1,987
   Supplies                                           1,439           1,439
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      750             750
   Travel                                            13,227          13,227
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 17,403        $ 17,403
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 41,755        $ 41,755
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 447           $ 447
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 447           $ 447
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 447           $ 447
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 3,612         $ 3,612
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 3,612         $ 3,612
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 3,612         $ 3,612
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 4,059         $ 4,059
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Funeral Service Board                        $ 45,814        $ 45,814
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (2)             (2)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-19-10 through 40-
19-20, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, examination 
fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income derived from 
any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be remitted to the 
State Treasurer s collected, when practicable, but at least once each week, 
and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, 
assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in an amount sufficient to 
at least equal the amount appropriated in this section.
                                  SECTION 98
                          Board of Medical Examiners
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3037)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 27,884        $ 27,884
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             109,441         109,441
                                                       (13)            (13)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem - Board                                  17,375          17,375
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 154,700       $ 154,700
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 41,400        $ 41,400
   Supplies                                          23,308          23,308
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,430           6,430
   Travel                                            20,320          20,320
   General Operations-Investigations                 37,000          37,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 128,458       $ 128,458
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 283,158       $ 283,158
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 3,703         $ 3,703
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 3,703         $ 3,703
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 3,703         $ 3,703
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 22,266        $ 22,266
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 22,266        $ 22,266
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 22,266        $ 22,266
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 25,969        $ 25,969
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Medical Examiners                           $ 309,127       $ 309,127
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (14)            (14)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-47-10 through 40-
47-450, Code of Laws 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, examination 
fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income derived from 
any other Board or Commission
source or activity shall be remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, 
when practicable, but at least once each week, and shall be credited to the 
General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or 
licenses shall Abe levied in an amount sufficient to at least equal the 
amount appropriated in this section.
                                  SECTION 99
                               Board of Nursing
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3050)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 25,839        $ 25,839
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             179,643         179,643
                                                       (15)            (15)
  Other Person Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commission                    1,409           1,409
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 206,891       $ 206,891
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 65,300        $ 65,300
   Supplies                                          22,300          22,300
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   34,600          34,600
   Travel                                             7,950           7,950
   Nursing Workshop                                   2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 132,150       $ 132,150
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 339,041       $ 339,041
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 6,288         $ 6,288
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 6,288         $ 6,288
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 6,288         $ 6,288
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 28,273        $ 28,273
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 28,273        $ 28,273
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 28,273        $ 28,273
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 34,561        $ 34,561
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Nursing Board                               $ 373,602       $ 373,602
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (16)            (16)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-33-10 through 40-
33-1160, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 100
              Board of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3065)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Position                              $ 9,640         $ 9,640
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           1,540           1,540
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 11,180        $ 11,180
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,734         $ 1,734
   Supplies                                             900             900
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,294           1,294
   Travel                                               988             988
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 4,916         $ 4,916
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 16,096        $ 16,096
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 104           $ 104
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 104           $ 104
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 104           $ 104
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 1,703         $ 1,703
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits:                            $ 1,703         $ 1,703
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,703         $ 1,703
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 1,807         $ 1,807
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Nursing Home Administrators                  $ 17,903        $ 17,903
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-35-10 through 40-
35-140, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 101
                        Board of Occupational Therapy
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3078)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem-Board Members                             $ 595           $ 595
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 595           $ 595
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 119           $ 119
   Supplies                                             413             413
   Travel                                             1,058           1,058
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,590         $ 1,590
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 2,185         $ 2,185
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Board of Occupational Therapy                 $ 2,185         $ 2,185
                                                ===========     ===========
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Act 139 of 1977 all revenues 
and income from licenses, examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities 
and services, and income derived from any other Board or Commission source or 
activity shall be remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when 
practicable, but at least once each week, and shall be credited to the 
General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or 
licenses shall be levied in an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount 
appropriated in this section.
                                  SECTION 102
                       Board of Examiners in Opticianry
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3089)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Secretary-Treasurer                              $ 1,300         $ 1,300
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission                     3,545           3,545
   Temporary Position                                   500             500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 5,345         $ 5,345
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,325         $ 1,325
   Supplies                                             910             910
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      914             914
   Travel                                             4,600           4,600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 7,749         $ 7,749
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 13,094        $ 13,094
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 102           $ 102
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 102           $ 102
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 102           $ 102
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 102           $ 102
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Board of Opticianry                          $ 13,196        $ 13,196
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Act 570 of 1978 all revenues 
and income from licenses, examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities 
and services, and income derived from any other Board or Commission source or 
activity shall be remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when 
practicable, but at least once each week, and shall be credited to the 
General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or 
licenses shall be levied in an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount 
appropriated in this section.
                                  SECTION 103
                        Board of Examiners in Optometry
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3101)
Board of Examiners in Optometry:
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Secretary-Treasurer                              $ 3,070         $ 3,070
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission                     4,000           4,000
   Temporary Position                                 1,696           1,696
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 8,766         $ 8,766
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,782         $ 2,782
   Supplies                                           1,050           1,050
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    2,115           2,115
   Travel                                             6,500           6,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 12,447        $ 12,447
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 21,213        $ 21,213
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 343           $ 343
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 343           $ 343
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 343           $ 343
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 343           $ 343
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Board of Examiners
 in Optometry                                      $ 21,556        $ 21,556
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Act 570 of 1978 all revenues 
and income from licenses, examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities 
and services, and income derived from any other Board or Commission source or 
activity shall be remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when 
practicable, but at least once each week, and shall be credited to the 
General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or 
licenses shall be levied in an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount 
appropriated in this section.
                                  SECTION 104
                      Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3112)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Secretary/Chief
    Drug Inspector                                 $ 22,169        $ 22,169
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              13,264          13,264
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   4,200           4,200
   Temporary Positions                                1,500           1,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 41,133        $ 41,133
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 4,178         $ 4,178
   Supplies                                          11,650          11,650
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    6,917           6,917
   Travel                                            10,667          10,667
   Purchase of Evidence                                 100             100
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 33,512        $ 33,512
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 74,645        $ 74,645
                                                ===========     ===========
II. employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 464           $ 464
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 464           $ 464
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 464           $ 464
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 5,792         $ 5,792
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 5,792         $ 5,792
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 5,792         $ 5,792
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 6,256         $ 6,256
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Board of
 Pharmaceutical Examiners                          $ 80,901        $ 80,901
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (2)             (2)
  Provided, That notwithstanding lions of Sections 40-43-10 through 40-43-
470, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, examination 
fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income derived from 
any Other Board or Commission source or activity shall be remitted to the 
State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least once each week, 
and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. Provided, Further, 
all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in an amount sufficient 
to at least equal the amount appropriated in this section.
                                  SECTION 105
          Board of Examiners and Registration of Physical Therapists
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3127)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Position                              $ 4,888         $ 4,888
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board                                      735             735
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 5,623         $ 5,623
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,711         $ 2,711
   Supplies                                             885             885
   Travel                                               750             750
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 4,346         $ 4,346
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 9,969         $ 9,969
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 171           $ 171
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 171           $ 171
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 171           $ 171
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 702           $ 702
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 702           $ 702
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 702           $ 702
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 873           $ 873
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Physical Therapist Board                     $ 10,842        $ 10,842
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-45-10 through 40-
45-250, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 106
                          Board of Podiatry Examiners
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3138)
I. Administration: 
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission                     $ 120           $ 120
   Temporary Position                                   100             100
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 220           $ 220
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 135           $ 135
   Supplies                                             472             472
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                       25              25
   Travel                                               245             245
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                      $ 877           $ 877
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 1,097         $ 1,097
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Board of Podiatry Examiners                   $ 1,097         $ 1,097
                                                ===========     ===========
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-51-10 through 40-
51-260, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 107
                       Board of Examiners in Psychology
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3147)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Secretary                              $ 2,687         $ 2,687
                                                        (1)             (1)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,687         $ 2,687
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,976         $ 2,976
   Supplies                                             352             352
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      350             350
   Travel                                               770             770
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 4,448         $ 4,448
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 7,135         $ 7,135
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contribution                        $ 343           $ 343
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 343           $ 343
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 343           $ 343
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 343           $ 343
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Psychology Board                              $ 7,478         $ 7,478
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-55-10 through 40-
55-170, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 108
                            Real Estate Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3157)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Commissioner                                    $ 34,800        $ 34,800
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                             198,452         198,452
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   5,000           5,000
   Temporary Positions                                  700             700
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 238,952       $ 238,952
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 52,350        $ 52,350
   Supplies                                          30,950          30,950
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   34,770          34,770
   Travel                                            38,383          38,383
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 156,453       $ 156,453
  Special Items:
   Research and Education                          $ 70,000        $ 70,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 70,000        $ 70,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 465,405       $ 465,405
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 6,349         $ 6,349
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 6,349         $ 6,349
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 6,349         $ 6,349
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 39,257        $ 39,257
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 39,257        $ 39,257
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 39,257        $ 39,257
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 45,606        $ 45,606
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Real Estate Commission                      $ 511,011       $ 511,011
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (18)            (18)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-57-10 through 40-
57-240, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
  Provided, Further, That any funds on deposit with the State Treasurer for 
research and education programs of the Real Estate Commission shall be 
remitted to the General Fund of the State.
  Provided, Further, That all funds appropriated, in this section, for 
Research and Education projects shall be funded wholly, out of the Real 
Estate Commission authorized allocation of five dollars from each annual 
renewal fee. Provided, Further, That all funds appropriated, in this section, 
for Research and Educational projects shall be expended for the purpose 
                                  SECTION 109
                     Residential Home Builders Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3174)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 25,850        $ 25,850
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified Positions                              84,561          84,561
                                                        (7)             (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   8,000           8,000
   Temporary Positions                                2,500           2,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 120,911       $ 120,911
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 18,287        $ 18,287
   Supplies                                          14,500          14,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   26,273          26,273
   Travel                                            13,950          13,950
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 73,010        $ 73,010
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 193,921       $ 193,921
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 2,960         $ 2,960
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,960         $ 2,960
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 2,960         $ 2,960
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 18,599        $ 18,599
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 18,599        $ 18,599
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 18,599        $ 18,599
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 21,559        $ 21,559
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Residential Home
 Builders Commission                              $ 215,480       $ 215,480
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (8)             (8)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-59-10 through 40-
59-150, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 110
                Board of Examiners for Registered Sanitarians
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3187)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
  Other Personal Services:
   Temporary Position                                 $ 400           $ 400
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 400           $ 400
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,800         $ 1,800
   Supplies                                             255             255
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                       40              40
   Travel                                             1,134           1,134
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 3,229         $ 3,229
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Internal Administration                      $ 3,629         $ 3,629
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                        $ 54            $ 54
  Total Fringe Benefits                                $ 54            $ 54
 Total State Employer Contributions                    $ 54            $ 54
Total Employee Benefits                                $ 54            $ 54
Total Registered Sanitarians Board                  $ 3,683         $ 3,683
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-61-10 through 40-
61-130, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income
from licenses, examination fees, other fees sale of commodities and services, 
and income derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity 
shall be remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but 
at least once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the 
State Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be 
levied in an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in 
this section.
                                  SECTION 111
                     Board of Social Workers Registration
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3198)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission                     $ 330           $ 330
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 330           $ 330
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,426         $ 1,426
   Supplies                                             275             275
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      548             548
   Travel                                               502             502
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 2,751         $ 2,751
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 3,081         $ 3,081
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Board of Social
 Workers Registration                               $ 3,081         $ 3,081
                                                ===========     ===========
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-63-10
through 40-63-80, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 112
            Board of Examiners for Speech Pathology and Audiology
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3208)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                             $ 3,258         $ 3,258
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                     420             420
   Temporary Positions                                   42              42
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 3,720         $ 3,720
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 891           $ 891
   Supplies                                             420             420
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                       92              92
   Travel                                               682             682
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 2,085         $ 2,085
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 5,805         $ 5,805
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 114           $ 114
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 114           $ 114
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 114           $ 114
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 454           $ 454
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 454           $ 454
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 454           $ 454
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 568           $ 568
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Sp. Path. and Audi. Ex. Bd.                   $ 6,373         $ 6,373
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-67-10 through 40-
67-190, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 113
                    Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3220)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Position                              $ 4,713         $ 4,713
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Board and Commission                     1,300           1,300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 6,013         $ 6,013
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,275         $ 1,275
   Supplies                                             550             550
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      185             185
   Travel                                             1,222           1,222
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 3,232         $ 3,232
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 9,245         $ 9,245
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                        $ 165           $ 165
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 165           $ 165
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                              $ 165           $ 165
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:

   State Employer Contributions                       $ 641           $ 641
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 641           $ 641
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 641           $ 641
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 806           $ 806
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Veterinary Medical
 Examining Board                                   $ 10,051        $ 10,051
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
  Provided, That notwithstanding provisions of Sections 40-69-10 through 40-
69-220, Code of Laws, 1976, all revenues and income from licenses, 
examination fees, other fees, sale of commodities and services, and income 
derived from any other Board or Commission source or activity shall be 
remitted to the State Treasurer as collected, when practicable, but at least 
once each week, and shall be credited to the General Fund of the State. 
Provided, Further, all assessments, fees and/or licenses shall be levied in 
an amount sufficient to at least equal the amount appropriated in this 
                                  SECTION 114
                            Aeronautics Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3233)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director                                        $ 34,357        $ 34,357
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Classified                                       139,383         139,383
                                                        (8)             (8)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                5,213           5,213
   Per DieM-Boards and Commissions                    6,000           6,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 184,953       $ 184,953
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 79,798        $ 79,798
   Supplies                                          34,473          34,473
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   11,700          11,700
   Travel                                            35,000          35,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 160,971       $ 160,971
  Special Items:
   Planning Grants                                 $ 10,000        $ 10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 10,000        $ 10,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 355,924       $ 355,924
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Airport Safety Maintenance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 157,506       $ 157,506
                                                       (15)            (15)
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                      585             585
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 158,091       $ 158,091
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 39,200        $ 39,200
   Supplies                                          58,000          58,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   30,903          30,903
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 128,103       $ 128,103
  Special Items:
   Aircraft Equipment
    and Operations                                $ 351,211       $ 313,211
   Navigational Aids and Planning                    10,000          10,000
   Aircraft Repairs--Engines                         25,000          25,000
   Emergency Airport Repairs-Major                   20,000          20,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 406,211       $ 368,211
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Airport Safety Maintenance                 $ 692,405       $ 654,405
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Regulation and Inspection:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                           $ 143,002       $ 143,002
                                                        (8)             (8)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 143,002       $ 143,002
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Regulation and Inspection                  $ 143,002       $ 143,002
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Civil Air Patrol:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 14,313        $ 14,313
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 14,313        $ 14,313
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Other Operating Expenses                        $ 66,970        $ 66,970
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 66,970        $ 66,970
 Total Civil Air Parol                             $ 81,283        $ 81,283
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Aviation Education:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 15,800        $ 15,800
   Supplies                                           2,774           2,774
   Scholarships                                       4,000           4,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 22,574        $ 22,574
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Aviation Education                          $ 22,574        $ 22,574
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Special Programs:
 A. Cont. Airport Sys. Pln. Photo.:
   Classified Positions                            $ 37,738        $ 31,375
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 37,738        $ 31,375
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 21,603         $ 7,500
   Supplies                                           4,700           2,500
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   16,000          14,000
   Travel                                            11,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 53,303        $ 26,000
  Special Items:
   Airport Inspection Program                      $ 12,000           $    
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                              $ 12,000           $    
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Continuous Airport System                 $ 103,041         $ 57,375
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Special Programs                            $ 103,041        $ 57,375
                                                ===========     ===========
VIII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                     $ 12,484        $ 12,233
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 12,484        $ 12,233
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                           $ 12,484        $ 12,233
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 87,569        $ 86,423
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 87,569        $ 86,423
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 87,569        $ 86,423
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits,                          $ 100,053        $ 98,656
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Aeronautics Commission                    $ 1,498,282     $ 1,413,219
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (36)            (36)
  Provided, That the funds appropriated in this section under program IV 
"Civil Air Patrol" shall be expended by the director so as to discharge the 
State's obligations in conjunction with the Civil Air Patrol as outlined in 
the SARDA Plan. The director shall further expend funds for the maintenance 
and acquisition of equipment which in his opinion Shall increase the Civil 
Air Patrol's ability to perform its mission as outlined in the SARDA Plan and 
may expend not more than fifteen per cent of the Patrol funds in the "CAP 
AERO-SPACE EDUCATION" and "cadet" Programs. The director may expend these 
funds to hire such administrative personnel as may be necessary to administer 
the above outlined programs. All expenditures for equipment and services 
shall be in accordance with State fiscal policies.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balances on June 30, 1980 of 
appropriations to the Commission for "State Aid for Airport Developments, 
Improvements and Repairs" may be carried forward and made available for the 
same purposes in 1980-81.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1980 of 
appropriations to the Commission for "Navigational Aids", "Planning", 
"Aircraft Repairs-Engines", "Photogrammetry-Continuous Airport System Plan" 
and "Emergency Airport Repairs-Major" may be carried forward into 1980-81 and 
expended for the same purposes.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1980 of 
appropriations to the Commission for studies may be carried forward into 
1980-81 and expended for the same purposes.
  Provided, Further, That any unexpended balance on June 30, 1980 of 
appropriations to the Commission for "Airport Master Plan" may be carried 
forward and made available for the same purposes in 1980-81.
  Provided, Further, that any unexpended balance on June 30, 1980 of 
appropriations to the Commission for support of the "National Association of 
State Aviation Official Annual Convention" may be carried forward and made 
available for the same purposes in 1980-81.
  Provided, Further, That the Aeronautics Commission may retain and expend 
revenue derived from charges to agencies for service and supplies for 
operating purposes.
                                  SECTION 115
                          Public Railways Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3255)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Executive Director                              $ 50,853        $ 50,853
                                                        (1)             (1)
    Unclassified Positions                          156,861         124,837
                                                        (7)             (7)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           2,088           1,370
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 209,802       $ 177,060
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 21,012        $ 13,253
   Supplies                                           7,920           2,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   47,740          40,220
   Travel                                             8,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 84,672        $ 55,473
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                             $ 294,474       $ 232,533
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Operations:
  Personal Service:
   Unclassified Positions                         $ 538,295         $      
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime                                          12,000
   Other (Extra Board)                               30,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                          $ 580,295         $      
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 15,750         $      
   Supplies                                          57,000
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   55,833
   Travel                                               750
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 129,333         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Operations                                 $ 709,628         $      
                                                ===========     ===========

III. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                   $ 170,308        $ 32,024
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                           $ 170,308        $ 32,024
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions               $ 170,308        $ 32,024
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                           $ 170,308        $ 32,024
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Public Railways Commission                $ 1,174,410       $ 264,557
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                             (34)             (8)
  Provided, That, any provision of law to the contrary not withstanding, in 
recognition of the fact that the Railways Commission operates railroads for 
compensation and such railroads are "common carriers" subject to federal laws 
and regulations, and that the Commission as directors of such common carrier 
railroads must by federal law have ultimate and final responsibility to 
receive and disburse all assets of such railroads, all assets received or 
held by such railroads from operating revenues or any other sources shall be 
maintained in separate accounts and retained and disbursed only as approved 
by the Commission. Such separate accounts shall be on deposit with and 
maintained in separate accounts by the State Treasurer.
                                  SECTION 116
               Department of Highways and Public Transportation
                (Interagency Council on Public Transportation)
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3269)
I. Administration:
 A. General Program:
   Classified Positions                            $ 30,305        $ 30,305
                                                        (2)             (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   3,500           3,500
   Temporary Positions                                4,745           4,745
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 38,550        $ 38,550
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 2,226         $ 2,226
   Supplies                                           3,170           3,170
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      645             645
   Travel                                             5,552           5,552
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 11,593        $ 11,593
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total General Program                             $ 50,143        $ 50,143
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. Carpool/Vanpool Program:
   Classified Positions                            $ 24,004        $ 12,002
                                                        (2)             (2)
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                                1,416             708
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 25,420        $ 12,710
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 14,060         $ 7,030
   Supplies                                             920             460
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      964             482
   Travel                                                54              27
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 15,998         $ 7,999
  Special Items:
   Revolving Fund                                   $ 6,734         $ 6,734
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 6,734         $ 6,734
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Carpool/Vanpool                             $ 48,152        $ 27,443
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Administration                               $ 98,295        $ 77,586
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Pilot Projects:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                            $ 28,228        $ 28,228
                                                        (2)             (2)
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 28,228        $ 28,228
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 168,309       $ 168,309
   Supplies                                           1,300           1,300
   Travel                                             3,700           3,700
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 173,309       $ 173,309
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Pilot Projects                             $ 201,537       $ 201,537
III. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 79-80                      $ 1,870         $ 1,631
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,870         $ 1,631
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                            $ 1,870         $ 1,631
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                    $ 14,680        $ 12,581
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                            $ 14,680        $ 12,581
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                $ 14,680        $ 12,581
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                            $ 16,550        $ 14,212
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Highway and
 Public Transportation                            $ 316,382       $ 293,335
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (6)             (6)
  Provided, That any part of the $60,000 revolving fund for financial 
assistance to the Pee Dee Regional Transportation Authority, appropriated 
pursuant to Item 35, Section 1, Part II, of Act 194 of 1979, not expended 
during the 1979-80 fiscal year, may be carried over and used for such 
revolving fund and directed by the Department of Highways and Public 
  Provided, That if any funds appropriated pursuant to Section 116, Part I, 
of Act 199 of 1979, for public transportation pilot projects are not expended 
during the 1979-80 fiscal year, such funds may be carried over and used for 
such pilot projects (including a $60,000 revolving fund for financial 
assistance to the Santee-Wateree Regional Transportation Authority) as 
directed by the Department of Highways and Public Transportation.
