South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment 1
S 124 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Noncertified Teacher Pilot Program

Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 124

Senator Hembree proposes the following amendment (SEDU-124.KG0007S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting:

SECTION 1. Article 11, Chapter 18, Title 59 of the S.C. Code is amended by adding:

 Section 59-18-1115. (A) The Department of Education is directed to establish a pilot program by May 1, 2024, that will permit a school that has received an overall rating of "Excellent", "Below Average", or "Unsatisfactory" on its annual report card for at least two consecutive years, or is located in a critical geographic area as defined in Section 59-26-20(j), to hire noncertified teachers in a ratio of up to ten percent of its entire teaching staff. To effect the establishment of the pilot program and to ensure the program participants are prepared, the State Board of Education, through the Department of Education, shall approve guidelines that at a minimum include the following:
  (1) a noncertified teacher must possess a suitable baccalaureate or graduate degree for the position he is hired to teach and must have at least five years of relevant workplace experience;
  (2) procedures are provided for requiring noncertified teachers to participate in the evaluation process pursuant to Section 59-26-30(B)(4) and (5);
  (3) initial and ongoing training and support requirements; and
  (4) a noncertified teacher must demonstrate enrollment in a certification program within three years of employment, including any state approved alternative or traditional route program.
 (B) Participation in the pilot program is optional, and the decision to participate rests solely with the Department of Education and the school principal, upon approval of the district superintendent. Participating schools and districts are encouraged to collaborate on recruitment, training, and implementation of the pilot program and to assist the Department of Education with establishing best practices.
 (C) The Department of Education shall establish a separate code in the professional coding system to capture noncertified teachers and shall continue to report this information on school report cards.
 (D) Beginning November 1, 2025, the Department of Education shall submit an annual report that includes recommendations for improving, expanding, or continuing the pilot program to the General Assembly. At the end of the five-year pilot program, the annual status report shall include a recommendation regarding continuance of the program.
 (E)(1) The Department of Education shall establish procedures for the registration and clearance of all noncertified teachers working in any public school pursuant to this section. Teachers shall submit the required documentation and fees to the Department of Education, which shall include, but are not limited to:
   (a) a completed registration form;
   (b) any associated fee;
   (c) transcripts, which shall be subject to review; and
   (d) FBI, South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, and National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification Clearinghouse checks.
  (2) An individual whose South Carolina educator certificate has been suspended or revoked shall not be employed as a noncertified teacher. If a noncertified teacher commits an offense covered by the Code of Conduct as promulgated by the State Board of Education, then the State Board of Education is authorized to revoke the non-certified teacher's registration.

SECTION 2.  Nothing contained in this section may be construed to repeal, replace, or preclude application of any other statute.

SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.