South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

House Amendment 62a
H 4950 - Session 122 (2017-2018)
Appropriations Bill, 2018-2019
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Current Amendment: 62a to Bill 4950 Reps. CASKEY and ROBINSON-SIMPSON propose the following Amendment No. 62a to H.4950 as Passed By The House

EXPLANATION: delete new Immigration Compliance Report proviso (Sanctuary Cities) and replace with language from H4496

Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 117, GENERAL PROVISIONS, page 510, by amending amendment h:\legwork\house\amend\council\dg\4950C048.bbm.dg18.docx, by striking the new proviso (GP: Immigration Compliance Report) in its entirety any inserting:
/      (GP: Immigration Compliance) A resident of a political subdivision in this State, the Attorney General, or both, may bring a civil action in the circuit court in which the resident and political subdivision are located to enjoin:
           (1)      an enactment by the political subdivision of any ordinance or policy that intentionally limits or prohibits a law enforcement officer, local official, or local government employee from seeking to enforce a state law with regard to immigration;
           (2)      an enactment by the political subdivision of any ordinance or policy that intentionally limits or prohibits a law enforcement officer, local official, or local government employee from communicating to appropriate federal or state officials regarding the immigration status of a person within this State; or
           (3)      an enactment by the political subdivision of any ordinance, policy, regulation, or other legislation pertaining to the employment, licensing, permitting, or otherwise doing business with a person based upon that person's authorization to work in the United States, which intentionally exceeds or conflicts with federal law or that intentionally conflicts with state law.
     A person who is not a resident of the political subdivision may not bring an action against the political subdivision pursuant to this provision. The action must be brought against the political subdivision and not against an employee of the political subdivision acting in the employee's individual capacity.
     If the court finds that the political subdivision has intentionally violated this provision:
           (1)      the court shall enjoin the enactment, action, policy, or practice, and may enter a judgment against the political subdivision of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars for each day that the enactment, action, policy, or practice remains or remained in effect; provided, the proceeds from any such judgment must be used to reimburse the resident's reasonable attorney's fees and any remaining proceeds must be used to cover the administrative costs of implementing, investigating, and enforcing the provisions of Chapter 8, Title 41; and
           (2)      the political subdivision may not receive Local Government Fund appropriations for the current fiscal year after the finding is made.
     Except as provided by federal law, officers and agencies of this State and political subdivisions of this State may not be prohibited or restricted from sending, receiving, or maintaining information related to the immigration status of any person or exchanging that information with other federal, state, or local government entities for the following purposes:
           (1)      determining eligibility for any public benefit, service, or license provided by the federal government, this State, or a political subdivision of this State;
           (2)      verifying any claim of residence or domicile, if determination of residence or domicile is required under the laws of this State or a judicial order issued pursuant to a civil or criminal proceeding in this State;
           (3)      determining whether an alien is in compliance with the federal registration laws prescribed by Chapter 7, Title II of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act; or
           (4)      pursuant to 8 U.S.C. Section 1373 and 8 U.S.C. Section 1644.
     A political subdivision that pursuant to this provision has been afforded due process and found by a court to have violated this provision may not receive Local Government Fund appropriations for the current fiscal year after the finding is made.

Renumber sections to conform.
Amend totals and titles to conform.