South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment 3
S 399 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
DHEC restructuring

Current Amendment: 3 to Bill 399

Senator Setzler proposes the following amendment (SR-399.JG0052S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by deleting item (6) in Section 1.

Amend the bill further by striking SECTION 201 and inserting:

SECTION 201. Chapter 62, Title 48, of the S.C. Code is amended by adding:

Section 48-62-25. Prior to entering into contracts to utilize funds appropriated or authorized by the General Assembly to acquire interests in land for natural resource protection, flood mitigation, or rural land preservation, including conservation easements, the Office of Resilience shall coordinate and collaborate with the South Carolina Conservation Bank to maximize the most cost-effective options available for the acquisition with the greatest public benefit. The Conservation Bank shall coordinate with the Office of Resilience to ensure that the funds are used for projects that support the agency's objectives, the State's broader conservation objectives, and that demonstrate a satisfactory degree of financial leverage, partnerships, and other indicators of quality as determined by the South Carolina Conservation Bank and the Office of Resilience.