South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment 26
S 39 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Educational Scholarship Trust Fund

Current Amendment: 26 to Bill 39

Senator Fanning proposes the following amendment (LC-39.DG0153S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 1, by striking Section 59-8-120(C), (D), and (G) and inserting:

(C)In each fiscal year, the General Assembly shall appropriate funds sufficient to provide a five thousand dollar ESA to the maximum allowable number of students under Section 59 8 135. In the event that fewer eligible students apply for ESAs than the maximum allowable number under Section 59 8 135, the remaining appropriated ESA funds for the year shall be distributed to school districts according to the same distribution formula used for the state aid to classroom program.

(D)The department shall create an individual online ESA account for each ESA student and transfer five thousand dollars into the account. The amount deposited shall not include federal or local funds.

(1)The parent must be able to access the online account for the ESA student using a secure portal.

(2)The ESA student account must be created within thirty days of the application approval.

(G) All ESA funds must be paid directly from the online portal to the approved education service provider or vendor for eligible expenses under Section 59 8 110(12). Education service providers may not refund, rebate, or share an ESA student's scholarship funds with a parent or the ESA student. The funds in an account may only be used for qualifying expenses as defined in this chapter and provided by the department.