South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

House Amendment 94
H 4300 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Appropriations Bill, 2023-2024

Current Amendment: 94 to Bill 4300

Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 118, STATEWIDE REVENUE, beginning on page 561, by striking paragraph 118.19(B) and inserting:

/ (B)The appropriations in this provision are listed in priority order. Item (1) must be funded first and each remaining item must be fully funded before any funds are allocated to the next item. Provided, however, that any individual item may be partially funded in the order in which it appears to the extent that revenues are available.

The State Treasurer shall disburse the following appropriations by September 30, 2023, for the purposes stated:

(1)F310- General Reserve Fund

(a)General Reserve Fund Contribution $ 139,956,882;

(b)General Reserve Fund Additional Contribution $ 700,000,000;

(2)Capital Reserve Fund $ 90,468,666;

(3)H630- State Department of Education

SCDE Agency Systems & Performance Reviews $ 1,000,000;

(4)H710- Wil Lou Gray Opportunity

Renovations and Maintenance $850,000;

(5)L120- Governor's School for Agriculture at John de la Howe

(a)De La Howe Hall Renovation $ 2,100,000;

(b)Agriculture Shop $ 1,300,000;

(6)H640- Governor's School for Arts & Humanities

(a)Dining Hall Expansion & Furniture Replacement Phase 2 $ 512,950;

(b)Generator Upgrade $ 190,000;

(c)Gym Upgrade/Renovation $ 400,000;

(7)H650- Governor's School for Science & Mathematics

Metal Roof Replacement $ 940,000;

(8)H870 � State Library

Digitization of the SC Collection $ 150,000;

(9)H950 � State Museum (State Museum Commission)

Air Purification System Upgrade for Workshop $ 200,000;

(10)H590- Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education

(a)Aiken Technical College Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1,750,000;

(b)Denmark Technical College Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 4,400,000;

(c)Greenville Technical College Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 15,000,000;

(d)Midlands Technical College Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 12,000,000;

(e)Northeastern Technical College Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 3,000,000;

(f) Orangeburg -Calhoun Technical College Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 5,000,000;

(g)Tri -County Technical College Pickens Hall Renovations $ 5,000,000;

(h)Williamsburg Technical College Maintenance, Renovation, and Replacement $ 1,000,000;

(i)Central Carolina Technical College � Sumter County $ 1,305,569;

(j)Central Carolina Technical College � Kershaw County $ 10,000,000;

(k)Central Carolina Technical College � Lee County $ 2,500,000;

(l)Florence -Darlington Technical College Construction & Industrial Trades Training Facility $ 10,000,000;

(m)Horry -Georgetown Tech College Marine

Technology Center $ 6,000,000;

(n)Spartanburg Community College � Cherokee County Campus- Spark Center $12,000,000;

(o)Technical College of the Lowcountry Workforce Development $10,000,000;

(11)H730 Vocation al Rehabilitation Marlboro

VR Center Paving $179,600;

(12)J020- Dept of Health & Human Services

Rural Brain Health Network $10,000,000;

(13)J040- Department of Health & Environmental Control

Dam Safety Emergency Fund $47,500,000;

(14)J120- Department of Mental Health

(a)State-Operated Intensive Group Home $900,000;

(b)Alternative Transportation Program


(15)J160- Department of Disabilities & Special Needs

(a)Annualization for FMAP State Increase


(b)Greenwood Genetic Center � Carroll Campbell Project $2,000,000;

(c)Greenwood Genetic Center $2,000,000;

(16)J200- Department of Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Services

SC Center for Excellence in Addiction $2,000,000;

(17)L040- Department of Social Services

(a)Infrastructure Integrity and Information Security $14,222,574;

(b)Healthy Bucks $3,000,000;

(18)L080- Department of Children's Advocacy

Agency Workstations $315,900;

(19)H790- Department of Archives & History

(a)SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission $1,000,000;

(b)Historic Preservation Grants $500,000;

