South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

House Amendment 1
H 3925 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Prosecution Coordination Commission, Attorney General

Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 3925

Rep. Pope proposes the following amendment (LC-3925.AHB0001H):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting:

SECTION 1. Section 1-7-920 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

Section 1-7-920.The commission is composed of the following persons for terms as indicated:

(1) five judicial circuit solicitors appointed by the Governor for a term of four years. If a solicitor appointed to the commission is not reelected, a vacancy occurs and it must be filled pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-7-930;

(2) five nonvoting advisory members as follows:

(a) the Chairmen of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees for the terms for which they are elected or their legislative designees;

(2)(b) the Attorney General for the term for which he is elected;

(c) the Chief of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division for the term for which he is appointed;

(3)(d) the Director of the Department of Public Safety shall serve during the term for which he is appointed;

(4)(e) a Director of a Judicial Circuit Pretrial Intervention Program appointed by the Governor for a term of two years; and

(5)(f) a Judicial Circuit Victim-Witness Assistance Advocate appointed by the Governor for a term of two years;

(6)(7) five judicial circuit solicitors appointed by the Governor for a term of four years. However, upon initial appointment, the Governor shall select one for a two-year term, two for a three-year term, and two for a four-year term. If a solicitor appointed to the commission is not re-elected, a vacancy occurs and it must be filled pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-7-930.

SECTION 2. Section 1-7-940 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

Section 1-7-940. (A) The commission has the following duties:

(1) coordinate all administrative functions of the sixteen circuit solicitors' offices of the solicitors and any affiliate services operating in conjunction with the solicitors' offices;

(2) submit the budgets of the circuit solicitors and their affiliate services to the General Assembly; and

(3) encourage and develop legal education programs and training programs for the sixteen circuit solicitors and their affiliate services, organize and provide seminars to help increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the prosecution of criminal cases in this Statefunctions of the sixteen circuit solicitors' offices, and act as a clearinghouse and distribution source for publications involving the sixteen circuit solicitors and their affiliate services and provide legal updates to the sixteen circuit solicitors on matters of law affecting the prosecution of cases in this State;

(4) provide blank indictments for the circuit solicitors.

(B) Nothing in this section may be construed to displace or otherwise affect the functions and responsibilities of the State Victim/Witness Assistance Program as established in Section 16-3-1410.

SECTION 3.This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.