                                  SECTION 117
                                 Debt Service
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3286)
Debt Service:
I. Debt Service:
  Principal and Interest Payments:
   Agricultural College
    Stock--Interest                                $ 11,508        $ 11,508
   Clemson Perpetual Stock--Interest                  3,513           3,513
   Institution Bonds                              5,414,002       5,414,002
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Institution Bonds                       $ 5,414,002     $ 5,414,002
   School Bonds                                $ 17,375,583    $ 17,375,583
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total School Bonds                           $ 17,375,583    $ 17,375,583
   Highway Bonds                               $ 13,277,470    $ 13,277,470
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Highway Bonds                          $ 13,277,470    $ 13,277,470
   State Ports Authority Bonds                    $ 202,750       $ 202,750
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Ports Authority Bonds                     $ 202,750       $ 202,750
   Capital Improvement Bonds                   $ 47,898,883    $ 47,898,883
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Capital Improvement Bonds              $ 47,898,883    $ 47,898,883
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Principal and Interest                  $ 84,183,709    $ 84,183,709
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Debt Service                             $ 84,183,709    $ 84,183,709
                                                ===========     ===========
  Provided, That the above appropriations shall be disbursed under the 
direction of the State Treasurer.
  Provided, Further, That any agency of the State government responsible by 
law for the collection of revenues or funds from any source to be annually 
applied to payments of interest and principal on general obligation bonds of 
the state shall remit such collections to the State Treasurer for credit to 
the State's General Fund and which shall constitute a reimbursement of 
appropriations made in this section.
  Provided, Further, That the General Assembly takes note of the fact that 
the foregoing figures reflect the estimated Debt Service Requirements of 
Bonds of the State for fiscal year 1980-81. It is not intended that their 
inclusion in this Act shall prevent the issuance of additional bonds pursuant 
to authorizations now or hereafter enacted.
  Provided, Further, That with the exception of the Agricultural College 
Stock and Clemson Perpetual Stock, bonded debt of the State issued prior to 
December 1, 1977 is supported by a pledge of a special fund (derived from 
taxes and other sources) and in each instance the monies derived from such 
taxes and other sources must be first applied to the payment of principal and 
interest on the bonds prior to the use for other purposes and that under the 
Statutes which authorized such bonds, it is the ministerial duty of the 
appropriate State officers and agencies to utilize the pledged revenues for 
the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds. Under the decisions 
of the Supreme Court of South Carolina, continuing appropriations have been 
made which cannot be diverted until all of the principal and interest on the 
bonds have been paid.
  Provided, Further, That in the instance of debt incurred subsequent to 
December 1, 1977, the General Assembly, in obedience to Paragraph 4 of 
Section 13 of Article X, has allocated on an annual basis sufficient tax 
revenues to provide for the punctual payment of the principal of and interest 
on such general obligation debt.
  Provided, Further, That the Budget and Control Board, after review of the 
Joint Bond Review Committee, is hereby authorized and directed to regulate 
the starting date of the various projects approved for funding through the 
issuance of Capital Improvement Bonds so as to insure that the appropriations 
for debt service on such bonds, as provided in this Section, shall be 
sufficient during fiscal year 1980-81.
                                  SECTION 118
                        Atlantic State Marine Fisheries
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3294)
I. Administration:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  $ 3,400         $ 3,400
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 3,400         $ 3,400
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 3,400         $ 3,400
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Atlantic States
 Marine Fisheries Commission                        $ 3,400         $ 3,400
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 119
                               Judicial Council
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3298)
I. Administration:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Miscellaneous General Operations                $ 20,000        $ 20,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 20,000        $ 20,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 20,000        $ 20,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Judicial Council                             $ 20,000        $ 20,000
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 120
                             Tax Study Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3312)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Administrative Assistant (P)                    $ 19,642        $ 19,642
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commission                    1,630           1,630
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 21,272        $ 21,272
  Other Operating expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,806         $ 3,806
   Supplies                                             860             860
   Travel                                             3,260           3,260
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 7,926         $ 7,926
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 29,198        $ 29,198
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employer Benefits:
 A. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 3,078         $ 3,078
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 3,078         $ 3,078
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 3,078         $ 3,078
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 3,078         $ 3,078
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Tax Study Commission                         $ 32,276        $ 32,276
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
                                  SECTION 121
                        Committee on Uniform State Laws
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3322)
I. Administration: 
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 5,400         $ 5,400
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,400         $ 5,400
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 5,400         $ 5,400
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Committee on Uniform State Laws               $ 5,400         $ 5,400
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 122
                 Workmen's Compensation Laws Advisory Council
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3329)
I. Administration:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           $ 725           $ 725
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 725           $ 725
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                             $ 625           $ 625
   Contractual Services                                 375             375
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 1,725         $ 1,725
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Nonrecurring Appropriations:
   Per Diem                                           $ 500           $ 500
   Travel                                               500             500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Nonrecurring Appropriations                 $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Workmen's Compensation
  Advisory Council                                  $ 2,725         $ 2,725
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 123
                      S. C. Tobacco Advisory Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3338)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
  Unclassified Position:
   Page (PPT)                                       $ 2,600         $ 2,600
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                   1,880           1,880
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 4,480         $ 4,480
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                           $ 180             180
   Travel                                             2,664           2,664
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 2,844         $ 2,844
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 7,324         $ 7,324
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 176           $ 176
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 176           $ 176
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 176           $ 176
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 176           $ 176
                                                ===========     ===========
Total S.C. Tobacco
 Advisory Commission                                $ 7,500         $ 7,500
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
                                  SECTION 124
                Committee to Study Public and Private Services,
                      Programs and Facilities for Aging
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3346)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Director of Research
    and Administration (P)                         $ 19,000        $ 19,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Clerk-Typist (PTT)                                 1,735           1,735
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           1,330           1,330
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 22,065        $ 22,065
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,003         $ 1,003
   Supplies                                             520             520
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                       25              25
   Travel                                               800             800
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 2,348         $ 2,348
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 24,413        $ 24,413
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 3,230         $ 3,230
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 3,230         $ 3,230
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 3,230         $ 3,230
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 3,230         $ 3,230
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Commission to Study
 Public and Private Services,
  Program and Facilities for Aging                 $ 27,643        $ 27,643
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (2)             (2)
                                  SECTION 125
                          Agriculture Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3357)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                         $ 4,665         $ 4,665
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 4,665         $ 4,665
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                           $ 812           $ 812
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      100             100
   Travel                                             9,423           9,423
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 10,335        $ 10,335
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 15,000        $ 15,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Agriculture Study Committee                  $ 15,000        $ 15,000
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 126
                Automobile Liability Insurance Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3364)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Page (T)                                         $ 1,950         $ 1,950
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           1,950           1,950
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Services:
   Per Diem                                           3,793           3,793
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 7,693         $ 7,693
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,858         $ 1,858
   Supplies                                             435             435
   Travel                                             5,749           5,749
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 8,042         $ 8,042
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 15,735        $ 15,735
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 265           $ 265
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 265           $ 265
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 265           $ 265
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 265           $ 265
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Automobile Liability Insurance
 Study Committee                                   $ 16,000        $ 16,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (2)             (2)
                                  SECTION 127
                        Committee on Consumer Affairs
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3374)
I. Administration: 
 Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                         $ 3,500         $ 3,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 3,500         $ 3,500
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                            $ 25,360        $ 25,360
   Travel                                             1,140           1,140
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 26,500        $ 26,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 30,000        $ 30,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Committee on Consumer Affairs                $ 30,000        $ 30,000
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 128
                          S.C. Crime Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3389)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Position:
   Committee Clerk (PTT)                            $ 2,500         $ 2,500
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                             300             300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,800         $ 2,800
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                              $ 30            $ 30
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                       $ 30            $ 30
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 2,830         $ 2,830
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 170           $ 170
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 170           $ 170
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                                       $ 170           $ 170
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 170           $ 170
                                                ===========     ===========
Total S.C. Crime Study Committee                    $ 3,000         $ 3,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
                                  SECTION 129
                          Education Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3391)
I. Administration:                            Total Funds     General Funds
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Page (T)                                         $ 1,667         $ 1,667
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           1,667           1,667
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           1,666           1,666
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           4,000           4,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 9,000         $ 9,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 3,760         $ 3,760
   Contractual Services                                 800             800
   Supplies                                           1,100           1,100
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,660         $ 5,660
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 14,660        $ 14,660
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 340           $ 340
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 340           $ 340
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 340           $ 340
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 340           $ 340
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Education Study Committee                    $ 15,000        $ 15,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (3)             (3)
                                  SECTION 130
                        Election Laws Study Commission
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3400)
                                  SECTION 131
                    Electronic Transmission Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3407)
                                  SECTION 132
                            Forest Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3414)
                                  SECTION 183
                       Higher Education Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3423)
                                  SECTION 134
                        Insurance Law Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3428)
I. Administration:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Page (T)                                         $ 1,950         $ 1,950
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           1,950           1,950
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           3,418           3,418
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 7,318         $ 7,318
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,450         $ 1,450
   Supplies                                             390             390
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      500             500
   Travel                                             5,077           5,077
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 7,417         $ 7,417
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 14,735        $ 14,735
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 265           $ 265
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 265           $ 265
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 265           $ 265
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 265           $ 265
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Insurance Law Study Committee                $ 15,000        $ 15,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (2)             (2)
                                  SECTION 135
                        Judicial System Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3437)
                                  SECTION 136
                       Local Government Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3443)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
  Unclassified Position:
   Committee Clerk (PTT)                            $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                             600             600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 1,600         $ 1,600
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                            $ 32            $ 32
   Travel                                             1,300           1,300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,332         $ 1,332
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 2,932         $ 2,932
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                        $ 68            $ 68
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                                $ 68            $ 68
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                    $ 68            $ 68
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                                $ 68            $ 68
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Local Government
 Study Committee                                    $ 3,000         $ 3,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
                                  SECTION 137
                         Medical Care Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3452)
                                  SECTION 138
                    Mental Health and Retardation Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3461)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Research Director (P)                           $ 21,000        $ 21,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
  New Position:
   Secretary (P)                                     10,000          10,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           1,673           1,673
   Temporary Positions                                2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 34,673        $ 34,673
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 1,500         $ 1,500
   Supplies                                             150             150
   Travel                                             3,904           3,904
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,554         $ 5,554
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 40,227        $ 40,227
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 3,403         $ 3,403
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               3,403         $ 3,403
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 3,403         $ 3,403
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 3,403         $ 3,403
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Mental Health and
 Mental Retardation                                $ 43,630        $ 43,630
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (2)             (2)
                                  SECTION 139
                     State Employees Employment Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3477)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Position:
   Committee Clerk (PTT)                            $ 3,000         $ 3,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           1,200           1,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 4,200         $ 4,200
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 3,000         $ 3,000
   Supplies                                             300             300
   Contractual Services                              17,296          17,296
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 20,596        $ 20,596
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 24,796        $ 24,796
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 204           $ 204
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 204           $ 204
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 204           $ 204
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 204           $ 204
                                                ===========     ===========
Total State Employees
 Employment Committee                              $ 25,000        $ 25,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
                                  SECTION 140
                      Social Services Advisory Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3486)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Position:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           $ 315           $ 315
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 315           $ 315
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                                $ 28            $ 28
   Supplies                                             242             242
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                    1,344           1,344
   Travel                                             3,630           3,630
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,244         $ 5,244
  Special Items:
   Matching Federal Program                         $ 8,347         $ 8,347
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 8,347         $ 8,347
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 13,906        $ 13,906
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Social Services
 Advisory Committee                                $ 13,906        $ 13,906
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 141
                            Textile Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3494)
I. Administration: 
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Page (T)                                         $ 1,000         $ 1,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           2,250           2,250
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           1,650           1,650
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                           1,650           1,650
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Page (T)                                             575             575
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                             950             950
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 8,075         $ 8,075
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                                $ 40            $ 40
   Supplies                                              45              45
   Travel                                             1,057           1,057
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      300             300
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,442         $ 1,442
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 9,517         $ 9,517
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 483           $ 483
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 483           $ 483
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 483           $ 483
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 483           $ 483
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Textile Study Committee                      $ 10,000        $ 10,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (5)             (5)
                                  SECTION 142
                             Committee on Tourism
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3502)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                         $ 2,625         $ 2,625
   Temporary Positions                                2,595           2,595
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 5,220         $ 5,220
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 300           $ 300
   Travel                                             8,104           8,104
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 8,404         $ 8,404
                                                -----------     -----------
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations                 $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Administration                              $ 18,624        $ 18,624
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 176           $ 176
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total State Employer Contributions                  $ 176           $ 176
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Employee Benefits                              $ 176           $ 176
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Committee on Tourism                         $ 18,800        $ 18,800
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 143
                    Public Transportation Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3513)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Research Assistant (PPT)                         $ 4,680         $ 4,680
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                             630             630
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 5,310         $ 5,310
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 895           $ 895
   Supplies                                             524             524
   Travel                                               380             380
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,799         $ 1,799
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 7,109         $ 7,109
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 391           $ 391
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total State Employer Contributions                  $ 391           $ 391
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Employee Benefits                              $ 391           $ 391
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Public transportation
 Study Committee                                    $ 7,500         $ 7,500
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
                                  SECTION 144
                        Water Resources Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3523)
I. Administration:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           $ 840           $ 840
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                              $ 840           $ 840
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                           $ 448           $ 448
   Travel                                             1,212           1,212
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,660         $ 1,660
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 2,500         $ 2,500
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Water Resources Study Committee               $ 2,500         $ 2,500
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 145
                    Workmen's Compensation Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3530)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Positions:
   Administrative Assistant (P)                    $ 11,000        $ 11,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Research Assistant (PPT)                           2,400           2,400
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                             639             639
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 14,039        $ 14,039
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operations                 $ 1,725         $ 1,725
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                               $ 1,725         $ 1,725
                                                ===========     ===========
 Total Administration                              $ 15,764        $ 15,764
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
  State Employer Contributions:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 2,211         $ 2,211
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total State Employer Contributions                $ 2,211         $ 2,211
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Employee Benefits                            $ 2,211         $ 2,211
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Workmen's Compensation
 Study Committee                                   $ 17,975        $ 17,975
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (2)             (2)
                                  SECTION 146
                       Alcohol and Drug Abuse Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3546)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Position:
   Administrative Assistant (P)                    $ 10,429        $ 10,429
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           2,135           2,135
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 12,564        $ 12,564
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 632           $ 632
   Supplies                                             595             595
   Travel                                               661             661
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,888         $ 1,888
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 14,452        $ 14,452
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 1,798         $ 1,798
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 1,798         $ 1,798
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 1,798         $ 1,798
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 1,798         $ 1,798
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Alcohol and
 Drug Abuse Committee                              $ 16,250        $ 16,250
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
                                  SECTION 147
                  Continuing Committee on Retirement System
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3556)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
   Page (PTT)                                       $ 3,469         $ 3,469
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                             200             200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 3,669         $ 3,669
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Supplies                                           $ 100           $ 100
   Travel                                             7,995           7,995
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 8,095         $ 8,095
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 11,764        $ 11,764
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                       $ 236           $ 236
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                               $ 236           $ 236
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                   $ 236           $ 236
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                               $ 236           $ 236
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Continuing Committee
 on Retirement System                              $ 12,000        $ 12,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
                                  SECTION 148
                        Joint Legislative Committee to
                      Study Problems of the Handicapped
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3565)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                         $ 3,465         $ 3,465
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 3,465         $ 3,465
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                               $ 400           $ 400
   Supplies                                           1,035           1,035
   Travel                                             5,100           5,100
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Operating Expenses                          $ 6,535         $ 6,535
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 10,000        $ 10,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Joint Legislative Committee to
 Study Problems of the Handicapped                 $ 10,000        $ 10,000
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 149
                    Joint Legislative Committee on Children
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3579)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
  Unclassified Position:
   Secretary (P)                                   $ 13,100          $     
  New Positions:
   Juvenile Specialist (T)                           10,111          10,111
                                                        (1)             (1)
   Legislative Specialist (T)                        10,000          10,000
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           2,520           2,520
   Temporary Positions                                4,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 40,342        $ 22,742
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 5,066         $ 4,066
   Supplies                                           2,024
   Travel                                            11,336           9,836
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                   $ 18,426        $ 13,902
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 58,768        $ 36,644
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                     $ 2,476          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 2,476          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                                     $ 2,476          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 2,476          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Joint Legislative
 Committee on Children                             $ 61,244        $ 36,644
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (3)             (2)
                                  SECTION 150
                      Task Force Committee on Structural
                        Authority of State Government
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3592)
I. Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Director (P)                                    $ 18,500        $ 18,500
                                                        (1)             (1)
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           1,100           1,100
   Temporary Positions                                  508             508
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                           $ 20,108        $ 20,108
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,019         $ 3,019
   Supplies                                             850             850
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                      500             500
   Travel                                             2,138           2,138
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 6,507         $ 6,507
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                              $ 26,615        $ 26,615
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Employee Benefits:
 State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contribution                      $ 2,955         $ 2,955
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                             $ 2,955         $ 2,955
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer Contributions                 $ 2,955         $ 2,955
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                             $ 2,955         $ 2,955
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Task Force Committee
 on Structural Authority of
  State Government                                 $ 29,570        $ 29,570
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                              (1)             (1)
                                  SECTION 151
                  Catawba Indian Reservation Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3601)
I. Administration:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                           $ 735           $ 735
  Total Personal Service                              $ 735           $ 735
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 1,265         $ 1,265
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 1,265         $ 1,265
 Total Administration                               $ 1,265         $ 1,265
Total Catawba Indian Study Committee                $ 2,000         $ 2,000
                                  SECTION 152
                  Committee to Study State Bidding Practices
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3608)
I. Administration:
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem                                         $ 2,000         $ 2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                            $ 2,000         $ 2,000
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 3,000         $ 3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 3,000         $ 3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Committee to Study State
 Bidding Practices                                  $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 153
                  Intergovernmental Relations Study Committee
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3614)
I. Administration:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Travel                                           $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Intergovernmental Relations
 Study Committee                                    $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 154
                        Committee on Biennial Budgets
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3618)
                                  SECTION 154
                          Internal Security Committee
I. Administration:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                             $ 3,000         $ 3,000
   Travel                                             2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                    $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                               $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Internal Security Committee                   $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                ===========     ===========
  Provided, That the State Auditor shall annually audit the appropriations in 
Sections 118 through 154A and make a report to the General Assembly of such 
  Provided, Further, That warrants for the disbursement of the appropriation 
to Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission in Section 118 shall be 
approved by the Executive Committeeman from South Carolina.
  Provided, Further, That funds appropriated for the Judicial Council may be 
used for the purposes of employing staff members and for other operational 
expenses of the Council.
  Provided, Further, That all Legislative Committees for which funding is 
provided in Sections 118 through 154A are authorized to continue operating 
during the fiscal year 1980-81 under the same laws, resolutions, rules or 
regulations which provided for their operations during the fiscal year 1979-
  Provided, Further, That the State Employees Employment Committee shall 
study the present Classification and Compensation Plan relating to policies 
and procedures for awarding and paying merit increments and shall cooperate 
with the Budget and Control Board in the development of a recommended plan to 
be presented to the General Assembly during the 1981 session.
  Provided, Further, That a committee is hereby created to make a study of 
the State Bidding Practices. The committee shall consist of nine members, 
three of whom shall be members of the House of Representatives, to be 
appointed by the Speaker, three of whom Shall be members of the Senate, to be 
appointed by the President, and three members shall be appointed by the 
Governor. The Legislative Council shall provide such professional services as 
the committee may require. The members of the committee shall be allowed the 
usual subsistence, mileage and per diem as provided by law for members of 
boards, committees and commissions.
  Provided, Further, That so much as may be needed of the $25,000 
appropriated in Section 127 for the Committee on Consumer Affairs shall be 
used to engage consultants approved by the Budget and Control Board to 
conduct a thorough study of all existing statutory provisions relating to 
interest rates in order to simplify such statutory provisions and to remove 
  Provided, Further, That a committee of nine members is created to study 
intergovernmental relations and legal and Legislative matters pertaining to 
local government.
  The committee shall be known as Intergovernmental Relations Study 
Committee. Three members shall be appointed from the House Ways and Means 
Committee by the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, three members from 
the Senate Finance Committee by the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee 
and three members by the Governor.
  The members of the Intergovernmental Relations Study Committee shall be 
allowed the usual per diem and travel expenses as provided by law for members 
of committees, to be paid from an appropriation in Section 153.
  The Committee shall make a report during the 1981 session of the General 
  Provided, That the Committee on Tourism and Trade shall have the 
responsibility for coordinating the efforts of the State Development Board 
and the South Carolina Department of Agriculture in the development of 
international agriculture and agro business markets.
