South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment 1
S 95 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Constitutional amendment proposed, Comptroller General

Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 95

Senator Campsen proposes the following amendment (SJ-95.PB0013S):

Amend the joint resolution, as and if amended, SECTION 1.A., by striking the added second undesignated paragraph in Section 7, Article VI and inserting:

  Beginning sixty days after the ratification of the provisions of this paragraph, the state constitutional office of the Comptroller General is abolished. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the duties and responsibilities held by the Comptroller General.

Amend the joint resolution further, by striking the undesignated paragraph containing the question to be submitted to the voters and inserting:

  "Must Section 7, Article VI of the Constitution of this State relating to state constitutional officers be amended so as to delete the Comptroller General from the list of state officers that the Constitution requires to be elected, provide that sixty days after the ratification of this provision the office is abolished, and authorize the General Assembly to provide by law for the duties and responsibilities held by the Comptroller General; and must Section 12, Article IV be amended so as to delete the Comptroller General's name from the list of elected state constitutional officers a majority of which may submit a written declaration that the Governor is unable to discharge his duties; and must Section 13, Article X be amended so as to provide if the principal of or interest on any general obligation debt is not paid when due, that instead of the Comptroller General, the Governor shall levy an ad valorem tax to meet the payment?