South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Medical Affairs Committee Amendment
S 408 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Suicide Prevention Training for Health Professionals

Current Amendment: MED to Bill 408

The Committee on Medical Affairs proposes the following amendment (SR-408.JG0001S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by adding an appropriately numbered SECTION to read:

SECTION X. Section 40-63-250 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

 Section 40-63-250. (A) If an applicant satisfies all licensure requirements required in this chapter, the board may issue a license to the applicant. A license is a personal right and not transferable, and the issuance of a license is evidence that the person is entitled to all rights and privileges of a licensed social worker while the license remains current and unrestricted. However, the license is the property of the State and upon suspension or revocation immediately must be returned to the board.
 (B) A licensee under this chapter must display the license in a prominent and conspicuous place in the primary place of practice.
 (C) A licensee under this chapter must indicate his or her category of licensure following his or her name or signature on all professional documents.
 (D) Licenses issued under this chapter must be renewed every two years upon the payment of a renewal fee and upon the fulfillment of continuing education as determined by the board in regulation.
 (E) A person licensed under this chapter must receive at least one contact hour of continuing education in suicide assessment, treatment, and management treatment as a portion of the total continuing education requirement for license renewal as determined by the board in regulation.
(E)(F) Any licensee who allows his license to lapse by failing to renew the license as provided in this section may be reinstated by the board upon satisfactory explanation by the licensee of his failure to renew his license and upon payment of a reinstatement fee and the current renewal fee to be determined by the board. If a license has lapsed for more than one year, the board may impose further educational requirements for reinstatement. If a license has lapsed for more than two years, the person must reapply for licensure. Any person practicing as a social worker during the time that his license has lapsed has engaged in unlicensed practice and is subject to penalties provided for in Section 40-63-30.