South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

House Amendment 29
H 4230 - Session 121 (2015-2016)
Supplemental appropriations
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Current Amendment: 29 to Bill 4230 Rep. QUINN proposes the following Amendment No. 29 to H. 4230 (COUNCIL\BBM\4230C023.BBM.DG15):

Reference is to Printer's Date 6/2/15-H.

Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 1, by striking Section 106 and inserting:



II.      State Employee Benefits
B.      Base Pay Increase            23,250,000 /

Amend the bill further, SECTION 4, Section 117, by adding the following Subdivision:

/      117.125.      (GP: Employee Compensation) the amounts appropriated in Part IA, Section 106 Statewide Employee Benefits (F30) for Employee Pay Plan must be allocated by the Department of Administration to the various state agencies to provide for employee pay increases in accordance with the following plan:
           (1)      With respect to classified and nonjudge judicial classified employees, effective on the first pay date that occurs on or after July first of the current fiscal year, the compensation of all classified employees shall be increased by one and one-half percent.
           (2)      With respect to unclassified and nonjudge judicial unclassified employees or unclassified executive compensation system employees not elsewhere covered in this act, effective on the first pay date that occurs on or after July first of the current fiscal year the compensation of all unclassified employees shall be increased by one and one-half percent. Any employee subject to the provisions of this paragraph shall not be eligible for compensation increases provided in paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
           (3)      Effective on the first pay date that occurs on or after July first of the current fiscal year, agency heads not covered by the Agency Head Salary Commission, shall receive an annualized base pay increase of one and one-half percent.
           (4)      With respect to local health care providers compensation increases shall be one and one-half percent effective on the first pay date that occurs on or after July first of the current fiscal year. With respect to Area Agencies on Aging funded by the Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging, compensation shall be increased by one and one-half percent effective on the first pay date that occurs on or after July first of the current fiscal year. With respect to local councils on aging or local providers of services funded by the Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging through Area Agencies on Aging, no pay increases will be allowed. School Bus Driver salary and fringe funding to school districts shall be increased by one and one-half percent.
           (5)      Effective on the first pay date that occurs on or after July first of the current fiscal year, the Chief Justice and other judicial officers shall receive an annualized base pay increase of one and one-half percent. In the event the Chief Justice and other judicial officers receive a pay increase in the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Appropriations Act, they shall not be eligible to receive the additional one and one-half percent authorized in this item.
           (6)      Effective on the first pay date that occurs on or after July first of the current fiscal year, county auditors and county treasurers shall receive an annualized base pay increase of one and one-half percent.
           (7)      For the current fiscal year, the Department of Administration is directed to review Executive Branch agencies to determine whether their budgets warrant an other fund authorization increase due to the one and one-half percent compensation increase for all full-time employees. If so warranted, the Department of Administration shall work with the Office of the Comptroller General to increase such authorization for the affected agencies.
           (8)      The Department of Administration, the Office of Comptroller General, and state agencies whose payroll is not processed by the Office of Comptroller General are authorized to implement employee pay increases described in this provision retroactively to the first pay date that occurs on or after July first of the current fiscal year.
     The Executive Director of the State Fiscal Accountability Authority is authorized to use excess appropriations for the current fiscal year designated for statewide employer contributions for other statewide purposes. At the discretion of the Executive Director of the State Fiscal Accountability Authority, such action may be considered a permanent transfer into the receiving agency's base budget.
     Funds appropriated in Part IA, F30, Section 106, Statewide Employee Benefits may be carried forward from the prior fiscal year into the current fiscal year.            /

Amend the bill further, SECTION 4, Section 117, by deleting Proviso 117.38.

Renumber sections to conform.
Amend title to conform.