South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment 1
H 4023 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
First Steps

Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 4023

Senator Talley proposes the following amendment (SEDU-4023.KN0004S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by adding an appropriately numbered SECTION to read:

SECTION X. Section 63-11-1725(B) of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 (B) The membership of the advisory council is exclusively composed of the membership of the Board of Trustees of the South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness Initiative. Each voting and nonvoting member shall serve as a voting member of the South Carolina Advisory Council, concurrent with his service on the board. In addition, two executive directors from Local First Steps Partnerships must serve as voting members on the advisory council with one appointed by the House Education and Public Works Committee and one appointed by the Senate Education Committee.