  Provided, That any unexpended balance from 1979-80 appropriations for the 
committee on Biennial Budgets on June 30, 1980, may be carried forward into 
1980-81 and expended for the same purposes.
  Provided, That the Joint Legislative Committee on Children shall expend 
unclassified state personnel funds for a Legislative Specialist and Juvenile 
Justice Specialist only if grant funds are not available.
  Provided, That the Task Force Committee is authorized to carry forward any 
funds appropriated to it for fiscal year 1979-80 and not expended during that 
period in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 for use by the committee in 
fiscal year 1980-81; Provided, Further, That such carried over funds shall be 
used for the purposes of printing, editing and indexing.
                                  SECTION 155
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3622)
I. Contributions:
  Special Items:
   Another Way, Inc.--Union County                  $ 4,382         $ 4,382
   Boys Home of the South--Belton                     4,382           4,382
   Carolina Children's Home--Columbia                35,000          35,000
   Charleston Civic Ballet Company                    1,500           1,500
   Council of State Government--Dues                 37,560          37,560
   Department of Education-
    -Septima Clark                                    5,000           5,000
   Education Commission of the State                 22,500          22,500
   Florence Crittenton Home-
    -Charleston                                      15,000          15,000
   Granby Society for Historic
    Preservation                                      5,000           5,000
   Historic Association of
    Newberry County                                   5,000           5,000
   Interstate Mining Compact--Dues                    6,029           6,029
   Jenkins Orphanage--Charleston                     25,000          25,000
   Laurens Octagon House Restoration                  5,000           5,000
   Museum of the Confederacy--Richmond                   92              92
   National Center of State
    Courts--Dues                                      8,250           8,250
   Commission on Uniform State
    Laws--Dues                                        6,710           6,710
   National Governor's Association-
    -Dues                                            39,892          39,892
   National Conference of
    State Legislators                                30,750          30,750
   Oak Grove Children's Center                       15,000          15,000
   Oakley Park Red Shirt Shrine                       6,000           6,000
   Phillis Wheatley Association                       4,600           4,600
   Poet Laureate                                      1,200           1,200
   Riverbanks Zoological
    Gardens--Columbia                               100,000         100,000
   Santee-Cooper Counties Promotion
    Committee                                        50,600          50,600
   S.C. Festival of Flowers Greenwood                18,000          18,000
   S.C. Hall of Fame--Myrtle Beach                    5,000           5,000
   S.C. Lions Sight Conservation                     10,000          10,000
   Southern Growth Policies
    Board--Dues                                      29,000          29,000
   Southern Interstate Nuclear Board                 10,513          10,513
   Spartanburg Girls Home                            25,000          25,000
   Spartanburg Boys Home--Pauline                    35,000          35,000
   DAR School at Tamassee                             4,382           4,382
   Tara Hall Home for Boys--Georgetown                4,382           4,382
   Thorntree Home--Kingstree                          5,000           5,000
   Tribble Activities Center--Seneca                  4,382           4,382
   United Negro College Fund                          5,000           5,000
   World War I Veterans Organization                  4,715           4,715
   Charleston Museum                                  1,500           1,500
   Georgetown County
    Historical Commission                             5,000           5,000
   National Gasohol Commission, Inc                   5,000           5,000
   S.C. Small Business Center                       100,000          100,00
   Sumter County Historical Society                   5,000           5,000
   Three Rivers Historical Society                    5,000           5,000
   S.C. Division of the
    United Daughters                                  5,000           5,000
   Brattonsville Historic Restoration                15,000          15,000
   Spoleto Festival                                  25,000          25,000
   Southern Regional
    Education Board Dues                              9,000           9,000
   Clemson University Spring 4H and
    FFA Dairy Show                                   10,000          10,000
   Woodruff Arts Center                               5,000           5,000
   S.C. Peach Festival                                5,000           5,000
   Gauntt House-Newberry                              5,000           5,000
   Southern Center for
    International Studies                            25,000          25,000
   Second South Carolina Foot
    Regiment of Charleston                            2,000           2,000
   Gilbert Peach Festival                             5,000           5,000
   Marlboro Historical Murchison
    Auditorium Restoration                           10,000          10,000
   Sea Haven Home for Children                       10,000          10,000
   South Carolina Student Legislature                 2,000           2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 849,321       $ 849,321
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Contributions                              $ 849,321       $ 849,321
                                                ===========     ===========
  Provided, That each organization receiving a contribution under this 
section shall render to the Budget and Control Board by November 1 of the 
fiscal year in which funds are received, an accounting of how the State funds 
will be spent, a copy of the adopted budget for the current year, and also a 
copy of the organization's most recent operating financial statement. The 
children's homes receiving a contribution under this section shall also 
render a copy of the Duke Endowment Application, if such application is 
filed. Provided, Further, That the funds appropriated in this section for 
contributions shall not be expended until the required financial statements 
are filed with the Budget and Control Board.
  Provided, Further, That no funds under this Section shall be disbursed to 
organizations or purposes which practice discrimination against persons by 
virtue of race, creed, color or national origin.
  Provided, Further, That the State Auditor shall review and audit, if 
necessary, the financial structure and activities of each organization 
receiving contributions under this section and make a report to the General 
Assembly of such review and/or audit, when requested to do so by the Budget 
and Control Board.
                                  SECTION 156
                              Aid to Subdivisions
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3629)
I. Aid to Counties:
 Aid to Subdivisions:
   Alcoholic Liquors Tax                        $ 5,529,429     $ 5,529,429
   Alcoholic Liquors Tax-
    Mini bottle                                   2,500,000       2,500,000
   Bank Tax                                         328,434       1,328,434
   Beer and Wine Tax                              2,279,401       2,279,401
   Gasoline Tax-Regular                          14,575,906      14,575,906
   Income Tax                                    24,470,871      24,470,871
   Insurance Tax                                  5,707,402       5,707,402
   Homestead Reimbursement                        9,800,840       9,800,840
   Aid to Counties                                  103,620         103,620
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                    $ 66,295,903    $ 66,295,903
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Aid to Counties                         $ 66,295,903    $ 66,295,903
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Aid to Municipalities:
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Alcoholic Liquors Tax                        $ 5,531,264     $ 5,531,264
   Bank Tax                                         607,657         607,657
   Beer and Wine Tax                              5,864,701       5,864,701
   Insurance Tax                                  1,570 000       1,570,000
   Motor Transport Tax                            1,011,059       1,011,059
   Homestead Exemption                            2,545,077       2,545,077
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                    $ 17,129,758    $ 17,129,758
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Aid to Municipalities                   $ 17,129,758    $ 17,129,758
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Aid to Districts:
  Aid to Subdivisions:
   Aid to Planning Districts                      $ 500,000       $ 500,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                       $ 500,000       $ 500,000
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Aid to Districts                           $ 500,000       $ 500,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Aid to Subdivisions                      $ 83,925,661    $ 83,925,661
                                                ===========     ===========
  Provided, That the above revenues shall be deposited in the General Fund of 
the State, and notwithstanding the amounts appropriated in the various items 
of this section, shall be allocated and paid to the counties and 
municipalities of the State in conformity with the percentages or proportions 
of such revenues prescribed by law. Provided, Further, however, that no 
county or municipality shall be allocated an amount from any revenue source 
in excess of its allocation from that source during fiscal year 1977-78 plus 
8.25% of the difference between the 1977-78 allocation and the total 
allocation as prescribed by law from that revenue source for fiscal year 
1980-81. Provided, however, that for the purpose of this computation, the 
amount of $5,000,000 provided in Section 2, Act 586 of 1978, and designated 
as "Special Aid--Counties and Municipalities" shall not be considered as an 
allocation during fiscal year 1977-78. Provided, Further, Where a portion of 
one county is annexed to another county, the total amount allocated to the 
two counties shall not exceed the total which would be allocated to the two 
counties separately. However the population of the annexed areas shall be 
taken into consideration in determining the proportionate share of the total 
allocation due to each county. Municipalities incorporated on or after July 
1, 1980, shall receive a share of the appropriate revenues in conformity with 
the percentage or proportion of such revenues prescribed by law. The 
restrictions as set forth in the proviso shall not apply to the distribution 
of (1) revenues from the Alcoholic Liquors--Minibottle as provided in Title 
61-5-150 of the Code of Laws, 1976, as amended and (2) revenues derived from 
the one percent assessment on premiums written on fire insurance under the 
provisions of Sections 38-57-110 and 38-57-120 of the Code of Laws, 1976 and 
all of such proceeds shall be distributed as provided by Sections 38-57-100 
and 38-57-160 of the Code of Laws, 1976.
  Provided, Further, That in each statutory formula for the allotment of aid 
to subdivisions where population is a factor, the official United States 
Census for 1970 shall be used.
  Provided, Further, All distributions in this section, except Homestead 
Reimbursement and Tax Forms and Supplies Expense, shall be remitted to each 
subdivision by the State Treasurer.
  Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated under "Aid to Counties, 
Tax Forms and Supplies Expense," 4 cent per capita, based on the official 
United States Census for 1970, shall be remitted by the Comptroller General 
to the several counties of the state and shall be applied by the counties 
only on expense of printing tax forms and supplies for county auditors, 
treasurers and tax collectors. Payment shall be made to each county treasurer 
in four equal payments, which shall be made as soon after the beginning of 
each quarter as practical.
  Provided, Further, That notwithstanding the amount appropriated in this 
section for "Homestead Exemption Reimbursement" there is hereby appropriated 
whatever amount is necessary to reimburse the counties and municipalities of 
the State for exemptions allowed in accord with the provisions of law.
  Provided, Further, That seven and one-half (7 1/2% of the state income 
taxes collected between July 1, 1980 and June 30, 1981, shall be allocated to 
the Counties of the State. Within thirty (30) days after the close of each 
quarter, the State Treasurer shall remit to each county of the state its 
percentage of the net income of such income taxes collected, according to his 
records, during the quarter just preceding. If, because of refunds by the Tax 
Commission, or for any other reason, it should develop that an overpayment 
shall have been made to any or all of the counties, the State Treasurer is 
authorized and directed to withhold from subsequent payments a sufficient 
amount to adjust same to the terms of this provision. The amount herein 
allocated to the counties shall be distributed in accordance with the 
provisions of Section 12-1-120, Code of Laws, 1976 and the limitations set 
forth above.
  Provided, Further, That fifty (50) per cent of the amount appropriated in 
this section for "Aid to Planning Districts" shall be divided equally among 
the ten districts, the remaining fifty (50) per cent to be allocated in 
proportion to the population of each district according to the official 
United States Census for 1970.
  Provided, Further, That each district shall, prior to receipt of funds, 
submit a plan for the expenditure of funds appropriated in this section to 
the Budget and control Board. Within ninety (90) days following the end of 
the fiscal year, each district shall submit to the Budget and Control Board a 
copy of an audit of funds appropriated in this section, to be performed by an 
independent Certified Public Accountant.
  Provided, Further That the state Treasurer shall remit to each district its 
share upon approval by the Budget and Control Board.
  Provided, Further, That all Regional Councils of Government shall determine 
from each member of the General Assembly whether or not he wishes to be 
included on the Council's mailing list for A-95 Review Forms. Those Members 
wishing to receive such forms shall be immediately placed on the Council's 
mailing list.
  Provided, Further, That of the amount appropriated under "Aid to Counties, 
Tax Forms and Supplies Expense," 4¢ per capita, based on the official United 
States Census for 1970, shall be remitted by the Comptroller General to the 
several counties of the state and shall be applied by the counties only on 
expense of printing tax forms and supplies for county auditors, treasurers 
and tax collectors. Payment shall be made to each county treasurer in one 
annual payment which shall be made as soon after the beginning of the fiscal 
year as practical.
                                 SECTION 156A
                    Additional Appropriation for Equipment
Item 2. Legislative Department:
  Code of Laws Legislative Council:
   Equipment                                       $ 10,500           $ 500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 10,500           $ 500
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 3. Legislative Department:
  Legislative Audit Council:
   Equipment                                          $ 100           $ 100
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 100           $ 100
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 4. Legislative Department:
  Legislative Information System:
   Equipment                                       $ 51,850        $ 51,850
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total                                             $ 51,850        $ 51,850
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 4A. Joint Legislative Membership
  Research Committee:
   Equipment                                        $ 1,200         $ 1,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 1,200         $ 1,200
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 5. Joint Legislative
 Committee on Energy:
   Equipment                                          $ 400           $ 400
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 400           $ 400
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 6. State Reorganization
   Equipment                                        $ 1,500         $ 1,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 1,500         $ 1,500
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 7. Judicial Department:
   Equipment                                       $ 82,076        $ 82,076
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 82,076        $ 82,076
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 8. Governor's Office:
   Equipment                                       $ 12,955        $ 12,955
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 12,955        $ 12,955
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 9. Governor's Office:
  Executive Policy and Programs:
   Equipment                                      $ 107,750         $ 2,450
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 107,750         $ 2,450
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 10. Secretary of State:
   Equipment                                        $ 4,984         $ 4,984
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 4,984         $ 4,984
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 11. Comptroller General:
   Equipment                                        $ 2,000         $ 2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 2,000         $ 2,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 12. State Treasurers Office:
   Equipment                                       $ 14,250        $ 14,250
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 14,250        $ 14,250
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 13. Attorney General:
   Equipment                                       $ 94,853        $ 70,480
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 94,853        $ 70,480
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 14. Committee on
 Appellate Defense:
   Equipment                                        $ 9,700         $ 9,700
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 9,700         $ 9,700
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 15. Adjutant General:
   Equipment                                       $ 53,761        $ 17,657
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 53,761        $ 17,657
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 16. Budget and Control Board:
  Office of Executive Director:
   Equipment                                        $ 1,200         $ 1,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 1,200         $ 1,200
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 17. Budget and Control Board:
  Finance Division:
   Equipment                                        $ 5,307         $ 5,307
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 5,307         $ 5,307
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 18. Budget and Control Board:
  Research/Statistical Services Division:
   Equipment                                       $ 28,615        $ 28,615
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 28,615        $ 28,615
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 19. Budget and Control Board:
  General Services:
   Equipment                                       $ 88,839        $ 23,865
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 88,839        $ 23,865
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 20. Budget and Control Board:
  Motor Vehicle Management:
   Equipment                                      $ 550,000         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 550,000         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 21. Budget and Control Board:
   Equipment                                        $ 7,000         $ 7,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 7,000         $ 7,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 22. Budget and Control Board:
   Equipment                                        $ 5,133         $ 1,100
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 5,133         $ 1,100
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 23. Higher Education Commission:
   Equipment                                        $ 3,464         $ 3,464
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 3,464         $ 3,464
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 24. Higher Education Tuition
 Grants Committee:
   Equipment                                          $ 285           $ 285
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 285           $ 285
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 25. Citadel:
   Equipment                                      $ 422,635       $ 248,531
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 422,635       $ 248,531
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 26. Clemson University:
   Equipment                                      $ 642,557         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 642,557         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 27. College of Charleston:
   Equipment                                      $ 172,300        $ 84,612
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 172,300        $ 84,612
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 28. Francis Marion College:
   Equipment                                      $ 334,875       $ 259,877
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 334,875       $ 259,877
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 29. Lander College:
   Equipment                                       $ 44,000          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 44,000          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 30. S.C. State College:
   Equipment                                      $ 586,606       $ 152,912
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 586,606       $ 152,912
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 31. University of South Carolina:
   Equipment                                    $ 1,729,580       $ 553,774
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                         $ 1,729,580       $ 553,774
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 32. University of South Carolina:
  Aiken Campus:
   Equipment                                       $ 83,563        $ 30,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 83,563        $ 30,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 33. University of South Carolina:
  Coastal Campus:
   Equipment                                       $ 36,216         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 36,216         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 34. University of South Carolina:
  Spartanburg Campus:
   Equipment                                       $ 32,800         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 32,800         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 35. University of South Carolina:
  Beaufort Campus:
   Equipment                                       $ 12,500         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 12,500         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 36. University of South Carolina:
  Lancaster Campus:
   Equipment                                       $ 18,614         $ 1,571
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 18,614         $ 1,571
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 37. University of South Carolina:
  Salkahatchee Campus:
   Equipment                                        $ 2,937            $ 62
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 2,937            $ 62
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 38. Winthrop College:
   Equipment                                      $ 550,487       $ 398,332
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 550,487       $ 398,332
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 39. Medical University of South Carolina:
   Equipment                                    $ 2,638,786     $ 1,125,834
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                         $ 2,638,786     $ 1,125,834
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 40. Advisory Council on
 Vocational and Technical Education:
   Equipment                                        $ 1,700         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 1,700         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 41. Technical and Comprehensive
 Education Board:
   Equipment                                    $ 1,001,173       $ 557,352
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                         $ 1,001,173       $ 557,352
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 42. Education Department:
   Equipment                                   $ 15,682,650    $ 15,375,044
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                        $ 15,682,650    $ 15,375,044
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 43. Educational Television Commission
   Equipment                                       $ 83,136        $ 41,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 83,136        $ 41,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 44. Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School:
   Equipment                                       $ 15,842         $ 6,842
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 15,842         $ 6,842
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 45. Deaf and Blind School:
   Equipment                                       $ 87,355        $ 69,861
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 87,355        $ 69,861
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 46. Archives and History Department:
   Equipment                                        $ 5,375         $ 3,800
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 5,375         $ 3,800
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 47. Confederate Relic Room:
   Equipment                                        $ 5,958         $ 5,958
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 5,958         $ 5,958
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 48. State Library:
   Equipment                                      $ 233,318        $ 36,729
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 233,318        $ 36,729
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 49. Arts Commission:
   Equipment                                       $ 31,073        $ 11,327
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 31,073        $ 11,327
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 50. Museum Commission:
   Equipment                                        $ 3,967         $ 3,967
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 3,967         $ 3,967
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 51. Health and Environmental Control:
   Equipment                                    $ 1,020,912       $ 100,250
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                         $ 1,020,912       $ 100,250
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 52. Mental Health Department:
   Equipment                                      $ 873,672       $ 378,289
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 873,672       $ 378,289
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 53. Mental Retardation Department:
   Equipment                                      $ 407,525       $ 137,156
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 407,525       $ 137,156
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 54. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission:
   Equipment                                       $ 15,088        $ 10,421
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 15,088        $ 10,421
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 55. Social Services Department:
   Equipment                                      $ 386,755       $ 155,160
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 386,755       $ 155,160
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 56. Vocational Rehabilitation:
   Equipment                                      $ 257,951        $ 13,968
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 257,951        $ 13,968
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 57. John De La Howe School:
   Equipment                                       $ 22,926        $ 15,726
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 22,926        $ 15,726
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 58. Childrens Bureau:
   Equipment                                        $ 2,000         $ 2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 2,000         $ 2,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 59. Blind Commission:
   Equipment                                        $ 5,400         $ 3,672
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 5,400         $ 3,672
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 60. Aging Commission:
   Equipment                                          $ 250          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 250          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 61. Human Affairs Commission:
   Equipment                                        $ 1,062          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 1,062          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 62. Veterans Affairs Department:
   Equipment                                        $ 3,539         $ 3,539
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 3,539         $ 3,539
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 63. Corrections Department:
   Equipment                                      $ 332,782       $ 284,628
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 332,782       $ 284,628
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 64. Probation Parole Pardon:
   Equipment                                       $ 18,240        $ 18,240
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 18,240        $ 18,240
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 65. Youth Services Department:
   Equipment                                      $ 104,591        $ 55,487
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 104,591        $ 55,487
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 66. Law Enforcement Training Council:
   Equipment                                      $ 111,745           $    
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 111,745           $    
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 67. Law Officers Hall of Fame
   Equipment                                       $ 41,000           $    
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 41,000           $    
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 68. Water Resources Commission:
   Equipment                                       $ 23,631        $ 23,631
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 23,631        $ 23,631
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 69. Land Resources Conservation
   Equipment                                       $ 37,353        $ 24,553
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 37,353        $ 24,553
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 70. Forestry Commission:
   Equipment                                      $ 291,519        $ 12,853
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 291,519        $ 12,853
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 71. Agriculture Department:
   Equipment                                       $ 21,723        $ 18,403
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 21,723        $ 18,403
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 72. Clemson University Public Service
   Equipment                                      $ 646,355       $ 312,367
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 646,355       $ 312,367
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 73. Wildlife and Marine Resources
   Equipment                                    $ 1,347,245       $ 497,598
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                         $ 1,347,245       $ 497,598
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 74. Coastal Council:
   Equipment                                       $ 10,369         $ 7,369
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 10,369         $ 7,369
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 75. Parks Recreation and Tourism:
   Equipment                                      $ 295,825        $ 15,225
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 295,825        $ 15,225
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 76. Development Board:
   Equipment                                       $ 25,419        $ 25,419
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 25,419        $ 25,419
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 77. Patriots Point Development
   Equipment                                       $ 13,800          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 13,800          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 78. Public Service Commission:
   Equipment                                       $ 15,139        $ 15,139
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 15,139        $ 15,139
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 79. Industrial Commission:
   Equipment                                        $ 8,249         $ 8,249
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 8,249         $ 8,249
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 80. Workmen's Compensation Fund:
   Equipment                                        $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 5,000         $ 5,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 81. Second Injury Fund:
   Equipment                                        $ 4,140           $    
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 4,140           $    
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 82. Insurance Department:
   Equipment                                       $ 19,050        $ 19,050
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 19,050        $ 19,050
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 83. Financial Institution Board Bank
   Equipment                                          $ 750           $ 750
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 750           $ 750
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 84. Financial Institution Board:
 Consumer Finance:
   Equipment                                        $ 1,500         $ 1,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 1,500         $ 1,500
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 85. Consumer Affairs Commission:
   Equipment                                          $ 750           $ 750
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 750           $ 750
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 86. Tax Commission:
   Equipment                                       $ 44,976        $ 44,976
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 44,976        $ 44,976
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 87. Alcoholic Beverage Control
   Equipment                                       $ 96,558        $ 96,558
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 96,558        $ 96,558
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 88. State Ethics Commission:
   Equipment                                        $ 5,600         $ 5,600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 5,600         $ 5,600
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 89. Employment Security Commission:
   Equipment                                      $ 968,287          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                           $ 968,287          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 90. Auctioneers Commission:
   Equipment                                        $ 2,000         $ 2,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 2,000         $ 2,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 91. Barber Examiners Board:
   Equipment                                          $ 125           $ 125
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 125           $ 125
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 91A. Board of Chiropractic Examiners:
   Equipment                                        $ 3,000         $ 3,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 3,000         $ 3,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 92. Cosmetic Art Examiners Board:
   Equipment                                        $ 1,026         $ 1,026
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 1,026         $ 1,026
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 93. Dentistry Board:
   Equipment                                          $ 100           $ 100
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 100           $ 100
