South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment 1A
S 120 - Session 125 (2023-2024)

Current Amendment: 1A to Bill 120

Senator Hembree proposes the following amendment (SEDU-120.DB0015S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 1, by striking Section 24-3-580(B) and inserting:

(B) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any identifying information of a person or entity that participates in the planning or administration of the execution of a death sentence shall be confidential. For all members of the execution team, identifying information shall not be subject to discovery, subpoena, or any other means of legal compulsion or process for disclosure to any person or entity in any administrative, civil, or criminal proceeding in the courts, administrative agencies, boards, commissions, legislative bodies, or quasilegislative bodies of this State, or in any other similar body that exercises any part of the sovereignty of the State.