South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment 3A
S 284 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Development of Workforce Housing

Current Amendment: 3A to Bill 284

Senator Davis proposes the following amendment (SR-284.JG0017S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 1, by striking Section 6-1-530(A)(7) and inserting:

(7) development of workforce housing, which must include programs to promote home ownership.

Amend the bill further, SECTION 2, by striking Section 6-1-730(A)(9) and inserting:

(9) development of workforce housing, which must include programs to promote home ownership.

Amend the bill further, SECTION 3, by striking Section 6-4-10(4)(b)(ix) and inserting:

(ix) development of workforce housing, which must include programs to promote home ownership.

Amend the bill further, SECTION 3, by striking Section 6-4-10(4)(c)(ii) and inserting:

(ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsubitem (i), upon a two-thirds affirmative vote of the membership of the appropriate local governing body, a county or municipality may carry forward unexpended allocations to the special fund beyond two years provided that the county or municipality commits use of the funds exclusively to the control and repair of waterfront erosion, including beach renourishment or development of workforce housing, which must include programs to promote home ownership. The county or municipality annually shall notify the oversight committee, established pursuant to Section 6-4-35, of the basic activity of the committed funds, including beginning balance, deposits, expenditures, and ending balance.

Amend the bill further, SECTION 4, Section 6-4-15, by striking the MACROBUTTON NoMacro <> undesignated paragraph and inserting:

A municipality or county may issue bonds, enter into other financial obligations, or create reserves to secure obligations to finance all or a portion of the cost of constructing facilities, all of which must fulfill the purpose of this chapter, for civic activities, the arts, and cultural events, or workforce housing that includes programs to promote home ownership. which fulfill the purpose of this chapter. The annual debt service of indebtedness incurred to finance the facilities or lease payments for the use of the facilities may be provided from the funds received by a municipality or county from the accommodations tax in an amount not to exceed the amount received by the municipality or county after deduction of the accommodations tax funds dedicated to the general fund and the advertising and promotion fund. However, none of the revenue received by a municipality or county from the accommodations tax may be used to retire outstanding bonded indebtedness unless accommodations tax revenue was obligated for that purpose when the debt was incurred.

Amend the bill further, by adding appropriately numbered SECTIONS to read:

SECTION X. Chapter 4, Title 6 of the S.C. Code is amended by adding:

Section 6-4-12.(A) If a local government intends to use the funds for the development of workforce housing, then the local government shall prepare a housing impact analysis prior to giving second reading to the ordinance.

(B) The analysis required by subsection (A) must include:

(1) information about the effect of the ordinance on housing, including the effect of the ordinance on each of the following:

(a) the cost of developing, construction, rehabilitating, improving, maintaining, or owning single family or multifamily dwellings;

(b) the purchase price of new homes or the fair market value of existing homes;

(c) the cost and availability of financing to purchase or develop housing;

(d) housing costs; and

(e) the density, location, setback, size, or height development on a lot, parcel, land division, or subdivision; and

(2) an analysis of the relative impact of the ordinance on low- and moderate-income households.

(C) The following applies to information on housing costs required to be included in the analysis conducted pursuant to subsection (B)(1)(d):

(1) the analysis must include reasonable estimates of the effect of the ordinance on housing costs, expressed in dollar amounts. The local government shall include a brief summary of, or worksheet demonstrating, the computations used in determining the dollar amounts. However, if the local government determines that it is not possible to make an estimate expressed in dollar amounts, then the analysis must include a statement setting forth the reasons for the local government's determination; and

(2) the analysis must include descriptions of both the immediate effect and, to the extent ascertainable, the long-term effect of the ordinance on housing costs.

(D) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a housing impact analysis required pursuant to this section must be based on costs associated with the development, construction, financing, purchasing, sale, ownership, or availability of a median-priced single-family residence. However, the analysis may include estimates for larger developments as part of an analysis of the long-term effects of the ordinance.

(E) A local government may request information from any state agencies, local units of government, universities or colleges, organizations, or individuals as necessary to prepare a housing impact analysis pursuant to this section.