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 94. Nursing Board:
   Equipment                                        $ 3,500         $ 3,500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 3,500         $ 3,500
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 95. Pharmaceutical Examiners:
   Equipment                                        $ 1,600         $ 1,600
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 1,600         $ 1,600
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 96. Physical Therapist Examiners:
   Equipment                                          $ 125           $ 125
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 125           $ 125
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 97. Real Estate Commission:
   Equipment                                       $ 18,000        $ 18,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 18,000        $ 18,000
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 98. Residential Home Builders
   Equipment                                        $ 3,450         $ 3,450
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 3,450         $ 3,450
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 99. Aeronautics Commission:
   Equipment                                       $ 45,137        $ 32,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                            $ 45,137        $ 32,200
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 100. Department on Highways
 and Public Transportation
  Council on Public Transportation:
   Equipment                                        $ 1,754         $ 1,727
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                             $ 1,754         $ 1,727
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 101. Highway and Public Transportation:
   Equipment                                    $ 6,633,778          $     
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                         $ 6,633,778          $     
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 102. Social Services Advisory:
   Equipment                                           $ 94            $ 94
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                                $ 94            $ 94
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 103. Joint Legislative 
 Committee on Children                                $ 210           $ 210
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total                                                $ 210           $ 210
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 104. Committee Structure
 Authorized of State Government:
   Equipment                                          $ 430           $ 430
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 430           $ 430
                                                ===========     ===========
Item 105. Board of Certification
 of Environmental Systems Operators:
   Equipment                                          $ 500           $ 500
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total                                               $ 500           $ 500
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Additional Appropriation
 for Equipment                                 $ 39,801,230    $ 21,691,936
                                                ===========     ===========
                                  SECTION 157
               Department of Highways and Public Transportation
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 3637)
I. Administration:
 Personal Service:
   Chief Commissioner                              $ 51,587         $      
   Classified Positions                           4,310,313
   Unclassified Positions                            40,448
  Other Personal Service:
   Per Diem--Boards and Commissions                  12,000
   Overtime and Shift Differential                    5,232
   Temporary Positions                               29,681
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 4,449,261         $      
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 1,340,965         $      
   Supplies                                       1,571,805
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  821,904
   Travel                                            68,774
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 3,803,448         $      
  Special Items:
   Miscellaneous General Operation                $ 500,000         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 500,000         $      
  Permanent Improvements:
   Land                                           $ 100,000         $      
   Building Construction                          1,233,098
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvements                  $ 1,333,098         $      
  Debt Service:
   Principal                                   $ 10,140,000         $      
   Interest                                       3,772,250
   Service Charges                                    7,450
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Debt Service                           $ 13,919,700         $      
  Public Assistance Payments:
   Hospital Care                                  $ 100,000         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Public Assistance Payments                $ 100,000         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Administration                          $ 24,105,507         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Highway Engineering:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                        $ 19,400,560         $      
   Unclassified Positions                            43,067
  Other Personal Service:
   Temporary Positions                               35,932
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                       $ 19,479,559         $      
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 3,682,204         $      
   Supplies                                       1,593,660
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   77,940
   Travel                                           187,038
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 5,540,842         $      
  Permanent Improvements:
   Right of Way Payments                        $ 9,001,066         $      
   Payments to Road and Bridge
    Contractors                                 111,727,294
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvements                 $120,728,360         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Highway Engineering                     $145,748,761         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
III. Highway Maintenance:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                        $ 31,206,809         $      
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                  267,084
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                       $ 31,473,893         $      
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                        $ 14,764,103         $      
   Supplies                                      23,133,976
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   60,400
   Travel                                            20,450
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses               $ 37,978,929         $      
  Permanent Improvements:
   Payments to Road and Bridges                     $ 4,300         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Permanent Improvements                      $ 4,300         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Highway Maintenance                     $ 69,457,122         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
IV. Motor Vehicle Administration:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                         $ 8,005,233         $      
  Other Personal Service:
   Overtime and Shift Differential                   44,000
   Temporary Positions                               16,726
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 8,065,959         $      
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 1,193,983         $      
   Supplies                                       3,139,048
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                  181,650
   Travel                                            71,200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 4,585,881         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Motor Vehicle
  Administration                               $ 12,651,840         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
V. Highway Patrol:
  Personal Service:
   Classified Positions                        $ 14,476,253         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                       $ 14,476,253         $      
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                         $ 2,602,565         $      
   Supplies                                       3,174,175
   Fixed Charges and Contributions                   28,300
   Travel                                           500,000
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                $ 6,305,040         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Highway Patrol                          $ 20,781,293         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
VI. Highway Beautification:
  Other Operating Expenses:
   Contractual Services                           $ 194,548         $      
   Supplies                                           1,370
   Travel                                               200
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Other Operating Expenses                  $ 196,118         $      
  Permanent Improvements:
   Payments to Road and
    Bridge Contractors                            $ 115,800         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Special Items                             $ 115,800         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Highway Beautification                     $ 311,918         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
VII. Employee Benefits:
 A. Salary Increments:
  Personal Service:
   Increments, Continued 1979-80                $ 2,200,236         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Personal Service                        $ 2,200,236         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Salary Increments                        $ 2,200,236         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
 B. State Employer Contributions:
  Fringe Benefits:
   State Employer Contributions                $ 14,301,149         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Fringe Benefits                        $ 14,301,149         $      
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total State Employer
  Contributions                                $ 14,301,149         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Employee Benefits                        $ 16,501,385         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Highways and Public
 Transportation                                $289,557,826         $      
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Authorized Positions                           (6950)
  Provided, That the Department of Highways and Public Transportation is 
hereby authorized to spend all cash balances brought forward from the 
previous year and all income including Federal Funds and proceeds from bond 
sales accruing to the Department of Highways and Public Transportation, but 
in no case shall the expenditures of the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation exceed the amount of cash balances brought forward from the 
preceding year plus the amount of all income including Federal Funds and 
proceeds from bond sales.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation with the approval of the State Treasurer, is hereby authorized 
to set up with the State Treasurer such special funds out of the Department 
of Highways and Public Transportation funds as may be deemed advisable for 
proper accounting purposes.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation is hereby authorized to secure bonds and insurance covering 
such activities of the Department as may be deemed proper and advisable, due 
consideration being given to the security offered and the service of claims.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation may set aside and deposit in its name in such bank or banking 
institutions as shall be designated by the State Treasurer, the sum of one 
million one hundred thousand dollars ($1,100,000.00) as a revolving fund, and 
all payments from such fund shall be restored to the fund by vouchers drawn 
on the Comptroller General against the Highways and Public Transportation 
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation is authorized to pay the cost of lighting the Gervais Street 
Bridge, between Columbia and West Columbia, and the North Ashley River Bridge 
on S.C. Highway No. 7.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation is hereby authorized to charge a fee of $1.00 for postage and 
handling costs for every vehicle license mailed to the owner.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation is hereby authorized to charge a fee of $3.00 each for 
furnishing certified copies of abstracts of operating records of drivers in 
the administration of the Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act of 1952, as 
amended; and also may establish an appropriate schedule of fees to be charged 
for copies on other records, lists, bidder's proposals, plans, maps, etc. 
based upon approximate actual costs of producing Such copies, lists, bidders' 
proposals, plans, maps, etc., which schedule Shall be effective upon approval 
by the Department of Highways and Public Transportation Commission.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation may sell any materials, supplies, or equipment classified as 
obsolete, surplus, or junk for which the Department has no further need, or 
offer same for trade-in in the purchase of new materials or equipment. All 
such sales of obsolete, surplus or junk materials or equipment by the 
Department shall be to the highest bidder not less than 10 days after having 
been advertised in a newspaper of statewide circulation at least once. 
Provided, That items having a value of less than $100.00 may be disposed of 
by sale in the most advantageous way to the Department, and provided, 
further, that the Department of Highways and Public Transportation may make 
negotiated sales of surplus materials, equipment and supplies to county, 
state, and municipal agencies on a mutually agreed upon basis.
  All proceeds from the sale of such obsolete, surplus or junk material, 
supplies, and equipment shall be credited to the Highway and Public 
Transportation Fund.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation is authorized to publish, in the interest of employee 
relations, a periodical devoted to Department operations and related 
activities. Such publication shall be for free distribution to Department 
personnel and other interested citizens. The cost of publishing and 
distributing such periodical shall be paid from the Highway and Public 
Transportation Fund.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation shall pay into the General Fund of the State the sum of 
$3,013,605, as its proportionate share of the cost of administration of the 
following departments:
   State Treasurer's Office                                      $ 245,441
   Comptroller General's Office                                    356,168
   Attorney General's Office                                       668,318
 State Budget and Control Board:
   Finance Division (Computer Service)                             258,355
   General Services Division (Purchasing)                          163,852
   Personnel Division                                              317,547
   Retirement Divisions                                            255,006
 State Tax Commission:
   Collection of Highway Revenue                                   748,918
  Total                                                        $ 3,013,605
  Provided, Further, That employees of the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation shall receive equal compensation increases and health 
insurance benefits provided in this Act for employees of the State generally.
  Provided, Further, That the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation shall pay from Highway and Public Transportation Fund 
revenues, that portion of the State's contribution to the costs of 
retirement, social security, workmen's compensation insurance, unemployment 
compensation insurance, health and other insurance, and other employer 
contributions provided by the State for the Agency's employees whose salaries 
are funded by the Highway and Public Transportation Fund.
  Provided, Further, That the compensation of the Chief Highway Commissioner, 
the Secretary-Treasurer and the State Highway Engineer shall be paid in 
accordance with the provisions of Section 57-3-410, 57-3-450 and 57-3-470 of 
the Code of Laws, 1976.
  Provided, Further, That members of the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation Commission shall receive such per diem, subsistence and 
mileage for each official meeting as is provided by law for members of 
boards, commissions and committees.
  Provided, Further, That the expenditure of funds known as "C" construction 
funds shall have the approval of a majority of the Legislative Delegation 
members of the county in which the expenditures are to be made.
  Provided, further, That the Department Commission may transfer funds 
appropriated to this Section from one line item to another as the needs 
demand without permission from the Budget and Control Board.
  Provided, Further, That the reduction of authorized positions from 7030 to 
6950 shall be effectuated by the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation by the elimination of such positions as the Department's 
discretion dictates.
                                  SECTION 158
                   (Budget Reference: Volume II, Page 2838)
General Operations:                           Total Funds     General Funds
                             Legislative Division
Sec. 3. Legislative Department:
  The Senate                                    $ 3,605,454     $ 3,605,454
  House of Representatives--                      4,917,210       4,917,210
  Special Services--Both Houses                     171,779         171,779
  Codification of Laws
   Legislative Council                            1,079,828       1,066,501
  Legislative Audit Council                         513,191         513,191
  Legislative Information Systems                   574,501         574,501
  Joint Legislative Membership
   Research Committee                               107,518         107,518
  Joint Legislative Committee
   on Energy                                        124,600         124,600
  Joint Legislative Appropriation
   Review Committee                                  35,000          35,000
  Health Care Planning and
   Oversight Committee                              132,000         132,000
  State Reorganization Committee                    893,440         632,681
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Legislative Department                  $ 12,154,521    $ 11,880,435
                              Judicial Division
Sec. 4. Judicial Department                    $ 12,606,279    $ 12,601,343
                    Executive and Administrative Division
Sec. 5. Governor's Office:
  Executive Control of State                        698,621         698,621
  SLED                                            8,676,354       8,659,792
  Executive Policy and Programs                 103,409,642       3,980,199
  Mansion and Grounds                               212,579         212,579
Sec. 6. Lieutenant Governor                         137,157         137,157
Sec. 7. Secretary of State                          450,826         450,826
Sec. 8. Comptroller General                       2,822,375       2,822,375
Sec. 9. State Treasurer's Office                    967,515         967,515
Sec. 10. Attorney General                         7,519,228       6,202,654
Sec. 11. Commission on Appellate
 Defense                                            298,027         200,302
Sec. 12. Adjutant General                         4,404,946       2,294,126
Sec. 13. State Election Commission                  802,174         767,174
Sec. 14. Budget and Control Board:
  Office of Executive Director                      762,942         762,942
  Finance Division                                5,014,781       4,606,276
  Research/Statistics                             2,471,740       1,459,977
  General Services                               23,064,447       5,380,359
  Motor Vehicle Management                        1,498,829         259,143
  Retirement                                      1,712,479       1,692,063
  Personnel                                       2,997,221       2,131,049
  Local Government                                  430,370         430,370
  Employee Benefits                              60,647,829      60,647,829
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Executive and
  Administrative Division                      $229,000,082    $104,763,328
                             Educational Division
Sec. 15. Higher Education
 Commission                                     $ 1,797,278     $ 1,549,201
Sec. 16. Higher Education
 Tuition Grants Committee                        11,880,769      10,999,726
Sec. 17. The Citadel                             17,314,190       8,312,124
Sec. 18. Clemson University
 (Ed and Gen.)                                   71,110,209      38,035,097
Sec. 19. College of Charleston                   16,947,963      10,179,651
Sec. 20. Francis Marion College                   7,097,712       5,336,093
Sec. 21. Lander College                           6,537,550       3,759,650
Sec. 22. S. C. State College                     19,020,948      10,633,859
Sec. 23. University of
 South Carolina:                                123,250,443      73,666,970
U.S.C.--Aiken Campus                              4,772,968       3,229,594
U.S.C.--Coastal Carolina
 Campus                                           5,678,982       3,945,768
U.S.C.--Spartanburg Campus                        6,625,715       4,386,170
U.S.C.--Beaufort Campus                             988,186         625,605
U.S.C.--Lancaster Campus                          1,788,952       1,122,020
U.S.C.--Salkahatchie Campus                       1,199,373         676,714
U.S.C.--Sumter Campus                             2,382,391       1,422,627
U.S.C.--Union Campus                                777,763         496,977
U.S.C.--Military Center                             300,020
Sec. 24. Winthrop College                        18,654,925      10,218,237
Sec. 25. Medical University
 of S.C.                                        123,931,688      65,422,062
Sec. 26. Advisory Council on
 Vocational and Technical Education                 135,197          27,028
Sec. 27. Technical and Comprehensive
 Education Board                                 89,465,894      47,416,435
Sec. 28. Education Department                   774,974,923     626,035,426
Sec. 29. Educational
 Television Commission                           14,736,966      11,406,206
Sec. 30. Wil Lou Gray
 Opportunity School                               1,486,836       1,083,975
Sec. 31. The Deaf and The
 Blind School                                     6,874,746       6,202,464
Sec. 32. Archives and History
 Department                                       2,457,416       2,333,161
Sec. 33. Confederate Relic Room                     102,162         102,162
Sec. 34. State Library                            3,696,451       2,882,055
Sec. 35. Arts Commission                          2,093,793         931,623
Sec. 36. Museum Commission                          330,826         306,998
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Educational Division                   1,338,413,235    $952,745,678
                                Health Division
Sec. 37. Health and Environmental
 Control                                       $113,620,267    $ 44,933,540

Sec. 39. Mental Health Department               100,809,064      75,289,572
Sec. 40. Mental Retardation
 Department                                      75,962,348      44,107,652
Sec. 41. Alcohol and Drug Abuse
 Commission                                       7,164,743       2,671,546
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Health Division                         $297,556,422    $167,002,310
                    Social Rehabilitation Services Division
Sec. 42. Social Services
 Department                                    $630,347,273    $116,860,421
Sec. 43. Vocational Rehabilitation               36,408,902       9,079,348
Sec. 44. John De La Howe School                   1,449,391       1,091,943
Sec. 45. Ad. Bd. for Review of
 Foster Care for Children                           270,988         270,853
Sec. 46. Children's Bureau                          766,156         706,624
Sec. 47. Blind Commission                         4,412,636       2,259,364
Sec. 48. Aging Commission                        11,738,957       1,213,875
Sec. 49. Housing Authority                        2,620,118         368,677
Sec. 50. Human Affairs Commission                   955,284         667,716
Sec. 51. Veterans Affairs Department                880,015         880,015
Sec. 52. Commission on Women                         36,139          36,139
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Social Rehabilitation Service
  Division                                     $689,885,859    $133,434,975
                            Correctional Division
Sec. 53. Corrections Department                $ 47,077,705    $ 42,913,969
Sec. 54. Probation, Parole
 and Pardon Board                                 4,919,170       4,710,768
Sec. 55. Youth Services Department               13,728,151      11,624,702
Sec. 56. Juvenile Placement
 and Aftercare                                    5,026,518       4,569,448
Sec. 57. Law Enforcement
 Training Council                                 2,514,524
Sec. 58. Law Officers Hall
 Fame Committee                                     108,990
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Correctional Division                   $ 73,375,058    $ 63,818,887
           Conservation, Natural Resources and Development Division
Sec. 59. Water Resources
 Commission                                     $ 1,356,673       $ 872,040
Sec. 60. Land Resources
 Conservation Committee                           2,292,481       1,676,989
Sec. 61. Forestry Commission                     10,620,430       8,772,235
Sec. 62. Agriculture Department                   5,242,658       3,579,890
Sec. 63. Clemson University Public
 Service, Act                                    34,295,847      21,323,082
Sec. 64. Wildlife and Marine
 Resources Department                            17,349,081       8,426,908
Sec. 65. Coastal Council                          1,420,100         286,817
Sec. 66. Sea Grants Consortium                    1,086,328         323,328
Sec. 67. Parks, Recreation
 and Tourism                                     14,570,757       6,451,525
Sec. 68. Development Board                        2,840,631       2,840,631
Sec. 69. Patriots Point
 Development Authority                            1,361,461         454,461
Sec. 70. Clark's Hill-Russell
 Authority                                          119,508         119,508
Sec. 71. Old Exchange Building
 Commission                                          24,403          24,403
Sec. 72. American Revolution
 Bicentennial Commission                             22,300          17,500
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Conservation, Natural
  Resources and Development
   Division                                    $ 92,602,658    $ 55,169,317
                              Regulatory Division
Sec. 73. Public Service
 Commission                                     $ 3,511,196     $ 3,472,845
Sec. 74. Industrial Commission                    1,587,844       1,568,844
Sec. 75. Workmen's Compensation Fund                603,194         603,194
Sec. 76. Second Injury Fund                         210,697
Sec. 77. Insurance Department                     3,795,425       3,795,425
Sec. 78. Financial Institutions                     897,456         897,456
Sec. 79. Consumer Affairs Commission                966,386         934,856
Sec. 80. Dairy Commission                           197,581         197,581
Sec. 81. Labor Department                         3,297,262       1,958,312
Sec. 82. Tax Commission                          14,927,163      14,927,163
Sec. 83. Alcoholic Beverage
 Control Commission                               1,414,290       1,414,290
Sec. 84. State Ethics Commission                    107,032         104,226
Sec. 85. Employment Security
 Commission                                      43,765,504
Sec. 86. Accountancy Board                           83,786          83,786
Sec. 87. Architectural Examining Board               57,010          57,010
Sec. 88. Auctioneers Commission                      76,347          76,347
Sec. 89. Barber Examiners Board                      86,390          86,390
Sec. 90. Cemetery Board                               2,621           2,621
Sec. 90-A. Board of Chiropractic
 Examiners                                           48,988          48,988
Sec. 91. Contractors Licensing
 Board                                              162,814         162,814
Sec. 92. Cosmetic Art Examiners Board               192,475         192,475
Sec. 93. Dentistry Board                             73,342          73,342
Sec. 94. Engineering Examiners Board                162,401         162,401
Sec. 95. Environmental Systems
 Operators--Board of Certification                   72,906          72,906
Sec. 96. Foresters Registration Board                 4,325           4,325
Sec. 97. Funeral Service Board                       45,814          45,814
Sec. 98. Medical Examiners Board                    309,127         309,127
Sec. 99. Nursing Board                              373,602         373,602
Sec. 100. Nursing Home Administrators--
 Examining Board                                     17,903          17,903
Sec. 101. Board of Occupational Therapy               2,185           2,185
Sec. 102. Board of Examiners
 in Opticianry                                       13,196          13,196
Sec. 103. Board of Examiners Optometry               21,556          21,556
Sec. 104. Pharmaceutical Examiners                   80,901          80,901
Sec. 105. Physical Therapist Examining Board         10,842          10,842
Sec. 106. Podiatry Examiners Board                    1,097           1,097
Sec. 107. Psychology Board of Examiners               7,478           7,478
Sec. 108. Real Estate Commission                    511,011         511,011
Sec. 109. Residential Home Builders
 Commission                                         215,480         215,480
Sec. 110. Registered Sanitarians Board                3,683           3,683
Sec. 111. Social Workers
 Registration Board                                   3,081           3,081
SEC. 112. Speech Pathology and
 Audiology--Examiners Board                           6,373           6,373
Sec. 113. Veterinary Medical
 Examiners Board                                     10,051          10,051
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Regulatory Division                     $ 77,937,815    $ 32,530,977
                            Transportation Division
Sec. 114. Aeronautics Commission                $ 1,498,282     $ 1,413,219
Sec. 115. Public Railways
 Commission                                       1,174,410         264,557
Sec. 116. Department of Highways
 and Public Transportation
  Council on Public Transportation                  316,382         293,335
 Total Transportation Division                  $ 2,989,074     $ 1,971,111
                            Debt Service Division
Sec. 117. Debt Service                         $ 84,183,709    $ 84,183,709
 Total Debt Service                            $ 84,183,709    $ 84,183,709
                            Miscellaneous Division
Sec. 118. Atlantic States
 Marine Fisheries                                   $ 3,400         $ 3,400
Sec. 119. Judicial Council                           20,000          20,000
Sec. 120. Tax Study Commission                       32,276          32,276
Sec. 121. Committee on Uniform
 State Laws                                           5,400           5,400
Sec. 122. Workmen's Compensation
 Laws Advisory Council                                2,725           2,725
Sec. 123. S.C. Tobacco Advisory
 Committee                                            7,500           7,500
Sec. 124. Committee to Study Public,
 Private Program Facility for Aging                  27,643          27,643
Sec. 125. Agriculture Study Committee                15,000          15,000
Sec. 126. Automobile Liability Insurance
 Study Committee                                     16,000          16,000
Sec. 127. Committee on Consumer
 Affairs                                             30,000          30,000
Sec. 128. S.C. Crime Study
 Committee                                            3,000           3,000
Sec. 129. Education Study Committee                  15,000          15,000
Sec. 134. Insurance Law Study
 Committee                                           15,000          15,000
Sec. 136. Local Government Study
 Committee                                            3,000           3,000
Sec. 138. Mental Health and
 Retardation Committee                               43,630          43,630
Sec. 139. State Employees Employment
 Committee                                           25,000          25,000
Sec. 140. Social Services Advisory
 Committee                                           13,906          13,906
Sec. 141. Textile Study Committee                    10,000          10,000
Sec. 142. Committee on Tourism                       18,800          18,800
Sec. 143. Public Transportation
 Study Committee                                      7,500           7,500
Sec. 144. Water Resources Study
 Committee                                            2,500           2,500
Sec. 145. Workmen's Compensation
 Study Committee                                     17,975          17,975
Sec. 146. Alcohol and Drug
 Abuse Committee                                     16,250          16,250
Sec. 147. Continuing Committee
 Retirement System                                   12,000          12,000
Sec. 148. Joint Legislative Committee
 to Study Problems of the Handicapped                10,000          10,000
Sec. 149. Joint Legislative
 Committee on Children                               61,244          36,644
Sec. 150. Committee Structure
 Authorized of State Government                      29,570          29,570
Sec. 151. Catawba Indian Reservation
 Study Committee                                      2,000           2,000
Sec. 152. State Bidding Practices
 Study Committee                                      5,000           5,000
Sec. 153. Intergovernmental Relations
 Study Committee                                      5,000           5,000
Sec. 154A. Internal Security Committee                5,000           5,000
Sec. 155. Contributions                             849,321         849,321
Sec. 156. Aid to Subdivisions                    83,925,661      83,925,661
Sec. 156A. Additional Equipment
 Appropriation                                   39,801,230      21,691,936
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Miscellaneous Division                  $125,057,531    $106,923,637
                                                -----------     -----------
Total General Fund Operations                 3,035,762,243   1,727,025,707
                                                ===========     ===========
Total General Fund                            3,035,762,243   1,727,025,707
                                                ===========     ===========
Sec. 157. Department of Highways
 and Public Transportation                      289,557,826     289,557,826
                                                ===========     ===========
 GRAND TOTAL                                  3,325,320,069   1,727,025,707
                                                ===========     ===========
Source of Funds:
  Appropriated General Funds                  1,727,025,707
  Federal Funds                               1,072,186,805
  Other Funds                                   526,107,557
 Total                                        3,325,320,069
Sec. 159. The expenditure of money appropriated in this Act shall be by 
warrant requisitions directed to the Comptroller General. Upon receipt of the 
requisition, accompanied by invoices or other satisfactory evidence of the 
propriety of the payment, and itemized according to standard budget 
classifications, the Comptroller General shall issue his warrant on the State 
Treasurer to the payee designated in the requisition. Provided, However, That 
upon approval and designation by the State Budget and Control Board, state 
institutions may requisition funds in favor of their own treasurer, itemized 
only to the extent of the purpose of the appropriation as expressed in this 
Act, and may deposit such funds in the name of the institution, in such bank 
or banking institutions as shall be designated by the State Treasurer, and 
disburse same by check to meet the purposes of the appropriation, but strict 
account shall be kept of all such expenditures according to standard budget 
classifications. All money shall be drawn only when actually owing and due.
