South Carolina General Assembly
107th Session, 1987-1988

Continuation of Appropriations Act

  11.1. The funds appropriated under the Commission on Higher
Education and designated as 'Cutting Edge' must not be expended
until legislation specifying the programs of the 'Cutting Edge' is
 12. Higher Ed Tuition Grants
     Scholarships  850,000
 13. College of Charleston
     Public Service Activities  50,000
 14. Francis Marion College
     Public Service Activities  50,000
 15. Lander College
     Public Service Activities  50,000
 16. University of South Carolina
     Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
     Equipment-Cholestrol Determination  18,750
 17. Winthrop College
     Public Service Activities  50,000
 18. SC State College
     a. Office of Small & Minority Business  50,000
     b. Desegregation Program  300,000
     c. Business Program Enhancement  200,000
 19. Department of Education
     a. Governor's School for Math &
        Science  230,000
      b. Bus Routing/Shed/Heaters  99,450
      c. Comprehensive Health Education-
         Textbooks and Materials  950,000
      d. School Bus Lease/Purchase  1,634,364
  20. Educational Television Comm
      School Reception and Engineering
      Department Equipment  147,200
  21. Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School
      Furniture & Fencing  75,000
  22. School For Deaf & Blind
      Brail System, Books, Equipment  58,000
  23. Archives & History
      Computer  22,139
  24. State Library
      a. Library Books  100,000
      b. State Aid to Counties  160,000
  24.1. The amount appropriated in this section for "Aid to
County Libraries" shall be allotted to each county on a per
capita basis according to the official United State Census for
1980, as aid to the County Library.
  25. Arts Commission
      a. Greenville Cultural Exchange  10,000
      b. Penn Center  30,000
  26. State Museum
      Store Inventory  100,000
  27. DHEC
      a. Reinstate In-Patient Hospital
         Program for Children's
         Rehab Services  2,000,000
      b. Prenatal/Perinatal Care Pgm  55,000
      c. Fire Academy Contamination Study  179,350
      d. OSHA-Hepatitis B Immunizations  100,000
  27.1. The Department of Health and Environmental Control shall
instruct any local area of the state that has the highest infant
mortality rate in the state on methods of preventing infant deaths
by implementing an early prenatal and perinatal program.
  28. Dept of Mental Health
      a. Community Programs  100,000
      b. FY 87-88 Operating Deficit  947,000
  28.1. The Department of Mental Health is authorized to expend the
funds designated as FY 1987-88 Operating Deficit for the purpose of
avoiding a year-end operating deficit.
  29. Dept of Mental Retardation
      a. Day Programs-Emergency Repairs
         & Renovations  100,000
      b. Equipment  200,000
  30. Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse
      Union County Commission on Alcohol
       and Drug Abuse for office facility  125,000
  31. Dept of Social Services
      a. Equipment-County Facilities  428,000
      b. Nationwide Outreach Center  10,000
      c. Contractual Services  100,000
  32. John De La Howe School
      Equipment  243,000
  33. Commission for the Blind
      Maintenance/Repairs Concession Stands  25,000
  34. Commission on Human Affairs
      Equipment  50,847
  35. Commission on Women
      Supplies  7,000
  36. Parole & Community Corrections
      Electronic Surveillance Equip  138,000
  37. Water Resources Commission
      Contractual Services  89,000
  38. Land Resources
      Flood Control Projects  150,000
  39. Forestry Commission
      Radio Equipment  118,922
  40. Dept of Agriculture
      Mobile Hay Analysis Computer  60,280
  41. Clemson PSA
      a. Wood Chemistry Research Equipment  56,500
      b. Equipment  72,000
  42. Wildlife & Marine Resources
      a. Meeting/Training Facility  300,000
      b. Marine Research Vessel  350,000
      c. Conservation Equipment  94,000
      d. Magazine Equipment  23,500
      e. Mechanical Oyster Harvester  118,000
      f. Infra-Red Night Time Search
         Equipment  120,000
  43. Coastal Council
      Radio Equipment  30,000
  44. Sea Grant Consortium
      Vehicle  13,500
  45. Parks, Recreation & Tourism
      a. Equipment  250,000
      b. Calhoun Mansion-Clemson Campus
          Permanent Improvement  50,000
      c. Governor's House-Charlestowne
          Landing Furniture  50,000
      d. Abbeville Opera House  100,000
      e. Tourism Advertising  100,000
      f. Lawton Park  10,000
      g. Grand Army Hall  30,000
      h. Cayce Museum  35,000
      i. Recreation Land Trust Fund  100,000
      j. Gilland Memorial Park  75,000
  45.1. The Department is directed to expend funds appropriated for
the Calhoun Mansion-Clemson Campus Permanent Improvement for the
purpose of constructing restroom facilities and roof repairs to the
Calhoun Mansion on the campus of Clemson University.