(F) The local government shall provide the housing impact analysis for an ordinance to the members of the legislative body of the local government, the Department of Revenue, and the Tourism Expenditure Revenue Committee before the ordinance is considered by the legislative body. The Department of Revenue may not disburse any hospitality or accommodations taxes to the local government for purposes of development of workforce housing unless and until the local government has provided the housing impact analysis to the parties required pursuant to this subsection.

SECTION X. Section 6-4-5 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

Section 6-4-5.As used in this chapter:

(1) "County area" means a county and municipalities within the geographical boundaries of the county.

(2) "Cultural", as it applies to members of advisory committees in Section 6-4-25, means persons actively involved and familiar with the cultural community of the area including, but not limited to, the arts, historical preservation, museums, and festivals.

(3) "Hospitality", as it applies to members of the committees in item (2), means persons directly involved in the service segment of the travel and tourism industry including, but not limited to, businesses that primarily serve visitors such as lodging facilities, restaurants, attractions, recreational amenities, transportation facilities and services, and travel information and promotion entities.

(4) "Travel" and "tourism" mean the action and activities of people taking trips outside their home communities for any purpose, except daily commuting to and from work.

(5) "Housing costs" for housing occupied by the owner means:

(a) the principal and interest on a mortgage loan that finances the purchase of the housing;

(b) the closing costs and other costs associated with a mortgage loan;

(c) mortgage insurance;

(d) property insurance;

(e) utility-related costs;

(f) property taxes; and

(g) if the housing is owned and occupied by members of a cooperative or an unincorporated cooperative association, fees paid to a person for managing the housing.

(6) "Housing costs" for rented housing means:

(a) rent; and

(b) utility-related costs, if not included in the rent.

(7) "Ordinance" means an ordinance adopted pursuant to Section 6-29-530.

(8) "Utility-related costs" means costs related to power, heat, gas, light, water, and sewage.

(9) "Workforce housing" means residential housing for rent or sale that is appropriately priced for rent or sale to a person or family whose income falls within thirty percent and one hundred twenty percent of the median income for the local area, with adjustments for household size, according to the latest figures available from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

SECTION X. Section 6-1-710 of the S.C. Code is amended by adding:

(4) "Workforce housing" means residential housing for rent or sale that is appropriately priced for rent or sale to a person or family whose income falls within thirty percent and one hundred twenty percent of the median income for the local area, with adjustments for household size, according to the latest figures available from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

SECTION X. Section 6-1-510 of the S.C. Code is amended by adding:

(4) "Workforce housing" means residential housing for rent or sale that is reasonably and appropriately priced for rent or sale to a person or family whose income falls within thirty percent and one hundred twenty percent of the median income for the local area, with adjustments for household size, according to the latest figures available from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

SECTION X. Section 6-29-510(D)(6) of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

(6) a housing element which considers location, types, age, and condition of housing, owner and renter occupancy, and affordability of housing. This element includes an analysis to ascertain nonessential housing regulatory requirements, as defined in this chapter, that add to the cost of developing affordable housing but are not necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare and an analysis of market-based incentives that may be made available to encourage development of affordable housing, which incentives may include density bonuses, design flexibility, and streamlined permitting processes. The planning commission must solicit input for this analysis from homebuilders, developers, contractors, and housing finance experts when developing this element;

SECTION X. (A) There is created the Land Development Study Committee to examine current and prospective methods to plan for and manage land development in South Carolina.

(B) The study committee must be comprised of three members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate and three members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House. Staff from the Senate and House of Representatives shall assist the study committee.

(C) The members of the study committee shall seek assistance from governmental agencies including the South Carolina Building Codes Council, the South Carolina Housing Authority, and the South Carolina Department of Agriculture, and from members of the private sector including, but not limited to, the Homebuilders Association of South Carolina, the South Carolina Association of Habitat for Humanity, the Realtors Association of South Carolina, the Municipal Association of South Carolina, the South Carolina Association of Counties, South Carolina Land Trust, Conservation Voters of South Carolina, and the South Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association.

(D) The study committee shall provide a report to the General Assembly by December 31, 2023, at which time the study committee shall dissolve.