South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment 1
H 3312 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Child Food and Nutrition Services Study Committee

Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 3312

Senator Hutto proposes the following amendment (SMIN-3312.MW0005S):

Amend the joint resolution, as and if amended, page 1, by striking lines 29-33 and inserting:

Whereas, the South Carolina General Assembly finds it worthwhile to consider whether administration of these child-related national food and nutrition programs by the Department of Agriculture rather than the Department of Education is a more logical and efficient approach, given the Department of Agriculture's relationship to matters concerning food and nutrition; and

Whereas, the South Carolina General Assembly finds it worthwhile to consider whether these child related national food and nutrition programs should be provided at no cost to all South Carolina students. Now, therefore,

Amend the joint resolution further, by striking SECTION 1(A) and inserting:

SECTION 1.(A) There is created the "Child Food and Nutrition Services Study Committee" to examine the advisability of transferring the administration of certain food and nutrition programs and initiatives of the Food and Nutrition Service Child Nutrition Program of the United States Department of Agriculture currently administered by the State Department of Education to the State Department of Agriculture and whether these child related national food and nutritional programs should be provided at no cost to all South Carolina students. These programs include, but are not limited to, the school lunch program, school breakfast program, afterschool snack program, special milk program, and summer food service programs. The committee must also examine ways to enhance collaboration and pricing to increase purchasing powers for South Carolina farmers to ensure locally sourced foods are being provided to schools.

Amend the joint resolution further, by striking SECTION 1(B)(4) through 1(B)(10) and inserting:

(4) one member appointed by the House Minority Leader;

(5) one member appointed by the President of the Senate;

(6) one member appointed by the Chairman of the Senate Education Committee;

(7) one member appointed by the Chairman of the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee;

(8) one member appointed by the Senate Minority Leader:

(9) one member appointed by the State Superintendent of Education;

(10) the Director of the Department of Social Services or his designee;

(11) two members from a local school district's food services department appointed by the State Superintendent of Education;

(12) one member appointed by the State Commissioner of Agriculture;

(13) two members appointed by the Governor who are employed by nonprofit service providers that specialize in hunger relief; and

(14) two members who have a child that is a recipient of free and reduced lunch appointed by the State Superintended of Education.