Sec. 160. All departments, institutions and agencies of the State having 
revenue funds other than State appropriated funds available for operations, 
shall use such revenue before appropriations from the State's general fund 
are expended or requisitioned. Provided, however, the Budget and Control 
Board may waive this requirement when, in its opinion, such a procedure is 
not practicable. Provided, further, that no funds shall be requisitioned from 
such appropriations except to meet actual operating obligations of the year 
for which such appropriations are provided.
Sec. 161. During the fiscal year 1980-81, student fees at the State 
institutions of higher learning shall be fixed by the respective Boards of 
Trustees as follows:
  (1) Fees applicable to dormitory rental, dining halls, laundry, infirmary 
and all other personal subsistence expenses shall be sufficient to fully 
cover the cost of providing such facilities and services. Provided, However, 
That this requirement may be waived at the South Carolina Medical University 
with respect to charges for dormitory rental upon approval of the Budget and 
Control Board.
  (2) Student Activity Fees may be fixed at such rates as the respective 
Boards shall deem reasonable and necessary.
Sec. 162. The University of South Carolina, Clemson University, the Medical 
University of S. C. (including the Medical University Hospital), The Citadel, 
Winthrop College, S. C. State College, Francis Marion College, College of 
Charleston, Lander College and the Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School shall 
remit all revenues and income, collected at the respective institutions, to 
the State Treasurer according to the terms of Section 1 of this Act, but all 
such revenues or income so collected, except fees received as regular term 
tuition, matriculation, and registration, shall be carried in a special 
continuing account by the State Treasurer, to the credit of the respective 
institutions, and may be requisitioned by said institutions, in the manner 
prescribed in Section 158 of this Act, and expended to fulfill the purpose 
for which such fees or income were levied, but no part of such income shall 
be used for permanent improvements Without the express written approval of 
the State Budget and Control Board and the Joint Legislative Capital Bond 
Review Committee; and it is further required that no such fee or income shall 
be charged in excess of the amount that is necessary to supply the service, 
or fulfill the purpose for which such fee or income was charged. Provided, 
Further, That notwithstanding other provisions of this act, funds at State 
Institutions of Higher Learning derived wholly from athletic or other student 
contests, from the activities of student organizations, and from the 
operations of canteens and bookstores, may be retained at the institution and 
used as determined by the respective governing boards. Such funds shall be 
audited annually by the State but the provisions of this Act concerning 
unclassified personnel compensation, travel, equipment purchases and other 
purchasing regulations shall not apply to the use of these funds.
Sec. 163. That if necessary the board of trustees of State institutions of 
higher learning may limit the admission of students upon the basis of 
Scholarship standing. Provided, Further, That no State scholarships shall be 
granted by State institutions of higher learning, namely: The University of 
South Carolina, Clemson University, The Citadel, Winthrop College, S. C. 
State College, Francis Marion College, Ille College of Charleston and Lander 
Sec. 164. The Boards of Trustees of the University of South Carolina, Clemson 
University, The Citadel, Winthrop College, S.C. State College, Francis Marion 
College, the College of Charleston, and Lander College, are hereby authorized 
to abate the tuition fee charged at these institutions to the extent of Fifty 
($50.00) Dollars to the winner of the American Legion High School Oratorical 
Contest and to the Governor of Boys' State and to the highest ranking student 
in the State in the annual National Science Talent Search and to the Governor 
of Girls' State; and said abatements to be for four (4) years in each 
instance. As to the winner of the American Legion High School Oratorical 
Contest and the Governor of Boys' State, the abatement shall be granted only 
when the American Legion, Department of South Carolina, shall have 
contributed a like amount per year. The abatement of tuition herein provided 
is for the purpose of furnishing a scholarship of One Hundred ($100.00) 
Dollars per year to the winners of the above contests, the State of South 
Carolina and the American Legion, Department of South Carolina, co-operating 
on an equal basis in providing these scholarships.
Sec. 164A. Until the implementation of a uniform physician fee schedule, 
state agencies and departments shall continue to pay physician's fees in the 
same manner that such fees are now paid.
Sec. 165. All departments, institutions, and agencies of the State are hereby 
directed to budget and allocate the appropriations herein made to them as 
quarterly allocations so as to provide for operation on uniform standards 
throughout the fiscal year and in order to avoid a deficiency in such 
appropriations. The Budget and Control Board is authorized to require any 
agency, institution or department to file a quarterly allocations plan and is 
further authorized to restrict the rate of expenditures of the agency, 
institution or department if the Board determines that a deficit may occur. 
Provided, That the bonds of State officials violating the terms of this 
section shall be held liable there for, unless the Budget and Control Board 
has been advised of, and officially recognizes the necessity for such 
Sec. 166. All Federal Funds received shall be deposited in the State 
Treasury, if not in conflict with Federal regulations, and withdrawn 
therefrom as needed, in the same manner as that provided for the disbursement 
of state funds. If it shall be determined that federal funds are not 
available for, or cannot be appropriately used in connection with, all or any 
part of any activity or program for which state funds are specifically 
appropriated in this Act to match Federal funds, the appropriated funds may 
not be expended and shall be returned to the General Fund, except upon 
specific written approval of the Budget and Control Board after review by the 
Joint Appropriations Review Committee. Provided, Further, That donations or 
contributions from sources other than the Federal Government, for use by any 
state agency, shall be deposited in the State Treasury, but in special 
accounts, and shall be withdrawn from the treasury as needed to fulfill the 
purposes and conditions of the said donations, or contributions, if 
specified, and, if not specified, as may be directed by the proper 
authorities of the department.
  Provided, Further, That the expenditure of funds by agencies of the State 
Government from sources other than General Fund appropriations shall be 
subject to the same limitations and provisions of law applicable to the 
expenditure of appropriated funds with respect to salaries, wages or other 
compensation, travel expense, and other allowances or benefits for employees.
Sec. 167. except as otherwise provided in this Act, all appropriations for 
compensation of State Employees shall be paid in weekly or bi-weekly 
installments to the person holding such position. In order to provide a 
regular and permanent schedule for payment of employees, it is hereby 
established that the payroll
period for the weekly payroll shall begin June 27, 1980 and the payroll 
period for the bi-weekly payroll shall begin June 20, 1980 and end on the 
established payment date of Thursday, July 3, 1980 in each instance. For the 
remainder of the fiscal year payment dates shall fall in one week and two 
weeks intervals following the initial dates indicated above. It is the intent 
of the General Assembly that the schedule thus established will continue from 
one fiscal year to another without interruption. The Budget and Control Board 
is authorized to approve any exceptions to this schedule where circumstances 
are deemed justifiable.
  Provided, Further, That the appropriated salaries for specified positions 
shall mean the maximum compensation for such position, and in any case Where 
the head of any department can secure the services for a particular position 
or work at a lower rate than the salary specified in this Act, authority for 
so doing is hereby given.
  Provided, Further, That no employee of any state department or institution 
shall be paid any compensation from any other department of the State 
government except with the approval of the State Budget and Control Board, 
and no employee of any department or institution shall be paid travel 
expenses by any other department or institution without approval of the 
agency by which he is regularly employed.
Sec. 168. That salaries paid to officers and employees of the State, 
Including its several boards, commissions, and institutions shall be in full 
for all services rendered, and no perquisites of office or of employment 
shall be allowed in addition thereto, but such perquisites, commodities, 
services or other benefits shall be charged for at the prevailing local value 
and without the purpose or effect of increasing the compensation of said 
officer or employee; Provided, However, That this shall not apply to the 
Governor's Mansion, nor to guards at any of the State's penal institutions 
and nurses and attendants at the Department of Mental Health, Department of 
Mental Retardation and the S.C. Sanatorium (Department of Health and 
environmental Control), and to the cottage parents of Will Lou Gray 
Opportunity School. Provided, Further, That the Presidents of State's 
institutions of higher learning may be permitted to occupy a residence on the 
grounds of such institutions without charge. Except in the case of elected 
officials, the fair market rental value of any residence furnished to a state 
employee in an amount determined by the Budget and Control Board shall be 
listed in the General Appropriation Act as a portion of the compensation paid 
to the individual receiving such benefit. Provided, However, That such 
listing shall not be construed to reduce the cash salary paid to the person 
  Provided, Further, That the Director of the Department of Corrections, the 
Farm Director, Farm Managers and Specialists employed at Wateree River 
Correctional Institution, Walden Correctional Institution, MacDougall Youth 
Correctional Center and Givens Youth Correctional Center may be permitted to 
occupy residences owned by the Department without charge. The fair market 
rental value of any residence furnished to a state employee in an amount 
determined by the Budget and Control Board shall be listed in the General 
Appropriation Act as a portion of the compensation paid to the individual 
receiving Such benefit. Provided, however, that such listing shall not be 
construed to reduce the cash salary paid to the person concerned.
  Provided, Further, That all salaries paid by departments and institutions 
shall be in accord with a uniform classification and compensation plan, 
approved by the Budget and Control Board, applicable to all personnel of the 
State Government whose compensation is not specifically fixed in this act. 
Such plan shall include all employees regardless of the source of funds from 
which payment for personal service is drawn. Provided, However, that academic 
personnel of the institutions of higher learning and other individual or 
group of positions that cannot practically be covered by the plan may be 
excluded therefrom but their compensation shall, nevertheless, be subject to 
approval by the Budget and Control Board. Provided, Further, That salary 
appropriations for Employees fixed in this Act shall be in full for all 
services rendered. and no supplements from other sources shall be permitted 
or approved by the State Budget and Control Board. Provided, Further, that 
salaries of the heads of all agencies of the State Government shall be 
specifically fixed in this Act and no salary shall be paid any agency head 
whose salary is not so fixed. Provided, Further, That the source of 
compensation for any position in the State Government shall not be changed 
without approval of the Budget and Control Board.
Sec. 169. The Budget and Control Board shall develop a plan for the 
distribution of the funds appropriated in Section 14 and designated as 
compensation plan merit increments so as to provide funds for an average two 
and one half (2 1/2%) merit increment. The State agencies and institutions 
shall absorb, within their appropriation, funds to provide an additional one 
percent (1) merit increment so as to provide for a maximum average merit 
increase for classified and unclassified employees of three and one half (3 
1/2%). For the purpose of computing the allocation of merit increment funds 
to the various agencies and institutions, it is assumed that the average 
merit review date for both classified and unclassified employees shall be 
January 1 of the fiscal year.
  Provided, Further, That not withstanding any other provisions of this act, 
including specific line appropriations, no State officer or State employee, 
from whatever source paid, shall receive an increase in compensation over the 
fiscal year 1979-80, including base pay, longevity, merit increments, which 
on an annual basis, would exceed the sum of $3,000.00. For the purpose of 
computing the limitation as provided in this section, State officers and 
employees shall be defined as individuals receiving payment from the State or 
any agency or institution thereof, regardless of source of funding, for 
personal services provided to the State or any agency or institution thereof. 
The Budget and Control Board is authorized and directed to reduce the 
allocation of base pay and merit increment funds to the separate agencies and 
institutions to insure that savings to be derived from the limitation as 
herewith established shall accrue to the General Fund and shall not be 
distributed to the agencies and institutions for expenditures. In computing 
the reduction to be applied to the distributions to the agencies and 
institutions of base pay increases and merit increases, the Budget and 
Control Board shall compute the salaries of all classified and unclassified 
employees by adding a 7% base pay increase and a 2 1/2% merit increase. It is 
the intention of the General Assembly that the plan as developed by the 
Budget and Control Board shall provide for merit increment at fixed 
percentage levels. No merit increments shall be awarded to employees at or 
above the maximum of their pay grades, and employees with less than 
satisfactory performance shall not be eligible for merit increments. It shall 
be the responsibility of the individual agency to operate this program with 
funds available. Appropriated funds may be used for merit increases only in 
the same ratio that the employees' base salary is paid from appropriated 
sources. However, the Budget and Control Board may authorize the use of 
appropriated State funds to grant merit increases to those employees who are 
paid from federal funds under the Comprehensive Education and Training Act 
(CETA) and who may not be entitled to an increase from federal funds because 
of a maximum limitation, if such increase is permitted under federal rules 
and regulations.
Sec. 170. That the authorities of all institutions and departments for which 
a lump sum operating appropriation is provided, if requested, beginning with 
the next fiscal year, before the beginning of the fiscal year to which 
appropriations are applicable, submit to the State Budget and Control Board 
for approval an itemized budget for the operation of such department or 
institution during the ensuing fiscal year, and shall further report upon the 
Board's request, any subsequent changes in such approved budget so as to 
reflect the actual detailed operating costs of such department or 
  Provided, Further, That no part of such lump sum appropriations shall be 
used for permanent improvements unless specifically authorized herein.
Sec. 171. Travel and subsistence expenses, whether paid from State 
appropriated, Federal or other funds, shall be allowed in accordance with the 
following provisions:
  A. Unless otherwise provided in paragraphs B through H of this section, all 
employees of the State of South Carolina or any agency thereof while 
traveling on the business of the State shall, upon presentation of a paid 
receipt, be allowed reimbursement for actual expenses incurred for lodging. 
The employee shall also be reimbursed for the actual expenses incurred in the 
obtaining of meals except that such costs shall not exceed $12 per day, 
except in urban areas outside of South Carolina with populations in excess of 
250,000, in which case the maximum daily reimbursement for meals shall not 
exceed $20. It shall be the responsibility of the agency head to monitor the 
charges for lodging which might be claimed by his employees In order to 
determine that such charges are reasonable, taking into consideration 
location, purpose of travel or other extenuating circumstances. The 
provisions of this item shall not apply to Section 42-340 of the 1976 Code.
  B. That employees of the State, when traveling outside the United States, 
Canada and Puerto Rico upon promotional business for the State of South 
Carolina shall be entitled to actual expenses for both food and lodging.
  C. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller 
General, Attorney General, State Treasurer, Adjutant General, Superintendent 
of Education and the Commissioner of Agriculture shall be reimbursed actual 
expenses for subsistence.
  D. Members of committees appointed pursuant to Acts and Resolutions of the 
General Assembly whose membership consists solely of members of the General 
Assembly or members of the General Assembly and other personnel who are not 
employees of the State of South Carolina shall be allowed subsistence 
expenses of $35 per day while traveling on official business. Members of such 
committees may opt to receive actual expenses incurred for lodging and actual 
expenses incurred in the obtaining of meals in lieu of the allowable 
subsistence expense.
  E. Members of the State Boards, Commissions or Committees whose duties are 
not full-time and who are paid on a per diem basis, shall be allowed 
reimbursement for actual expenses incurred at the rates provided in Paragraph 
A and I of this Section while away from their places of residence on official 
business of the State.
  F. Each Justice of the Supreme Court, while traveling upon official 
business of said Court, shall be allowed subsistence expenses in the amount 
of $35 per day plus such mileage allowance for travel as is provided for 
other employees of the State. The Chief Justice, or such other person as he 
designates, while attending the Conference of Chief Justices and one member 
of the Supreme Court while attending the National Convention of Appellate 
Court Judges, and three Circuit Judges w kite attending the National 
Convention of State Trial Judges shall be allowed actual subsistence and 
travel expenses.
  G. No subsistence reimbursement shall be allowed to a Circuit Judge or 
Family Court Judge while holding court within the county in which he resides. 
While holding court or on other official business without the county in which 
he resides a Circuit Court Judge or Family Court Judge shall be entitled to a 
subsistence allowance in the amount of $35 per day.