(20)P120- Forestry Commission

Emergency Operations and Equipment $ 2,255,000;

(21)P160- Department of Agriculture

Consumer Services Equipment Replacement $1,122,000;

(22)P200- Clemson -PSA

(a)Poultry Science Research Facility $ 3,000,000;

(b)Problematic Wildlife Research $ 954,400;

(c)Critical PSA Research Infrastructure & Dam Maintenance $.1,120,000;

(23)P210- SC State -PSA

Camp Daniels Training and Activity Center $ 2,500,000;

(24)P280- Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism

(a)State Park Development, Upgrades, and Maintenance $ 25,000,000;

(b)Welcome Center Funding $ 2,100,000;

(25)P320- Department of Commerce

Office Modernization $ 600,000;

(26)D300 � Office of Resilience

Disaster Relief and Resilience Reserve Fund $ 15,000,000;

(27)P240- Department of Natural Resources

Agency Equipment Replacement (Boats and Vehicles $ 2,500,000;

(28)E210- Prosecution Coordination Commission

General Tort Liability Increase $ 43,812;

(29)D100- State Law Enforcement Division

(a)Center for School Safety $1,716,000;

(b)Agency Vehicle Rotation $500,000;

(c) Fuel increase $250,000;

(d) New personal equipment $637,800;

(30)K050- Department of Public Safety

(a)SRO Equipment $ 13,160,000;

(b)Agency Vehicle Rotation $ 1,500,000;

(c)Mental Health for Incarcerated Individuals Pilot Program $ 400,000;

(d) Vehicles $ 2,000,000;

(31)N040- Department of Corrections

(a)Insurance Reserve Fund Premium Increase

$ 2,000,000;

(b)Critical Capital Projects $ 25,000,000;

(c) Prison school art programs $ 1,500,000;

(32)N080- Department of Probation, Parole & Pardon Services

Information Technology $ 2,000,000;

(33)N120- Department of Juvenile Justice

(a) Facilities Management Maintenance and Security Upgrades

$ 25,000,000;

(b) Prison school art programs $ 1,500,000;

(34)R520 � State Ethics Commission

(a)Administrative Assistant $ 15,000;

(b)Attorney II $ 15,000;

(35)R040 � Public Service Commission

SC Integration Study $ 250,000;

(36)R400 � Department of Motor Vehicles

IT System Modernization $ 35,000,000;

(37)R600 � Department of Employment & Workforce

Statewide Workforce Development (H. 3726) $ 3,005,800;

(38)U120- Department of Transportation

(a)Litter Off�Interstate $ 6,000,000;

(b)Bridge Maintenance $ 200,000,000;

(39)U200- County Transportation Funds

CTC Acceleration Fund $ 250,000,000;

(40)U300- Division of Aeronautics

(a)Aircraft Replacement $ 5,000,000;

(b)Facility Maintenance $ 300,000;

(c) Statewide airport runway repairs $ 37,500,000;

(41)B040 � Judicial Department

Court Facilities $ 500,000;

(42)C050 � Administrative Law Court

(a)IT Hardware $ 75,000;

(b)Facilities Renovation $ 92,905;

(43)A170 � Legislative Services

Enterprise Software Implementation and Licensing $ 8,500,000;

(44)D500 � Department of Administration

801 MHz $ 20,000,000;

(45)E240- Adjutant General

(a)Armory Revitalizations $ 3,300,000;

(b)IT Initiatives $ 200,000;

(c)Summerville Readiness Center $ 464,000;

(d)State Guard Vehicles $ 95,000;

(46)E260 � Department of Veterans' Affairs

(a)Military Enhancement Plan Fund $ 5,000,000;

(b)Virtual Transition Assistance Program $ 115,425;

(c)Perimeter Fencing for Cooper Veteran Cemetery $ 114,000; and

(47)E280 � Election Commission

State Matching Funds for 2022 HAVA Grant $ 216,977.


Amend totals and titles to conform.