South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

House Amendment 4A
H 5100 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
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Current Amendment: 4A to Bill 5100

Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 1, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, page 299, after line 35, by adding an appropriately numbered paragraph to read:

/ (SDE: Williamsburg County School District) Of the funds appropriated to the Department of Education, the department shall prepare a written report on the Williamsburg County School District which is under management by the department. The report must be provided to the Williamsburg County Legislative Delegation by January 1st. The report must include the initial reasons cited by the State Superintendent of Education for declaring a state of emergency that resulted in the department assuming management of the district, the year in which the declaration was made, and the steps taken by the department to address such matters. This report also must include recommended actions to end the management of the district, including a plan that contains stated benchmarks and timelines for returning management of the school district back to the locally elected school board. /

Amend totals and titles to conform.