  H. No expense shall be allowed an employee either at his place of residence 
or at the official headquarters of the agency by which he is employed except 
as provided in paragraph D of this section and except reporters of the 
circuit or family courts who shall be allowed expenses when required to 
travel to counties outside their residences.  When an employee is assigned to 
work a particular territory or district, and such territory or district and 
his official headquarters are in different localities or sections of the 
State. expenses may be allowed for the necessary travel to his official 
headquarters. Provided, however, that the members of the Public Service 
Commission and the Employment Security Commission may be reimbursed at the 
regular mileage rate of one round trip each week from their respective homes 
to Columbia and each member of the Employment Security Commission and each 
member of the Public Service Commission, regardless of the district he 
represents, may receive a subsistence allowance of $35 per day for not 
exceeding five days in any week while in Columbia on official business.
  I. When an employee of the State shall use his or her personal automobile 
in traveling on necessary official business, a charge of 20c per mile will be 
allowed for the use of such automobile and the employee shall bear the 
expense of supplies and upkeep thereof. When such travel is by a State-owned 
automobile, the State shall bear the expense of supplies and upkeep thereof 
but no mileage will be allowed.  Agencies are requested to effect a reduction 
in the number of miles traveled to provide necessary funds for the essential 
travel. Provided, that in traveling on the business of the State, employees 
are required to use the most economical mode of transportation, due 
consideration being given to urgency, schedules and like factors.
  J. That a State agency may advance travel and subsistence expense monies to 
employees of that agency for the financing of ordinary and necessary travel 
required in the conducting of the business of the agency. The Budget and 
Control Board is directed to develop and publish rules and regulations 
pertaining to the advancing of travel expenses and no State agency shall make 
such advances except under the rules and regulations as published.
  K. The State Budget and Control Board is authorized to promulgate and 
publish rules and regulations governing travel and subsistence payments which 
shall be effective July 1, 1980.
Sec. 172. That the per diem allowance of all boards, commissions and 
committees shall be at the rate of Thirty-five ($35) Dollars
per day. Provided, That no full-time officer or employee of the State shall 
draw any per diem allowance for service on such boards, commissions or 
Sec. 173. In addition to the powers and duties devolved upon the Budget and 
Control Board by the 1976 Code of Laws of this State, the said Board is 
hereby given full power and authority to make surveys, studies, and 
examinations of departments, institutions, and agencies of this State, as 
well as its programs, so as to determine whether there may be an overlapping 
in the performance of the duties of the several departments, institutions, 
and agencies of the State, that proper administrative and organizational 
economy is being observed, and for the purpose of determining whether a 
proper system of accounting is maintained in such departments, institutions, 
commissions, and agencies, and to require and enforce the adoption of such 
policies as are deemed necessary to accomplish these purposes; and to survey, 
appraise, examine and inspect, and determine the true conditions of all 
property of the State, and what may be necessary to protect it against fire 
hazard or deterioration, and to conserve its use for State purposes, and to 
make and issue and to enforce all necessary, needful, and convenient rules 
and regulations for the enforcement of this provision and to approve the 
destruction or disposal of records of no value to the State. Provided, 
Further, That the State Budget and Control Board may require that all plans 
and specifications for permanent improvements of any nature by any State 
approval prior to the awarding of any contract there for, or prior department 
or institution shall be submitted to the said Board for to construction by 
any other means. Provided, Further, That the State Budget and Control Board 
shall have the authority to approve blanket bonds for each of the several 
departments, agencies and institutions of the state government, which bonds 
shall include coverage requirements by law for particular officials and 
employees and any others who, in the opinion of the Board, should be bonded. 
Such blanket bonds shalt be subject to approval as to form and execution by 
the Attorney General.
Sec. 174. Provided, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, the 
State Treasurer may enter into contracts whereby the agency or institution 
may accept credit cards as payment for goods or services provided.
Sec. 175. Any appropriations made herein or by special act now or hereafter, 
are hereby declared to be maximum, conditional and proportionate, the purpose 
being to make them payable in full in the amount named herein, if necessary, 
but only in the event the aggregate revenues available during the period for 
which the appropriation is made are sufficient to pay them in full. The State 
Budget and Control Board Shall have full power and authority to survey the 
progress of the collection of revenue and the expenditure of funds by all 
departments and institutions, and is hereby authorized and directed to make 
such reductions of appropriations as may be necessary to prevent a deficit; 
Provided, That no institution or activity for which the General Assembly has 
herein provided shall be discontinued.  Provided, Further, That any reduction 
of appropriations by the said Board, under authority of this Act, shall be 
applied as uniformly as may be practicable except that no reduction shall be 
applied to any part of such appropriations which may be encumbered by a 
written contract with an agency not connected with the State Government; and 
Provided, Further, That in making such reductions any amounts of State 
Revenues allocated by law to Counties and Municipalities (commonly referred 
to as Aid to subdivisions) shall be subject to reduction the same as 
appropriations. Counties and Municipalities shall be immediately notified of 
any such action by the Board. Provided, Further, That no such reduction shall 
be ordered by the State Budget and Control Board while the General Assembly 
is in session without first reporting such necessity to the General Assembly.
  Provided, Further, That the State Budget and Control Board is hereby 
authorized to borrow such amounts of money as may be necessary to pay 
appropriations made by the General Assembly, and to pledge for the payments 
of such loans any General Fund assets, including revenues of the next 
succeeding fiscal year.
  Provided, Further, That the expenditure of funds, heretofore or hereafter 
provided, by any State Agency, except the Department of Highways and Public 
Transportation for permanent improvements as defined in the State Budget, 
shall be subject to approval and regulations of the State Budget and Control 
Board. The Board shall have authority to allot to specific projects from 
funds made available for such purposes, such amounts as are estimated to 
cover the respective costs of such projects, to declare the completion of any 
such projects, and to dispose, according to law, of any unexpended balances 
of allotments, or appropriations, or funds otherwise provided for such 
projects, upon the completion thereof. Provided, However, That the approval 
of the Budget and Control Board shall not be required for permanent 
improvements, renovations and alterations where the cost does not exceed 
  Provided, Further, That in all construction improvement and renovations of 
State buildings, the applicable standards and specifications set forth in 
each of the following codes shall be followed: The Standard Building Code--
1980 Edition; The Standard Plumbing Code--1980 Edition; The Standard Gas 
Code--1980 Edition; The Standard Mechanical Code--1980 Edition as adopted by 
the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc., The National 
Electrical Code--NFPA 70-1978 and The National Electrical Safety Code--ANSI-
C2-1977 Edition. Provided, However, That Section 508 of The Standard Building 
Code--1980 Edition shall not be followed.
Sec. 176. That transfers of appropriations herein provided may be made within 
departments, upon the unanimous approval of the State Budget and Control 
Board, but no such transfer shall be permitted for the purpose of increasing 
the compensation of any State employee which is specifically fixed in this 
Act nor shall any transfer be permitted from any appropriation for per diem.
Sec. 177. Subsection (a). The Budget and Control Board through its Division 
of General Services is hereby directed to assess and collect a rental charge 
from all departments and agencies of the State Government occupying space in 
State-controlled office buildings. The amount charged each department or 
agency shall be calculated on a square foot, or other equitable basis of 
measurement, and at such rates as will yield sufficient total annual revenue 
to cover, in priority order, both (1) the annual principal and interest due 
on the Capital Improvement Obligations authorized by Act No. 829 of the 1964 
Acts, Act No. 1273 of the 1970 Acts and Act No. 508 of the 1971 Acts and Act 
No. 1377 of the 1968 Acts as amended for projects administered by the 
Division of General Services and (2) maintenance and operation costs of 
State-controlled office buildings in the City of Columbia. The amount so 
collected which is applicable to the payment of principal and interest due on 
obligations authorized by Act 1377 of the 1968 Acts as amended shall be paid 
into the State's General Fund to apply on debt service appropriations under 
Section 117 of this Act.
  Subsection (b). All departments and agencies against which rental charges 
are assessed and whose operations are financed in whole or in part by Federal 
and/or other non-appropriated funds are directed to apportion the payment of 
such charges equitably among all such funds, so that each shall bear its 
proportionate share. All appropriations in this Act applicable to the rental 
of space in State-controlled Buildings (exclusive of the Department of 
Highways and Public Transportation), shall be available only for payment of 
that portion of rental charges applicable to State-appropriated operations.
  Subsection (c). Rental collections shall be deposited by the General 
Services Division in the State Treasury in a special account and shall be 
expended only for (1) payment of principal and interest due on the 
obligations referred to in Subsection (a) above and (2) maintenance and 
operations costs of the buildings referred to in Subsection (a) above.
Sec. 178. All institutions, departments and agencies shall file an annual 
report with the Budget and Control Board at such time as the Board shall 
specify. The Board shall be charged with the responsibility of printing these 
reports. They shall be made available on or before January first to each 
member of the General Assembly at his request; individually from the State 
Library, or bound to get her as "Reports and Resolutions" from the 
Legislative Council.  The clerk of the House of Representatives is hereby 
authorized to refuse to place upon the desks of the members any reports not 
submitted in compliance with this section.
  The Budget and Control Board shall prescribe such specifications and 
deadlines as may appear practicable for all State and departmental reports, 
the objective being to limit the content, style of printing and cost of 
publication of such reports within reasonable limits. Provided, that the 
Comptroller General may submit his annual report in two parts. The report on 
State Finances and Confederate Pensions shall be submitted within the above 
prescribed time and the report on County Finances shall be submitted when 
available. The Budget and Control Board shall report annually to the General 
Assembly on the expenditure of appropriations for such reports showing, by 
departments, the number of copies and cost of publication.
  All departmental annual reports shall be submitted to the Budget and 
Control Board. Only such reports shall be printed as shall be expressly 
requested by the Budget and Control Board and a report of such requests shall 
be available to each member of the General Assembly.
Sec. 179. Each agency having in its custody one or more aircraft shall 
maintain a continuing log on all flights, which shall be open for public 
  All passengers on every flight of state-owned aircraft shall be listed by 
their legal name. Any and all aircraft owned by agencies of the State 
Government shall be used only for official business. The Aeronautics 
Commission and other agencies owning and operating aircraft may furnish 
transportation to legislators and members of State boards, commissions and 
agencies on official business only.
  Provided, the provisions above shall not apply to aircraft of the Athletic 
Department of any State supported institution of Higher Education.
Sec. 180. No aircraft will be purchased by any State Agency without the 
authorization of the State Budget and Control Board and Joint Legislative 
Appropriation Review Committee.
Sec. 181. Any funds derived by the State Ports Authority from the rental, 
lease or sale of any of its facilities shall be expended for the benefit of 
the particular Port where such facilities are located.
Sec. 182. In any instances where Federal laws or regulations, relating to 
funds allotted to State Government agencies, include requirements relating to 
banking procedures, the State Treasury shall be deemed to meet the definition 
of a bank.
Sec. 183. The President of the University of South Carolina, Clemson 
University, the Medical University of South Carolina, The Citadel, Winthrop 
College, South Carolina State College, Francis Marion College, College of 
Charleston, and Lander College shall not be paid a fixed allowance for 
personal expenses incurred in connection with the performance of their 
official duties. Reimbursements may be made to such Presidents from funds 
available to their respective institutions for any such personal expenses 
incurred provided that all requests for such reimbursement are supported by 
properly documented vouchers processed through the normal accounting 
procedures of such institutions.
Sec. 184. That to the extent funds are available, amounts appropriated for 
the state's contribution to the South Carolina Retirement System for state 
employees and for Social Security for state employees shall be payable from 
funds allotted to the state by the federal government under the State and 
Local Fiscal Assistance Acts of 1972 and 1976 (Revenue Sharing) and the 
Public Works Employment Act of 1976. Such payments shall be in the following 
order of priority: (1) from funds allotted to the State by the federal 
government under the Public Works Employment Act of 1976 and any amendment of 
that act or employees maintaining basic services provided during the two 
preceding fiscal years; and (2) from funds allotted to the State by the 
federal government under the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Acts of 1972 
and 1976 (Revenue Sharing). Provided, Further, That Federal Funds allotted to 
the State for the period January 1, 1972 through June 30, 1973 or the 
investment thereof, under the provisions of the State and Local Fiscal 
Assistance Act of 1972 (commonly referred to as "Windfall Revenue Sharing 
Funds") not heretofore appropriated shall be applied to the payment of 
appropriations for the State contribution to the South Carolina Retirement 
System for public school employees.
Sec. 185. The funds appropriated to each agency or institution for payment of 
employer contributions for state employees shall be used for that purpose 
only and it is intended that the amount so provided to each agency or 
institution shall be sufficient to pay the employer contribution costs of 
that agency. The Budget and Control Board is directed to devise a plan for 
the expenditure of the funds appropriated for employer contributions and may 
require transfers of funds within an agency or institution if it becomes 
evident that the employer contribution costs will exceed the funds available 
for that purpose.
Sec. 186. The General Assembly hereby expresses its grave concern over the 
disturbing increase in the number of personnel employed by the State of South 
Carolina. It is further declared to be the intent of the General Assembly to 
take positive steps to control and restrict such growth in the future, 
without unduly hampering the legitimate functions of state government.
  In order to increase the efficiency of state government, promote economy 
and reduce costs, the Budget and Control Board is hereby directed to maintain 
close supervision over the number of state employees, and to require 
specifically the following:
  1. That no state agency exceed the authorized number of positions funded 
from state, federal, or other sources as provided in each section of this Act 
without unanimous consent of the Budget and Control Board. Specific written 
confirmation of such unanimous approval shall be forwarded to each member of 
the Joint Appropriations Review Committee in the event that any agency is 
allowed to exceed the number of positions authorized in this Act.
  2. That the State Auditor shall maintain a record of the total number of 
authorized positions by agency categorized by State, Federal and Other 
funding sources. No position shall be established by the State Personnel 
Division in excess of the number authorized in the State Auditor's record.
  3. That the number of positions authorized in this Act shall be reduced in 
the following circumstances:
    a. When a position has been vacant for nine months.
    b. When anticipated federal funds for such positions are denied.
    c. When the Budget and Control Board, through study or analysis, becomes 
aware of any unjustifiable excess of positions in any State agency.
  4. That the State Budget and Control Board shall submit monthly reports to 
the Joint Legislative Committee on Personal Service Financing and Budgeting. 
Such reports shall include any changes in the authorized number of positions, 
the number of filled and vacant positions and any other data requested by the 
  5. That, notwithstanding any other provision of this act, state funds 
appropriated for new positions in this act shall be used to fund those 
positions only. Any funds not used for this specific purpose shall be 
returned to the General Fund; provided, further, that each state agency with 
new positions funded in this act shall file a report with thee Joint 
Legislative Committee on Personal Service Financing and Budgeting and the 
State Auditor ,by July 15, 1981 indicating the date the new position was 
established, the date filled, the annual salary and the amount expended 
during the fiscal year for salary and fringe benefits.
  6. That no new permanent positions in state government shall be funded by 
appropriations in acts supplemental to this act but temporary positions 
may,be so funded.
  7. That any agency proposal submitted to the Budget and Control Board, the 
Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives or the Senate 
Finance Committee which includes the creation of new positions shall include 
at the time of submission written justification for creation of such new 
positions and an impact statement reflecting the cost to the State for each 
new position for the next three fiscal years.
Sec. 187. It is the intent of the General Assembly that any surplus, 
unappropriated balance in the state's general fund at the end of 1979-80 
together with any amount in the general fund reserve, shall be retained and 
made available to cover appropriations in this act to the extent that general 
fund revenue in 1980-81 may be insufficient there for.
Sec. 188. That unless specifically authorized herein, the appropriations 
provided in Part I of this Act as ordinary operating expenses of the State 
Government shall lapse on July 31, 1981.  Provided, That on July 31, 1981, 
the Budget and Control Board may authorize an extension of not exceeding 31 
days for the expenditure of funds to pay for outstanding commitments of 
employer contributions and assistance payments. The Budget and Control Board 
may authorize such accounting procedures as may be necessary to accomplish 
this purpose. Provided, That appropriations for permanent improvements, or 
for other specific purposes aside from ordinary operating expenses, now 
outstanding or hereafter provided, shall lapse at the end of the second 
fiscal year following the close of the fiscal year in which such 
appropriations were provided, unless definite commitments shall have been 
made, with the approval of the State Budget and Control Board, toward the 
accomplishment of the purposes for which the appropriations were provided.
Sec. 189. In order to establish a more uniform schedule for state agencies to 
follow in reimbursing physicians for medical services rendered on behalf of 
such agencies and institutions, the State Budget and Control Board and the 
Health Care Planning and Oversight Committee of the Legislature is hereby 
authorized and directed to develop recommendations for the implementation of 
a uniform fee schedule to govern such reimbursement mechanisms taking into 
account the California Relative Value Studies or other possible alternatives 
in recommending a uniform reimbursement schedule within the shortest time 
frame as is reasonably feasible.
  In developing such schedule, the Budget and Control Board and the Oversight 
Committee should utilize the input of such public and private persons or 
organizations as in their judgment is necessary to develop a fair and 
equitable plan.
  The Committee is hereby directed to make its recommendations in writing to 
the State Budget and Control Board, the Ways and Means Committee and the 
Finance Committee of the Legislature and such other parties as it deems 
  The agencies and institutions shall implement the uniform fee schedule at 
the direction of the Budget and Control Board and the Oversight Committee."
Sec. 190. Provided, Further, That all state employees, who are commissioned 
law enforcement officers upon retirement, if vested, may purchase their 
assigned weapon at a nominal fee.
Sec. 191. That the Legislative Audit Council and the State Auditor shall be 
furnished a copy of each audit report issued by a federal Audit Agency within 
fifteen days from the date of receipt by the State Agency. Provided, Further, 
That the State Auditor shall periodically furnish a list of such reports to 
each member of the General Assembly.
Sec. 192. The provisions of Section 26 of Part II of Act 644 of 1978 are 
extended and shall be effective in all respects through the fiscal year 1980-
1981 and a regional committee is established to advise the Interagency 
Council and the Santee-Wateree Regional Transportation Authority in the 
implementation of the project, including the planning for services at the 
conclusion of the project.
  The Committee shall be composed of representatives of all local 
participating agencies. The chairman of the Committee shall be elected at the 
first meeting among its membership. The Committee shall meet monthly during 
the period stated above. The Committee shall meet and begin to perform its 
duties immediately upon the effective date of this act and shall be staffed 
by the Santee-Lynches Council of Governments.
Sec. 193. Any unexpended balances in appropriations provided in Part II of 
Act 354 of 1973 shall be carried forward and made available for expenditure 
through June 30, 1981.
Sec. 194. All temporary provisions in PART II (Permanent Provisions) of this 
act are hereby transferred to PART IV (General
and Temporary Provisions) of this act. The Auditor's Office in conjunction 
with the Legislative Council shall make the necessary transfers before this 
act is sent to the Governor's Office.
Sec. 195. Notwithstanding the provisions of Act 652 of 1978, if any capital 
improvement bond funds authorized by Act 354 of 1973 and Act 1294 of 1974 for 
expansion of Colleton Area Vocational School are not committed by a 
construction contract by June 30, 1980, such funds shall be reallocated as 
the General Assembly may determine.
                                End of Part I
                                    PART II
                             Permanent Provisions
                                  SECTION 1
  It is hereby declared to be the intent of the General Assembly that the 
following sections shall constitute a part of the permanent laws of the State 
of South Carolina, and the Code Commissioner is hereby directed to include 
same in the next edition of the Code of Laws of South Carolina and all 
Supplements to the Code.
                                  SECTION 2
  To create the Joint Legislative Committee on Personal service Financing and 
Budgeting, to Define Its Powers and Duties and to Impose Duties on State 
Bonds, Agencies and Institutions Relative to the Committee and Its Duties.
  A. There is hereby created the Joint Legislative Committee on Personal 
Service Financing and Budgeting to study issues pertaining to the budgeting 
of personal service funds and positions, and to overview the implementation 
of recommendations made pursuant to Section 151 of Act 199 of 1979, the 
General Appropriation Act of 1979. The committee shall be composed of ten 
members, five of whom shall be members of the Ways and Means Committee of the 
House of Representatives to be appointed by the Chairman of that committee 
and five of whom shall be members of the Senate Finance Committee to be 
appointed by the Chairman of that committee.
  B. The committee shall have the responsibility of reviewing on behalf of 
the General Assembly the report of the Task Force on Control of Growth in 
State Government as mandated by Section 151 of Part I of Act 199 of 1979. It 
shall monitor, oversee, and evaluate actions taken to implement the findings 
of that report, including but not limited to measures pertaining to position 
control contained in Part I of this act.
  The committee shall further have the responsibility of reviewing the 
appropriation process and the position approval process and statutes relating 
thereto as such processes and statutes affect or pertain to the financing or 
budgeting of personal service throughout the various agencies and 
institutions of state government.
  It shall make annual reports to the General Assembly concerning the 
progress of efforts to contain the growth of state government.
  C. 1. State agencies and institutions shall comply with requests made by 
the committee for information necessary to its efforts.
  2. The committee may request assistance from the research staffs of the 
Senate, the House of Representatives, the Legislative Council, the 
Legislative Audit Council, and the State Reorganization Commission.
