South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment 4
H 3726 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Statewide Education and Workforce Development Act

Current Amendment: 4 to Bill 3726

Senator Setzler proposes the following amendment (SR-3726.JG0051S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 2, by striking Section 41-30-710 and inserting:

 Section 41-30-710. (A) The OSWD shall provide oversight to the regional workforce advisors (RWA), which are to coordinate and facilitate the delivery of information, resources, and services to students, educators, employers, and the community as provided in this article. The OSWD shall ensure that RWA's are providing services in schools and directly to students regarding opportunities available to students in industries and businesses across the state. The department shall hire RWA's and shall seek input from the State Department of Education and others, as needed, in carrying out the requirements of this section.  

 (B) The primary responsibilities of these advisors are to:

  (1) provide services to students and adults for career planning, employment seeking, training, and other support functions;

  (2) provide information, resources, and professional development programs to educators;

  (3) provide resources to school districts for compliance and accountability pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 59, Title 59;

  (4) provide information and resources to employers including, but not limited to, education partnerships, career-oriented learning, and training services;

  (5) facilitate local connections among businesses and those involved in education; and

  (6) work with school districts and institutions of higher education to create and coordinate workforce education programs.

 (C) Each RWA shall coordinate career development, and postsecondary transitioning for the schools in its region.

 (D) The RWAs shall provide data and reports that the department requests.

 (E) Each RWA's geographic area of responsibility must conform to the geographic configuration of the local areas designated pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Pub.L. 113-128. Each RWA's geographic area of responsibility shall have an advisory board comprised of a school district superintendent, high school principal, local workforce investment board chairperson, technical college president, four-year college or university representative, career center director or school district career and technology education coordinator, parent-teacher organization representative, and business and civic leaders. Appointees must reside or do business in the geographic area of the RWA's geographic area of responsibility. Local legislative delegations shall make the appointments to their respective advisory boards.