South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

House Amendment 1
H 5023 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Work Zone Safety Program

Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 5023

The Committee on Education and Public Works proposes the following amendment (LC-5023.CM0001H):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 1, by striking Section 56-1-219 and inserting:

 Section 56-1-219. The Department of Motor Vehicles shall establish a work zone safety program. The work zone safety program shall be designed to educate the motoring public on the dangers of committing moving violations while traveling in highway construction work zones. The department shall develop and house on its website an online work zone awareness presentation for all persons obtaining an initial license that includes, but is not limited to, facts and figures representing the dangers of motorists committing work zone moving violations, testimonials from highway construction workers and their families, information on the importance of awareness and slowing down in work zones, and a question-and-answer section to ensure participants understand and retain the information presented. The Department of Motor Vehicles is authorized to contract for the production, development, and maintenance of the webpage through a vendor. The department shall maintain in its database a record of those completing the program.

Amend the bill further, SECTION 2, by striking Section 56-1-15(B) and inserting:

 (B) The department must randomly test driver's license applicants who successfully complete the driver's license examinations pursuant to subsection (A) to ensure that the driver's license instructors are properly certifying that their students have successfully completed a driver's license examination.The department must require all persons obtaining an initial driver's license, and who are required to complete a driver's education course as defined in Section 56-1-175 or 56-1-180, to take the work zone safety program course as established in Section 56-1-219.

Amend the bill further, SECTION 3, by striking Section 56-1-130(B) and inserting:

 (B) No persons, except those exempted under Section 56-1-30 and Section 56-1-60, or those holding beginner's permits under Section 56-1-50, shall operate any classification of motor vehicle without first being examined and duly licensed by the driver examiner as a qualified driver of that classification of motor vehicle. The department must require all persons obtaining an initial driver's license, and who are required to complete a driver's education course as defined in Section 56-1-175 or 56-1-180, to take the work zone safety program course as established in Section 56-1-219.