  D. 1. The committee shall cooperate with the Joint Legislative 
Appropriations Review Committee in analyzing the system for approving, 
monitoring, and accounting for any positions which are funded, or which may 
be funded, with federal or other funds. It may present, from time to time, 
recommendations to the Review Committee concerning modifications of budget 
format or content which might be necessary to contain further the growth of 
state government.
  2. The committee shall cooperate with the Committee on State Employees and 
Their Employment in making reports on matters pertaining to the compensation 
of state employees whose compensation derives from federal, state, or other 
funds, to employment or hiring practices which may result in personal service 
annualization; or, to employee benefits and employer contributions and the 
financing or provision thereof.
  3. The Committee shall also have the responsibility of reviewing, analyzing 
and reporting on certain perquisites, housing and automobiles furnished to 
state employees. The Committee may make recommendations as to the legality 
and termination of such perquisites or benefits should such perquisites be 
found to be in violation of State statutes.
  E. The committee may create and appoint ad hoc committees composed of state 
and local government officials or employees and qualified persons in the 
private sector to serve as subcommittees for various studies which may be 
conducted by the committee.
  F. The General Assembly hereby reaffirms its prior expression of grave 
concern over the disturbing increase in the number of personnel employed by 
the State and hereby expresses its further concern over the increasing 
magnitude of state, federal and other funds necessary to maintain the growing 
complement of employees.
  The State Budget and Control Board, before exercising its authority to 
allow agencies to exceed the number of positions authorized in any General 
Appropriation Act, shall submit requests made by agencies to exceed the 
number of positions so authorized to the Joint Legislative Committee on 
Personal Service Financing and Budgeting for review and comment. The Budget 
and Control Board shall give consideration to the intent of the General 
Assembly expressed in this section and to the recommendations of such joint 
committee when exercising its authority to allow agencies to so exceed the 
number of positions.
  G. Expenses of the committee shall be paid from the approved accounts of 
both Houses.
  H. The Legislative Council shall provide such legal services as the 
committee may require in the performance of its duties.
                                  SECTION 3
  To Amend Section 8 of Part II of Act 199 of 1979, Relating to Justification 
of Amounts of Money Requested by Agencies, Departments or Institutions, so as 
to Require Additional Information Deemed Necessary by the State Budget and 
Control Board after Consultation with the Joint Legislative Appropriations 
Review Committee.
  Section 8 of Part II of Act 199 of 1979 is amended by adding at the end:
  "For the purpose of justification as set forth in this provision, the 
Budget and Control Board shall require each state agency, department and 
institution to submit for each program the purposes, objectives and such 
quantitative measurements regarding services provided as the Budget and 
Control Board in consultation with the Joint Legislative Appropriations 
Review Committee might deem necessary for program evaluation."
                                  SECTION 4
  To Require an Annual Inventory and Report of Residential Property of all 
State Agencies, to Provide for the Sale Of Property not Being Utilized and to 
Provide for the Use of the Funds Derived from the Sale.
  Every State agency, as defined by Section 1-19-40, shall annually perform 
an inventory and prepare a report of all residential property owned by it. 
The report shall be submitted to the State Budget and Control Board and the 
Joint Legislative Committee on Personal Service Financing and Budgeting on or 
before June thirtieth and shall indicate current use, current value and 
projected use of the property.  Property not currently being utilized for 
necessary agency operations shall be made available for sale and funds 
received from the sale of the property shall revert to the general fund.
                                  SECTION 5
  To Provide for Dental coverage under the Health Insurance Master Contract.
  The Budget and Control Board shall make available an amended master health 
insurance contract offering dental coverage to the same persons covered by 
the master contract if a majority of such persons covered desire dental 
coverage. The total premium cost for dental coverage shall be paid by the 
state employee, school district or political subdivision employee covered 
under the present state employee health insurance contract.
                                  SECTION 6
  To Provide that Parolees and Probationers Shall Pay a Fee of Ten Dollars 
Per Month for Each Month on Probation Except in Certain Cases, to Provide for 
the Disposition of Such Fees, and to Amend Section 12-7-660, Code of Laws of 
South Carolina, 1976, as Amended, Relating to Exclusion from Gross Income, so 
as to Exclude Fees Paid by Parolees and Probationers from Gross Income for 
State Income Tax Purposes.
  A. Every person granted parole by the Probation, Parole and Pardon Board 
(Board), and every adult placed on probation by a court of competent 
jurisdiction shall be required to pay one hundred twenty dollars per year 
toward offsetting the cost of his supervision for so long as he remains under 
supervision. This fee is due and payable on the date of sentencing or date of 
parole and each Anniversary thereafter for the duration of the supervision 
period. The payment of the fee shall be a condition of parole or probation 
and a delinquency of two months or more in making payments shall operate as a 
revocation of parole or probation rendering the violator liable to serving 
out any remaining part of his sentence. Provided, however, that the Board, in 
the case of parolees, or a court of competent jurisdiction, in the case of 
probationers, may exempt the probationer or parolee from payment of any part 
or all of the yearly fee during any part or all of the term, where the Board 
or the court determines that such payments would work a severe hardship on 
the parolee or probationer. Delinquencies of two months or more in payment of 
any reduced fee shall operate in the same manner as delinquencies for the 
full amount.
  B. Each probation officer shall keep an accurate account of the money he 
collects pursuant to this act and shall give a receipt to the probationer or 
parolee for each payment. Money collected shall be forwarded to the Board 
where it shall be deposited in the State Treasury.
  C. Section 12-7-660 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 114 of 1979, 
is further amended by adding a new item to read:
  "( ) Any fees required to be paid by a taxpayer to a probation officer as a 
condition of the taxpayer's parole or probation."
  D. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the fees collected from 
probationers and parolees by the Probation, Parole and Pardon Board be used, 
in future years, for the hiring of additional parole and probation staff. The 
Budget and Control Board is directed to take this intent into consideration 
in developing budget recommendations for fiscal year 1981-82.
                                  SECTION 7
              Senate Management and Operations Committee Created
  There is hereby created a permanent Senate Operations and Management 
Committee composed of seven members of the Senate, appointed by the President 
Pro Tempore whose duties shall include but not be limited to the following:
    1. Management of the L. Marion Gressette Building with authority to 
formulate and implement policies and procedures for the effective utilization 
of personnel, equipment, and space within the building.
    2. Develop and implement policies for a Senate Personnel Plan which shall 
      (a) Establishment of policies and procedures for the employment and 
dismissal of Senate employees.
      (b) Establishment of guidelines for the effective management and 
supervision of Senate employees.
      (c) Review requirements and needs of members and committees of the 
Senate for staff support.
  The personnel policies and procedures established by the committee shall be 
the controlling policies and procedures for management of Senate personnel.
  In furtherance of the requirements of this section the committee is 
authorized to continue work during the interim to secure such information and 
make such investigations as it may deem necessary.  The members shall be paid 
the regular per diem, mileage and subsistence allowance provided by law to be 
paid from approved accounts of the Senate.
                                  SECTION 8
  To Amend Item (g) of Section 10-3-30 of the 1973 Code, As Amended, Relating 
to the Governor's Mansion and Lace House Commission, so as to Delete the 
Provision which Allows Funds to be Accepted and Disbursed Without Passing 
through the Office of the State Treasurer.
  Item (g) of Section 10-3-30 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Section 5 
of Part II of Act 632 of 1978, is further amended by striking beginning on 
line five "Such funds may be received and disbursed without passing through 
the office of the State Treasurer or the state general fund and, because" and 
inserting "Because". The item when amended shall read:
  '(g) Accept and disburse funds which shall be utilized to purchase articles 
of historical, artistic, decorative or intrinsic permanent value for use in 
the Governor's Mansion and other buildings owned by the State of South 
Carolina in the two blocks surrounded by Lincoln, Laurel, Gadsden and Calhoun 
Streets in the City of Columbia. Because of the nature of the articles 
purchased, such purchases shall be exempt from the bidding and purchasing 
procedures of the Division of General Services applicable to other state 
agencies if they are in the categories of articles above described in this 
item. All such receipts and disbursements shall be made with the approval of 
the Commission and be subject to an annual audit for each fiscal year by the 
state auditor (including past fiscal years). Such funds and purchases made 
therewith and gifts made hereunder shall be the property of the State of 
South Carolina."
                                  SECTION 9
  To Amend Act 651 of 1978, as Amended, Relating to a Revised Structure and 
Content of the general Appropriation Act, so as to Provide for Annual State 
Indirect Cost Allocation Plans and Procedures.
  Act 651 of 1978, as last amended by Section 6 of Part II of Act 199 of 
1979, is further amended by adding:
  'Section 9A. An annual state indirect cost allocation plan shall be 
prepared by the State Auditor's Office. Each state agency's, department's or 
institution's indirect cost rate proposal shall be prepared by the agency, 
department or institution and shall be submitted to the State Budget and 
Control Board and the Joint Review Committee prior to the submission to any 
federal agency for the agency's approval. After being approved by the Board 
and the Committee the proposal shall be forwarded to the federal agency by 
the Auditor's Office and a rate shall be issued to the state agency from the 
Auditor's Office. The Auditor's Office shall provide an annual estimate of 
indirect funds collected from federal and other programs for inclusion in the 
annual state general appropriation act and the Auditor's Office shall 
continually monitor these funds.'
                                  SECTION 10
              To Establish a Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council
  A. There is hereby established a Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council which 
shall be responsible to and report to the Governor.
  B. The duties of the Council, in addition to such other duties as may be 
requested by the Governor, shall be:
    (1) To provide advice and recommendations to the Governor on issues 
involving the use, handling and management of the transportation, storage or 
disposal of nuclear materials within South Carolina, or such use, handling, 
transportation, storage or disposal of nuclear materials outside of the State 
which may affect the public health, welfare, safety and environment of the 
citizens of South Carolina.
    (2) To provide advice and recommendations to the Governor regard in the 
various programs of the United States Department of Energy and other federal 
agencies related to the Establishment of a National Radioactive Waste 
Management Plan and the applicability of South Carolina laws, and 
administrative rules and regulations to such a plan.
  C. The recommendations described in Subsection B shall be made available to 
the General Assembly and Joint Legislative Committee on Energy.
  D. The Council shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Governor 
as follows: One shall be actively involved in the area of environmental 
protection; one shall have experience in the generation of power by nuclear 
means; one shall have experience in the field of nuclear activities other 
than power generation; one shall be a scientist or engineer from the faculty 
of one of the institutions of higher learning in the State; and one shall be 
from the public at large.
  The terms of the members of the Council shall be co-terminus with that of 
the appointing Governor, but they shall serve at the pleasure of the 
  Vacancies on the Council shall be filled in the manner of the original 
  E. The Governor shall designate the Chairman from the membership. When on 
business of the Council, members shall be entitled to receive such 
compensation as provided by law for boards and commissions.
  F. The Council may employ, on a full or part-time basis, staff as necessary 
to carry out the activities of the Council. Unclassified staff of the 
previous S.C. Nuclear Advisory Council transferred to the Joint Legislative 
Committee on Energy under Part II, Section 19D of Act No. 644 of 1978 are 
hereby transferred to the Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council.
  G. Part II, Section 17 of Act 199 of 1979 is repealed.
                                  SECTION 11
  To Establish a Legislative Advisory Committee on Early Childhood Education 
and Development, To provide for a forum for the exchange of information 
regarding legislative recommendations and priorities in early childhood 
education and development by various groups and agencies, a Legislative 
Advisory Committee on Early Childhood Education and Development is hereby 
created. The membership of the committee shall consist of the Chairman or 
designee of the Senate Education Committee, Senate General Committee, Senate 
Medical Affairs Committee, House Education Committee, House Medical, Military 
and Municipal Affairs Committee and the Joint Legislative Committee on 
Children. The committee shall meet at least three times a year to consider 
legislative proposals in the area of early childhood education and 
development. The committee shall be encouraged to work in conjunction with 
the Interagency Coordinating Council for Early Childhood Education and 
Development. The chairman of the committee shall be selected by the members 
of the committee for a period of one year.
  The Legislative Council shall provide such research and legal services as 
the committee shall require in the performance of its duties.
                                  SECTION 12
  To Provide for the Establishment of an Official Annual Spending Limitation 
on State Expenditures Based on the Principle that the Expenditure of State 
Funds to any One Fiscal Year shall not Exceed Expenditures of the Prior Year 
by a Greater Percentage than the Past Three-Years Average Rate of Annual 
Growth in State Personal Income; to Provide that the Ratio of State Employees 
to state Population shall Not Be Increased Above Such Ratio as it Existed for 
the Fiscal Year 1980-81 and to Establish Procedures to Implement Such 
Limitation; to Require that Acts which Levy or Increase Taxes shall be 
Separate from the State General Appropriations Act; and to Limit the Amount 
of Funds Used for Bonded Debt Service to Five Percent of General Revenue for 
the Previous Year.
  A. The General Assembly finds that it is in the best interests of the State 
that any attempt to control the growth of state government be accomplished in 
a reasonable and responsible manner which allows the State to continue to 
provide necessary government services and provide for continued growth in the 
economy of the State. It further finds that an intelligent approach to 
controlled growth requires action in relation to state taxes, state 
expenditures and state borrowing.
  The General Assembly intends to adjust and control the growth of state 
government and provide a framework for the establishment of a permanent 
policy not later than July 1, 1982, which will mandate growth parameters in 
the constitution when sufficient experience has been acquired to determine 
what policies are appropriate to accomplish these important purposes.
  B. The Budget and Control Board shall annually and prior to June first 
determine a limitation on state expenditures computed in accordance with the 
provisions of this section. Such limitation shall be considered by the Board 
and the General Assembly as the official state guideline for state general 
fund appropriations for the next ensuing fiscal year but nothing herein shall 
prohibit the Board from recommending and the General Assembly from 
appropriating amounts lesser than the adopted limitation.
  C. As used in this section "state expenditures" shall mean total state 
general fund appropriations contained in the annual state general 
appropriations act and acts amendatory thereto.
  "State personal income" shall mean total annual personal income of the 
State as determined by the Budget and Control Board based upon data of the 
United States Department of Commerce or its successor.
  D. The limitation on state expenditures in any fiscal year as determined by 
the Budget and Control Board shall be an amount equal to the total of state 
expenditures for the previous fiscal year increased by the average percentage 
rate of growth in state personal income for the previous three years.
  E. (1) Beginning with fiscal year 1981-82 and thereafter, the ratio of the 
number of state employees based on full-time annual equivalency funded in 
whole or in part by appropriations of the General Assembly to the total 
population of the State shall not in any fiscal year exceed that ratio as it 
existed for fiscal year 1980-81.
  (2) To insure compliance with subsection (1) the Budget and Control Board 
shall annually and prior to December first, beginning in 1980, determine the 
total number of state employees based on full-time annual equivalency and the 
total population of the State as most recently estimated by the Federal 
Census Bureau.
  (3) The Budget and Control Board shall not present to the Ways and Means 
Committee of the House of Representatives and such committee shall not 
introduce any appropriations bill which provides for an increase in state 
employment in excess of the ratio prescribed in subsection (1); provided, 
however, that the committee may alter the specific positions created or 
eliminated so long as the total number of state employees remains within the 
prescribed limitation.
  (4) When any appropriations bill is under consideration by the House of 
Representatives or the Senate, the presiding officer of either House of the 
General Assembly shall not allow to be introduced any amendment to such bill 
which increases the number of state employees unless there is attached 
thereto a certificate of the State Auditor that such increase in state 
employees is within the limitations prescribed in subsection (1).
  F. In order to continue to maintain the fiscal integrity of the State, the 
proceeds of state revenue bonds shall not be used to fund operating expenses 
of state government and such proceeds shall be used only for capital 
  G. In order to continue the policy of the State to maintain the full faith 
and credit of the State with respect to any existing or future bonded 
indebtedness, the principal and interest payments on general obligation bonds 
shall constitute priority state expenditures.
  The issuance of general obligation bonds of the State shall be limited so 
that the maximum annual debt service on all general obligation bonds of the 
State (excluding highway bonds, state institution bonds, tax anticipation 
notes and bond anticipation notes) shall not exceed five percent of the 
general revenues of the State for the fiscal year next preceding (excluding 
revenues which are authorized to be pledged for state highway bonds and state 
institution bonds).
  H. The General Assembly shall reasonably attempt to limit taxes to amounts 
necessary to fund authorized expenditures and minimize the accumulation of 
excess revenue other than to maintain the state reserve fund; provided, 
however, that there shall be no limitation on the accumulation of user fees, 
federal grants or funds, contributions, unemployment and disability insurance 
funds, pension fund contributions from employees and interest on pension fund 
  The General Assembly shall not provide for any general tax increase or 
enact new general taxes in the permanent provisions of the state general 
appropriations act or acts supplemental thereto, and any such general tax 
increases or new general taxes shall be enacted only by separate act.
  General tax increase and new general taxes as used in this section shall 
mean tax increases and new taxes which apply to the population as a whole. 
All circumstances and not the adjustments of existing taxes or the imposition 
of new special taxes so as to provide for a more effective system of taxation 
if the need of such appears.
                                  SECTION 13
  To Require a Statement in the Legal Description of any Deed or Other 
conveyance of Property Previously Used as a Hazardous Waste Facility that 
Such Property has been so Used.
  When any real property used as a hazardous waste storage or, disposal 
facility permitted under Act 436 of 1978, is sold, leased, conveyed or 
transferred in any manner, the deed or other instrument of transfer shall 
contain in the legal description in no smaller type than that used in the 
body of such deed or instrument, the following statement:
  "The real property conveyed or transferred by this instrument has 
previously been used as a storage or disposal facility for hazardous wastes."
                                  SECTION 14
  To Amend Act 163 of 1977, as Amended, Relating to the South Carolina 
Education Finance Program, so as to Provide that the Written Appraisal by the 
school District Board of Trustees shall be Received by the school no Later 
than June Thirtieth of each Year and Provide that a Summary of the Full 
Report and Appraisal shall be Distributed to the Parents of Children Enrolled 
in the school no later than September Thirtieth of each Year.
  Item (b) of subsection (3) of Section 6 of Act 163 of 1977, as amended by 
Section 18 of Act 199 of 1979, is further amended to read:
  "(b) recommending needed programmatic improvements in each pupil 
classification for the ensuing years. This report shall present an explicit 
statement of the needs of the students; shall define specific goals and 
objectives; and propose an identifiable strategy for priorities in the 
expenditure of funds to achieve the stated objectives. The full report from 
each school in the district shall be completed in a format approved by the 
State Board of Education and shall be submitted to the school district boards 
of trustees no later than March first of each year. The school shall receive 
the written appraisal from the school district board of trustees no later 
than June thirtieth of each year. A copy of the full report and written 
appraisal shall be forwarded to the State Department of Education.  A summary 
of the full report and appraisal shall be prepared in a format approved by 
the State Board of Education. Upon approval by the district board of 
trustees, the summary shall be distributed to the parents of the children 
enrolled in the school no later than September thirtieth of each year. Each 
school board of trustees shall establish an advisory council at each school 
in the district composed of at least two parents, elected by the parents of 
the children enrolled in the school; at least two teachers, elected by the 
faculty; at least two students in schools with grades 9 and above elected by 
the students; other representatives of the community and persons selected by 
the principal; provided, however, that the elected members of the committee 
shall comprise at least a two-thirds majority of the membership of the 
committee. These councils shall be constituted in each school no later than 
January 1, 1978. Each council shall assist in the preparation of the annual 
school report required in this section and shall provide such assistance as 
the principal may request as well as carrying out any other duties prescribed 
by the local school board. The local school board shall make provisions to 
allow any council to file a separate report to the local school board if the 
council deems it necessary. However, no council shall have any of the powers 
and duties reserved I by law or regulation to the local school board."
                                  SECTION 15
  To Authorize and Direct the Department of Health and Environmental Control 
to Establish a Hazardous Waste Contingency Fund and to Provide for the 
Collection and Disbursement Or Fees to be Deposited in such Fund.
  A. The Department of Health and Environmental Control is hereby authorized 
and directed to establish a hazardous waste Contingency Fund to ensure the 
availability of funds for contingencies arising from permitted hazardous 
waste landfills not covered by other funds, provided, that in the event a 
national hazardous waste fund is created by federal statute or regulation 
then the contingency fund authorized in this section shall revert to the 
State and become the South Carolina Hazardous Waste Fund to be used by the 
Department to defray the cost of mitigating any problems caused by 
preexisting abandoned hazardous waste storage or disposal sites.
  B. Pursuant to the effective dates and reporting requirements contained in 
R. 61-79 (DHEC), no later than 7 days after the end of each quarter:
  (1) Each generator of hazardous waste in this State shall submit a report 
indicating the total number of tons of hazardous waste generated and 
delivered into a hazardous waste landfill during that quarter and shall 
submit a check made payable to the Department for an amount computed at a 
rate of $1.50 per ton of waste reported.
  (2) Each owner/operator of a hazardous waste landfill in this State shall 
submit a report indicating the total number of tons of hazardous waste 
generated outside this State and received for disposal at the facility during 
that quarter and submit a check made payable to the Department for an amount 
computed at a rate of $2.00 per ton of waste reported.
