South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

House Amendment 7sub
H 5118 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Electrical Utilities, Electricity Regulation, and Economic Development

Current Amendment: 7sub to Bill 5118

Rep. Bauer proposes the following amendment (LC-5118.DG0044H):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 8, by striking Section 58-33-195(A)(2) and inserting:

  (2) The General Assembly encourages Dominion Energy South Carolina, Inc. and the Public Service Authority to jointly complete evaluations related to the Joint Resource and to use such information as may be necessary from such evaluations to make a filing as soon as practicable with the commission to obtain a certificate pursuant to Article 3 of this chapter. The General Assembly instructs all governmental agencies to provide accelerated consideration of any action required to permit or authorize construction and operation of the facilities subject to this section in preference to all other pending nonemergency applications or requests. The General Assembly finds adding natural gas generation capacity at the retired Canadys coal site would advance the economy and general welfare of the State based on current conditions and information as of the effective date of this Act. However, this subsection does not exempt the entities from complying with the requirements of the Utility Facility Siting and Environmental Protection Act, including the requirement to seek commission approval for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public convenience and necessity nor does this subsection limit the commission's independent decision-making authority. The entities shall use existing rights of wayfor pipelines and transmission lines to serve the project unless the commission finds that there is a need to alter or change such rights of way to protect the public interest.