South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Medical Affairs Committee Amendment
S 394 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Neonatal Testing

Current Amendment: MED to Bill 394

The Committee on Medical Affairs proposes the following amendment (SR-394.JG0001S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 1, by striking Section 44-37-30(B)(2) and inserting:

(2) If the results of the neonatal testing are abnormal, the department may recommend additional testing and, in addition to the notification requirements established in Section 44-37-30(B)(1), notify one or more of the following to ensure timely provision of follow-up services:

(a) the physician or healthcare provider attending the child's birth or his designee;

(b) the physician or healthcare provider responsible for newborn care in the hospital; or

(c) the physician or healthcare provider identified for follow-up care after the newborn's discharge from the hospital.

(3) If the results of the neonatal testing are abnormal, time-sensitive, or time-critical, the department may, in addition to notification requirements established in Section 44-37-30(B)(1) and (2), notify and provide information about the abnormal, time-sensitive, or time-critical screening results to a qualified pediatric specialist in accordance with guidelines established by the department's Newborn Screening Advisory Committee for the timely provision of the follow-up services.