South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Senate Amendment 1
S 1126 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Constitutional amendment

Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 1126

Senators Jackson, Matthews, and Devine propose the following amendment (LC-1126.WAB0003S):

Amend the joint resolution, as and if amended, by adding an appropriately numbered SECTION to read:

SECTION X.  It is proposed that Article I of the Constitution of this State be amended by adding:
 Section 26. The provisions of Section 3 and Section 10 of this article provide for right of bodily integrity and autonomy that includes a limited right to an abortion. The General Assembly shall provide by law for regulation of abortion in this State, including that a clinically diagnosable pregnancy may be terminated up to the point of viability and whether state funding may be used to terminate a clinically diagnosable pregnancy.

Amend the joint resolution further, by adding an appropriately numbered SECTION to read:

SECTION X. The proposed amendment must be submitted to the qualified electors at the next general election for representatives. Ballots must be provided at the various voting precincts with the following words printed or written on the ballot:
 "Must Article I of the Constitution of this State, relating to the Declaration of Rights, be amended so as to provide for a right to bodily integrity and autonomy that includes a limited right to an abortion and to authorize the General Assembly to provide by law for the regulation of abortion in this State, including that a clinically diagnosable pregnancy may be terminated up to the point of viability and whether state funding may be used to terminate a clinically diagnosable pregnancy?

               Yes  o

               No  o

Those voting in favor of the question shall deposit a ballot with a check or cross mark in the square after the word 'Yes', and those voting against the question shall deposit a ballot with a check or cross mark in the square after the word 'No'."