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Committee Postings and Reports > House Invitations and Memorial Resolutions Committee

Invitations and Memorial Resolutions Committee

Message from Chairman
Dennis C. Moss
District 29, Cherokee County
Welcome to the South Carolina House of Representatives Invitations and Memorial Resolutions Committee.
Committee Staff
- Kami Thordahl - Exec. Asst.
- Candy Barrett - Receptionist
Contact Information
Post Office Box 11867
Columbia, South Carolina 29211
Room 503 Blatt Building
Columbia, South Carolina 29211
Room 503 Blatt Building
Telephone: (803) 734-3107
Scheduled Meetings as of 03/09/2025 11:19am EDT
No scheduled meetings found.
Video Archives
No archives available.
Ethics Compliance Form for Legislative Functions
The host of any function with members and/or employees of the House of Representatives invited under S.C. Code 2-17-90 must complete the following form and return it to the House Invitations and Memorial Resolutions Committee. This information will be kept on file and provided to House members to assist them in completing their Statement of Economic Interests pertaining to food, beverage, etc. provided by lobbyist's principals and others.
Printable Microsoft Word or PDF Document
Information older than two years has been moved to the House Invitations and Memorial Resolutions Committee Archives page.