South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Labor, Commerce & Industry Committee Amendment
S 546 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
DEW Restructuring

Current Amendment: LCI to Bill 546

The Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry proposes the following amendment (LC-546.PH0001S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking SECTION 3 and inserting:

SECTION X. Section 41-27-710 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

Section 41-27-710. (A) The committee must be composed of nine members, three of whom must be members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker, at least one of whom must be a member of the minority party; three of whom must be members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate, at least one of whom must be a member of the minority party; and three of whom shall be appointed by the Governor from the general public at large, of which one must represent businesses with fewer than fifty employees and one of whom must represent businesses with fewer than five hundred employees. A member of the general public appointed by the Governor may not be a member of the General Assembly.

(B) The committee must meet as soon as practicable after appointment and organize itself by electing one of its members as chairman and other officers as the committee considers necessary. Afterward, the committee at least annually shall meet and at the call of the chairman or a majority of the members. A quorum consists of five members.

(C) Unless the committee finds a person qualified to serve as the Executive Director of the Department of Employment and Workforce, the person may not be appointed.

(D) A member of the committee that misses three consecutive scheduled meetings at which a quorum is present must be removed from and replaced on the committee by the person that appointed that member.

(E)(D) The committee must discharge its duties related to screening and nominating qualified individuals for appointment by the Governor in the manner provided in Chapter 20, Title 2.

SECTION X. Section 41-27-720 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

Section 41-27-720.The committee shall:

(1) nominate three qualified applicants for the Governor to consider in appointing the executive director. In order to be found qualified, the person must meet the minimum requirements as provided in Section 41-29-35. The committee must consider a person's experience and expertise in matters related to unemployment, workforce development, and economic development. A person may not be appointed to serve as the permanent executive director unless he is found qualified by the committee. If the Governor rejects all of the nominees, the committee must reopen the nominating process;

(2) screen Department of Employment and Workforce Appellate Panel candidates for qualifications. In order to be found qualified, the person must meet the minimum requirements as provided in Section 41-29-300(E). The committee must consider a person's experience and expertise in matters related to unemployment, workforce development, and economic development. A person may not be elected to serve on the Department of Employment and Workforce Appellate Panel unless he is found qualified by the committee;

(3)(2) conduct an annual performance review of the executive director, which must be submitted to the General Assembly and the Governor. A draft of the executive director's performance review must be submitted to him, and the executive director must be allowed an opportunity to be heard before the committee before the final draft of the performance review is submitted to the General Assembly and the Governor;

(4)(3) submit to the General Assembly and the Governor, on an annual basis, the committee's evaluation of the performance of the Department of Employment and Workforce. A proposed draft of the evaluation must be submitted to the Executive Director of the Department of Employment and Workforce before submission to the General Assembly and the Governor, and the Executive Director of the Department of Employment and Workforce must be given an opportunity to be heard before the committee before the completion of the evaluation and its submission to the General Assembly and the Governor;

(5)(4) assist in developing an annual workshop of at least six contact hours concerning ethics and the Administrative Procedures Act for the executive director and employees of the Department of Employment and Workforce as the committee considers appropriate;

(6)(5) make reports and recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor on matters relating to the powers and duties set forth in this section;

(7)(6) submit a letter to the General Assembly with the annual budget proposals of the Department of Employment and Workforce, indicating the committee has reviewed the proposals; and

(8)(7) undertake additional studies or evaluations as the committee considers necessary.