  (3) The Department shall deposit, disburse and administer the fund in 
accordance with regulation R. 61-79.5C(2) d & e (DHEC).
  C. The Department shall suspend thee collection of fees provided for in 
subsection B when the amount accumulated in the fund reaches 40 million 
dollars, provided that when the fund reaches 20 million dollars the 
Department may reduce the charges provided for in B(l) and B(2).
  D. The Department of Health and Environmental Control is directed to revise 
and amend the necessary provisions of R. 61-79(DHEC) which are contrary to or 
inconsistent with the provisions of this section.
                                  SECTION 16
  To Amend Part IV-A of Act 164 of 1979, as Amended, and Sections 14-8-20 and 
14-8-640, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as Amended, relating to the 
Court of Appeals, so as to Delay the Implementation Date of the Court of 
Appeals, to Extend the Time for Electing Judges of the Court, to Revise the 
Beginning Date of the Initial Terms of the Judges of the Court, to Create a 
Joint Committee on the Court of Appeals and to Provide for the Manner in 
Which Certain Appropriations for the Court of Appeals Shall be Expended.
  (A) Section 2 of Part IV-A of Act 164 of 1979 is amended to read:
  "Section 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part VII of this act, the 
judges of the court may be elected in the 1979, 1980, or 1981 session of the 
General Assembly."
  (B) Section 5 of Part IV-A of Act 164 of 1979, as last amended by Act 194 
of 1979, is further amended to read:
  "Section 5. Beginning October 1, 1981, or upon the implementation of the 
Court of Appeals by the General Assembly, whichever date occurs later, the 
Supreme Court may transfer any action in which the Court of Appeals has been 
granted jurisdiction under this Part and in which a Notice of Appeal has been 
filed with the Supreme Court prior to such date, for hearing and decision, to 
such Court of Appeals."
  (C) Subsection (a) of Section 14-8-20 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by 
Act 194 of 1979, is further amended to read:
    "(a) The members of the Court shall be elected by joint public vote of 
the General Assembly for a term of six years and until their successors are 
elected and qualify. The terms of office of the judges of the Court shall 
begin October 1, 1981, or upon the implementation of the Court of Appeals by 
the General Assembly, whichever date occurs later. Prior to such date, the 
General Assembly shall have authority to take such measures as necessary to 
secure accommodations, personnel, supplies and equipment and such other 
matters as may be necessary to effect full implementation of the Court for 
operation by such date."
  (D) Section 14-8-540 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 194 of 1979, 
is further amended to read:
  "Section 14-8-540. (1) All cases in which a Notice of Appeal to the Supreme 
Court has been filed with the Supreme Court on or before October 1, 1981, or 
upon the implementation of the Court of Appeals by the General Assembly, 
whichever date occurs later, and which have not been finally determined on 
that date, shall be disposed of in accordance with the laws and rules 
governing such appeals which were applicable immediately prior to such date.
  (2) On and after October 1, 1981, or upon the implementation of the Court 
of Appeals by the General Assembly, whichever date occurs later, all cases 
appealed to the Court of Appeals shall be filed with the Clerk of Court of 
  (3) The Supreme Court, by rule, shall implement this section to the end 
that all cases appealed to the Court of Appeals or to the  Supreme Court 
during the period of transition from the existing judicial structure to a 
fully operational Court of Appeals are processed efficiently and without 
prejudice or inconvenience to any litigant."
  (E) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Court of Appeals 
created by Chapter 8 of Title 14 of the 1976 Code and referred to in Acts 164 
and 194 of 1979 shall not become operational until October 1, 1981, or upon 
the implementation of the Court of Appeals by the General Assembly, whichever 
date occurs later.
  (F) The Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Chairman of the 
House Judiciary Committee shall appoint three member of their respective 
committees to serve as the Joint Study Committee on the Court of Appeals and 
the study committee shall use the five thousand dollar appropriation for the 
Court of Appeals contained in Part I, Section 3, to provide such interim 
study as is necessary to assist the General Assembly in determining whether 
the Court of Appeals should be implemented in statutory form or should be 
incorporated in some manner into the Constitution of South Carolina.
  (G) As used in this Section 17, the term "implementation of the Court of 
Appeals by the General Assembly" shall mean election of the full complement 
of authorized Court of Appeals' judges whether elected in 1979, 1980 or 1981, 
and appropriation of general fund revenues for operation of the Court of 
Appeals by the General Assembly.
                                  SECTION 17
                Board of Financial Institutions Reconstituted.
  Section 34-1-20 of the 1976 Code as last amended by Act 683 of 1976 is 
further amended to read:
  "Section 34-1-20. The State Board of Financial Institutions shall
of Appeals by the General Assembly, whichever date occurs later, be composed 
of nine members, one of whom shall be the State and which have not been 
finally determined on that date, shall be Treasurer as an ex officio member, 
who shall be chairman. The disposed of in accordance with the laws and rules 
governing such remaining eight members shall be appointed by the Governor 
with appeals which were applicable immediately prior to such date the advice 
and consent of the Senate. Three shall be engaged in commercial banking 
recommended by the State Bankers Association, two shall be engaged in the 
State Savings and Loan League, one shall be engaged in the licensed consumer 
finance business and recommended by the Consumer Finance Associations, one 
shall be engaged in cooperative credit union business and recommended by the 
State Cooperative Credit Union League, and one shall be unaffiliated with any 
financial organization and shall serve as a representative of the consumer of 
the State.  Provided, that the terms of the present members shall not be 
affected.  All shall serve and represent the best interest of the public and 
no appointed member shall serve more than two consecutive four-year terms.  
No member shall be appointed who is not affiliated with a State-chartered 
association or institution except for the consumer representative.  Prior to 
any vacancy on the board except for the consumer representative, the 
association which is to provide a member shall submit three names, none of 
whom shall represent the same institution, from which the Governor shall 
select one."
                                  SECTION 18
  To Amend Section 54-3-10, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1979, Relating to 
the Board of the South Carolina State Ports Authority, so as to Increase its 
  Section 54-3-10 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
  "Section 54-3-10. The South Carolina State Ports Authority is hereby 
created consisting of a governing body of nine members, hereafter referred to 
as the Authority."
                                  SECTION 19
  To Amend Sections 9-1-1790 and 9-11-90, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 
1976, as Amended, Relating to the South Carolina Retirement System and the 
South Carolina Police Officers Retirement System, So as to Increase the 
Amount a Retired Member who Returns to Covered Employment may earn Without 
Affecting his Benefits.
  A. Section 9-1-1790 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Section 24, Part 
II, of Act 199 of 1979, is further amended by striking 'four thousand five 
hundred dollars' where it appears in the section and inserting 'five thousand 
dollars'. The section when amended shall read:
  "Section 9-1-1790. Any retired member of the System may return to 
employment covered by the System and earn up to five thousand dollars per 
fiscal year without affecting the monthly retirement allowance he is 
receiving from the System; provided, if such retired member continues in 
service after having earned five thousand dollars in a fiscal year, his 
retirement allowance shall be discontinued during his period of service in 
the remainder of such fiscal year. If such employment continues for at least 
forty-eight consecutive months the provisions of Section 9-1-1590 shall 
apply. Provided, further, the provisions of this section shall not apply to 
any employee or member of the System who has mandatorily retired because of 
age pursuant to Section 9-1-1530."
  B. Subsection (4) of Section 9-11-90 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by 
Section 24, Part II, of Act 199 of 1979, is further amended by striking "four 
thousand five hundred dollars" where it appears in the section and inserting 
'five thousand dollars'. The subsection when amended shall read:
  "(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this 
section, any retired member of the System may return to employment covered by 
the System and earn up to five thousand dollars per fiscal year without 
affecting the monthly retirement allowance he is receiving from the System; 
provided, if such retired member continues in service after having earned 
five thousand dollars in a fiscal year, his retirement allowance shall be 
discontinued during his period of service in the remainder of such fiscal 
year. If such employment continues for at least forty-eight consecutive 
months the provisions of subsection (3) of this section shall apply. 
Provided, further, the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any 
employee or member of the System who has mandatorily retired because of age 
pursuant to Section 9-1-1530."
  C. This section shall take effect July 1, 1980.
                                  SECTION 20
  To Amend Section 42-5-90, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, Relating to 
the Authorization of the Chief Insurance Commissioner to Approve Rates for 
Workmen's Compensation Insurance Policies, so as to Provide that Proceedings 
Under the section Shall Be Deemed to Be Proceedings to be Proceedings to Fix 
or Alter Rates for Consumer Services in Relation to the Duties of the 
Division of Consumer Advocacy.
  Section 42-5-90 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding at the end:
  "A proceeding under this section shall be deemed a proceeding to fix or 
alter rates for consumer services in relation to the duties of the Division 
of Consumer Advocacy."
                                  SECTION 21
        Distribution of the Same Brand or Brands of Wine, Beer or Ale.
  A. Section 12-21-1510 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding the following 
proviso at the end of the section which shall read:
  "Provided, however, that nothing contained in this section nor in Section 
61-9-315, shall be construed to prevent the transfer or purchase and sale, 
for resale to retailers only, between wholesalers authorized by the 
registered producer or any exclusive agent thereof in South Carolina to 
distribute the same brand or brands of wine, beer or ale."
                                  SECTION 22
  To Provide that Persons Eligible for Participation in the South Carolina 
Retirement System shall also be Eligible for Membership in the South Carolina 
State Employees Credit Union.
  "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person who is eligible to 
participate in the South Carolina Retirement System shall also be eligible 
for membership in the South Carolina State Employees Credit Union."
                                  SECTION 23
  To Provide for the Disclosure of the Impact of Inflation on this State's 
Individual Income Tax Revenues and to Provide for An Annual Inflation 
Adjustment To Individual Income Tax Rates and to Certain Exemptions and 
Deductions Allowed to Be Used in Computing Individual Rate Income Taxes.
  A. The General Assembly finds that inflation erodes the value of personal 
exemptions, deductions and tax credits in the individual income tax structure 
of this State and distorts fiscal equity among taxpayers. The General 
Assembly further finds that inflation-induced increases in individual income 
tax revenues result in annual collections that exceed the amounts anticipated 
by legislative actions establishing rates, exemptions, deductions and other 
features of the individual income tax of this State. It is the purpose of 
this section to correct these situations by (1) requiring that the Governor 
prepare an annual estimate of the impact of inflation on individual income 
tax collections and (2) requiring that certain elements of the individual 
income tax structure be adjusted in accordance with annual increases in the 
consumer price index.
  B. As used in this section:
    (a) "Inflation factor" means the ratio of the consumer price index for 
the twelve-month period ending June thirtieth of the current taxable year to 
the consumer price index for the immediately preceding tax year, rounded to 
the nearest one thousandth; provided, however, that if such inflation factor 
exceeds 1.06, 1.06 shall be deemed to be the inflation factor.
    (b) "Consumer price index" means the average over a twelve month period 
of the consumer price index published monthly by the Bureau of Labor 
Statistics, United States Department of Labor.
  C. The Governor shall in a report to the General Assembly to be submitted 
on February first of each year make an estimate for the prior fiscal year, 
the current fiscal year and the following fiscal year of the amount of actual 
and anticipated revenue from the individual income tax that can be reasonably 
attributed to inflation. These estimates shall be highlighted in the 
Governor's State of the State address and included prominently in press 
releases relating to the budget.
  D. (a) The Budget and Control Board shall annually by July fifteenth of 
each year prepare and promulgate an inflation factor for that tax year for 
use by the Tax Commission in making the adjustment under the provisions of 
item (b) of this subsection. In preparing the inflation factor, the Budget 
and Control Board shall, using the best statistical techniques compatible 
with those used by the United States Department of Labor in preparing the 
monthly consumer price index, adjust the consumer price index to conform most 
nearly to the situation that exists in this State.
    (b) Upon promulgation of the inflation factor, as required under item (a) 
of this subsection, the chairman of the tax commission shall annually 
multiply and adjust each dollar amount set forth in Sections 12-7-210, 12-7-
310 and 12-7-710 of the 1976 Code as previously adjusted by the inflation 
factor so that the effect of the annual adjustment shall be cumulative and 
such annual adjustment may cause such adjusted dollars amount to increase or 
decrease. The Tax Commission shall adjust the tax tables set forth in Section 
12-7-1810 of the 1976 Code so as to reflect the adjustments made pursuant to 
this subsection. Such annual adjustment information shall be shown 
prominently on the appropriate tax return forms furnished by the commission 
for the year in which such adjustment applies and such adjusted dollar 
amounts rounded to the nearest dollar shall be used to calculate the tax for 
the year in which such adjustment applies; provided, that if the inflation 
factor determined under item (a) of this subsection for a tax year commencing 
after December 31, 1981, is more than .99 but less than 1.01 no adjustment 
shall be made for that year.
  E. The provisions of this section shall be applicable to all taxable years 
beginning after December 31, 1981.
                                  SECTION 24
  To Amend Section 2-3-30, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as Amended, 
Relating to Subsistence Allowances, So as to Increase Such Allowances for 
Members of the General Assembly and the Lieutenant Governor.
  Section 2-3-30 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Section 6 of Part II of 
Act 219 of 1977, is further amended by striking beginning on line four 
"thirty-five ($35.00)" and inserting "fifty ($50.00)". The section when 
amended shall read:
  "Section 2-3-30. Except for legislative days which, by Senate or House 
action, are designated for consideration only of local and uncontested 
matters, members of the General Assembly, including the Lieutenant Governor, 
shall be paid fifty ($50.00) dollars subsistence expenses for each 
legislative day. Provided, such subsistence allowances shall be paid for each 
calendar day occurring within the same legislative day to members of that 
body in session on each calendar day."
                                  SECTION 25
  To Amend Act 163 of 1977, as Amended, Relating to the South Carolina 
Education Finance Act, so as to Exempt for the 1979-80 and 1980-81 School 
Years Spending Requirements for Funds Generated by Pupil Classification 
"Speech Handicapped Pupils".
  Subsection (3) of Section 5 of Act 163 of 1977, as last amended by Section 
28 of Part II of Act 644 of 1978, is further amended to read:
  "(3) Eighty-five percent of the funds appropriated through state and local 
effort for each weighted classification shall be spent in direct and indirect 
aid in the specific area of the program planned to serve those children who 
generated the funds. Districts expending less than the required eighty-five 
percent of the appropriated amount shall be subject to a penalty the 
following fiscal year in the amount equal to the difference between the 
amount spent and the required eighty-five percent figure.
  Provided, however, that during the 1978-79, 1979-80 and 1980-81 school 
years, this requirement will not apply to the funds generated by children in 
the pupil classification 'Speech Handicapped Pupils'."
                                  SECTION 26
  To Amend Section 32 of Part II of Act 199 of 1979, Relating to the Budget 
Format of the General Appropriations Bill, so as to Require that Each Section 
contain a Separate Line Item for All Employees Whose Compensation is coming 
from Funds Being Transferred to the General Fund from Another Funding Source.
  Section 32 of Part II, Permanent Provisions, of Act 199 of 1979 is amended 
to read:
                                  "SECTION 32
                                Budget Format
  Beginning with the State General Appropriations Bill for the fiscal year 
1980-81 and each year thereafter, each section of the Bill which provides for 
the employment of additional personnel shall include a separate line item for 
all new employees for whom compensation is provided in the section concerned 
and such line items shall be divided according to the job classifications of 
such additional employees. Such line items shall further include the amount 
of funds appropriated including employer contributions for each employee or 
group of employees according to their job classification."
                                  SECTION 27
  Additional Report to Be Made by the State Treasurer to the General Assembly 
on State Revenue Interest on Deposit and Investments, Debt Service 
Expenditures, Status of General Fund Reserve and Other Information He Deems 
  In addition to other reports required by law to be made, by the State 
Treasurer, he shall also report annually to the General Assembly in the month 
of January on the following matters:
  (1) The amount of state revenue collected in the previous fiscal year.
  (2) The amount of such revenue deposited in the state general fund.
  (3) The location of general fund revenue in banks and other financial 
institutions including invested funds, as of the end of the previous fiscal 
  (4) The interest accrued from deposits and investments for the previous 
fiscal year and the use of such interest.
  (5) The amount expended for debt service in the previous fiscal year.
  (6) The current status of the general fund reserve including any 
expenditure or reimbursement thereof.
  (7) Any other information relating to state revenue which the Treasurer 
deems pertinent and of value to the General Assembly, including such items as 
special state funds, the highway fund and other funds not specified herein, 
as may be deemed appropriate by the Treasurer.
  The General Assembly shall provide in the annual general appropriations act 
for the cost of preparing this report.
                                End of Part II
                                   PART III
                   Supplemental Appropriations from Surplus
  SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund of the 
State to supplement the appropriations heretofore made in Act 199 of 1979, 
Part I, Section 120, the following:
Aid to Subdivisions
I. Aid to Counties:
 Aid to Subdivisions:
   Alcoholic Liquors Tax                        $ 1,147,207     $ 1,147,207
   Bank Tax                                         417,728         417,728
   Beer and Wine Tax                                429,563         429,563
   Gasoline Tax--Regular                          1,213,407       1,213,407
   Income Tax                                    15,958,359      15,958,359
   Insurance Tax                                  1,854,308       1,854,308
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                    $ 21,020,572    $ 21,020,572
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Aid to Counties                         $ 21,020,572    $ 21,020,572
                                                ===========     ===========
II. Aid to Municipalities:
 Aid to Subdivisions:
   Alcoholic Liquors Tax                        $ 1,146,174     $ 1,146,174
   Bank Tax                                         211,426         211,426
   Beer and Wine Tax                                164,451         164,451
   Motor Transport Tax                            1,098,046       1,098,046
                                                -----------     -----------
  Total Aid to Subdivisions                     $ 2,620,097     $ 2,620,097
                                                -----------     -----------
 Total Aid to Municipalities                    $ 2,620,097     $ 2,620,097
                                                ===========     ===========
Total Aid to Subdivisions                      $ 23,640,669    $ 23,640,669
                                                ===========     ===========
  This appropriation shall be distributed to the counties and municipalities 
in the same manner as the distributions to all counties and municipalities as 
provided in Section 120 of Act 199 of 1979.
  SECTION 2. The amounts appropriated in this part may be carried forward and 
expended for the same purposes during fiscal year 1980-81.
                                End of Part III
                                    PART IV
                       General and Temporary Provisions
                                  SECTION 1
  It is hereby declared to be the intent of the General Assembly that the 
following sections shall constitute general and temporary laws of the state 
of South Carolina.
                                  SECTION 2
  To Authorize School Trustees to Waive up to Three Days Or Required school 
Attendance Because of Inclement Weather during the 1979-80 school year and to 
Repeal an Act of 1980 bearing Ratification No. 405 relating thereto.
  A. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any school district board of 
trustees may waive up to three days of required school attendance in that 
district if the schools were closed on those days due to inclement weather 
during the 1979-80 school year.
  B. An act of 1980 bearing Ratification No. 405 is repealed.
                                  SECTION 3
            Department of Mental Health Paying Patient Fee Account.
  Notwithstanding any other provision of law and in addition to payments 
provided in Part I of this act, the Department of Mental Health is hereby 
directed during fiscal year 1980-81 to remit to the general fund of the State 
the amount of $1,483,000 to be paid from the surplus funds in the paying 
patient account which has been previously designated for capital improvements 
and debt service under the provisions of Act 1276 of 1970.
                                  SECTION 4
  To Amend Subsection (M) of Section 5 of Act 646 of 1978, Relating to 
Special Obligation Bonds of Technical Education Colleges and Centers, So as 
to Delete Provisions Relating to Deposit of Income Earned from Temporary 
  Subsection (M) of Section 5 of Act 646 of 1978 is amended to read:
  "(M) The proceeds of all bonds shall be delivered to the State Treasurer 
and retained by him in a special fund or funds and applied solely to the 
purposes for which the bonds shall have been issued. Withdrawals from the 
fund shall be made on the order or requisition of the board and shall be in 
such form as the State Treasurer shall prescribe. The State Treasurer may 
make temporary investments of funds derived from the proceeds of bonds in the 
manner prescribed by law."
                                  SECTION 5
  To Provide that the Operations and Management Committees of the Senate and 
House of Representatives shall Evaluate and Make Recommendations to the 
General Assembly Concerning Existing Study Committees and a Possible 
Reduction in the Number Thereof.
  A. The Operations and Management Committees of the Senate and the House of 
Representatives shall meet jointly as soon as feasible and evaluate each 
study committee of the General Assembly, both permanent and interim. Such 
evaluation shall in dude consideration of the status of assigned studies, the 
technical nature of matters assigned and such other matters as the operation 
and management committees deem relevant.
  B. Joint recommendations of the two operations and management Committees 
with regard to each existing study committee shall be submitted to the Ways 
and Means Committee of the House of Representatives and the Senate Finance 
Committee not later than February 1, 1981. In the event any such 
recommendations recommend the termination or phasing out of a particular 
committee, the chairman thereof shall be consulted prior to the time such 
recommendations are forwarded to the Finance and Ways and Means Committees.
                                End of Part IV
  All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with any of the provisions of Part I 
and Part III of this Act are hereby suspended for the fiscal year 1980-81. 
All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with any of the provisions of Part II 
and Part IV of this Act are hereby repealed.
  Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, this act shall take 
effect immediately upon its approval by the Governor.