South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Education Committee Amendment
S 538 - Session 125 (2023-2024)

Current Amendment: EDU to Bill 538

The Committee on Education proposes the following amendment (SEDU-538.DB0001S):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 1, by striking Section 59-101-15(A) and (B) and inserting:

 (A) A public institution of higher learning in this State must establish a tenure review process for every tenured faculty member. The review process will be conducted in compliance with the institution's faculty guidelines, and will occur at least once every six years after the faculty member under review has gained tenure. The tenure review process must ensure that the faculty member has continued to meet the high standards for tenure that are outlined in the institution's faculty guidelines.
 (B) The Commission on Higher Education shall:
 (1) ensure the compliance by each public institution of higher learning with the provisions of this section; and
 (2) annually collect information necessary to ensure that each public institution of higher learning complies with the provisions of this section. The Commission shall annually report this information to the Chairman of the Senate Education Committee and the Chairman of the House Education and Public Works Committee.