  46. Development Board
      a. Marketing Study  100,000
      b. Enterprise Development  200,000
      c. Computer Equipment  64,500
      d. Special Events  230,000
      e. Rural Initiative  250,000
  47. Jobs-Economic Development Authority
      Equipment  5,500
  48. Clarks Hill-Russell Authority
      Savannah River Basin Project  50,000
  49. Old Exchange Building Commission
      a. Marketing Materials  5,000
      b. Store Inventory  5,000
      c. Building Improvements  4,000
  50. Workers' Compensation Commission
      Equipment  15,085
  51. Department of Insurance
      Printers  34,828
  52. Financial Institutions
      a. Bank Examining-Contractual Service  31,200
      b. Consumer Finance-Contractual
         Service  12,000
  53. Tax Commission
      Contractual Service  8,360
  54. ABC Commission
      Equipment  49,800
  55. Ethics Commission
      Equipment  10,537
  56. Auctioneers Commission
      Equipment  1,279
  57. Contractor's Licensing Board
      Equipment  10,000
  58. Funeral Service Board
      Equipment  650
  59. Aeronautics Commission
      a. Bell Long Range 206L Helicopter  1,065,000
      b. Fuel Truck  53,000
      c. Radio & Computer Equipment
         Engine Overhauls, Building
         Renovation & Repair  159,000
  59.1. The Aeronautics Commission may sell its 1960 Bell 204B
helicopter. The proceeds from the sale of the 1960 Bell 204B
helicopter must be applied to the purchase of the Bell Long Range
206L. The funds appropriated for the acquisition of a Bell Long
Range 206L may not be disbursed until the Aeronautics Commission
has certified to the Comptroller General that the 1960 Bell 204B
helicopter has been removed from service and sold.
  60. Dues & Contributions
      a. Town Theater  25,000
      b. City of Columbia, for fiftieth
         anniversary commemoration of
         "Big Apple" & "Little
         Apple", the apple dances  4,800
  61. Aid To Subdivisions
      Inventory Tax Phaseout  3,975,488
   Total General Fund  $52,566,128
  Section 2 of this Part takes effect August 1, 1988.
SECTION 3. Any unexpended balance at June 30, 1988 of the amounts
appropriated in this Part may be carried forward into Fiscal Year
1988-89 and expended for the same purposes.
SECTION 4. In the event the amounts constituting the sources of
funds as contained in Section 1 of this Part are less than
estimated, then the State Budget and Control Board shall first
reduce to the extent necessary, on an equal percentage basis, the
appropriations contained in Section 2 of this part that are not
hereinafter identified in priority order to eliminate the
deficiency. In the event the reduction of appropriations for items
not hereinafter identified in priority order is not sufficient to
eliminate the deficiency, the State Budget and Control Board shall
reduce to the extent necessary each item in the order listed below
beginning with priority item number 10.
    Priority Item                                   
       Number          Agency-Item           Amount 
  1. Election
      Commission     General Election               
                      Expenses           $ 1,120,000
  2. B & C Board     Classified
                      Payments            12,196,500
  3. Aid to
      Subdivisions   Inventory Tax                  
                      Phaseout             3,975,488
  4. Comm on
      Higher Educ    Desegregation Pgm     1,200,000
  5. Comm on
      Higher Educ    Cutting Edge          5,000,000
  6. DHEC            Children's
                      Services             2,000,000
  7. Aeronautics
      Comm           Bell Long Range
                      206L Helicopter      1,065,000
  8. B&C Bd-Local
      Gov't          Aid to Entities              
                      Rural Development    6,000,000
  9. B&C Bd-Local
      Gov't          Aid to Entities-EDA   4,000,000
SECTION 5. If there are surplus Fiscal Year 1987-88 general fund
revenues in excess of the amount required to fund the
appropriations contained in SECTION 2 of this part, the excess
funds must be used for the school bus lease/purchase agreement
buyout or to purchase school buses. If funds available for school
buses under this section, in Part I of act and in the joint
resolution making appropriations from the Capital Reserve Fund for
Fiscal year 1987-88, in total, are sufficient to buy out the school
bus lease/purchase agreement, using funds available under this
appropriations act first, the agreement must be bought out. If
these sources of funds are insufficient for a buyout, then all
amounts appropriated or available for school buses in excess of
what is appropriated for the lease/purchase payment for Fiscal year
1988-89 in Part I of this act must be used to purchase up to five
hundred new school buses or to make accelerated payment on the
school bus lease/ purchase agreement, or both, as may be determined
by the State Budget and Control Board.
  All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with any of the provisions
of Part I or Part III of this act are hereby suspended for the
Fiscal Year 1988-89.
  All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with any of the provisions
of Part II of this act are hereby repealed.
  Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, this act takes
effect immediately upon approval by the Governor.
Became law without signature of the Governor.
  An asterisk and brackets *[ ] indicate items vetoed by the
Governor on June 8, 1988.  The House of Representatives sustained
the vetoes on June 20, 1988.
  Provisions not vetoed by the Governor took effect June 8, 1988.