South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment RFH-1
S 968 - Session 124 (2021-2022)
Veteran Service Organization Burial Honor Guard Support Fund, established
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Current Amendment: RFH-1 to Bill 968

Senator McELVEEN proposed the following amendment (968R002.KMM.JTM):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking Section 25-11-85(B) and inserting:

/ (B) Upon request by a South Carolina chapter of a congressionally chartered veterans service organization that provided an honor guard burial detail at the funeral of a qualifying South Carolina veteran, the Secretary of the Department of Veterans' Affairs or his representative may authorize a disbursement from the fund, not exceeding the per funeral cap established annually by the secretary, for the purposes described in this section. Pursuant to his authority provided for in Section 25-11-20(D), the Secretary of the Department of Veterans' Affairs may promulgate regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this section. /