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House > Former Members > Former Representative Marion Hardy "Judge" Kinon
Former Representative Marion Hardy "Judge" Kinon

Home County: DILLON
House District 55 - Dillon
Personal Information
- Residing in Dillion
- Born Mar. 6, 1929
- Son of Samuel C. and Marion (Herring) Kinon of Dillion
- Graduated from Univ. of S.C., LL.B., 1954
- Army Aviation School, Ft. Rucker, Ala., 1955
- Army Command & Gen. Staff School, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, 1976
- Natl. Judicial Coll., Reno, Nev., 1980
- Aug. 18, 1951 Married to Reba Anne Bryce of Florence, 3 children, Rebecca K. Ingram, Marian K. Hanna and Samuel C.
- Pres., Lambda Chi Alpha Frat., 1952
- V.P., Univ. of S.C. Student Body, 1953
- Pres., S.C. Natl. Guard Assn., 1977
- Co. Chamber of Commerce, 1962
- Past Pres., Lions Club
- Jaycee Young Man of the Year, 1963
- Co. Citizen of the Year, 1967
- Amer. Legion
- Solicitor of Fourth Judiciary Circuit, 1965-72
- Mason
- Shriner
- Past Fin. Com. Chm.
- Past Chm., Admin. Bd.
- Trustee, Main St. United Methodist Church
- Bd., First Citizens Bank
- Former Dillion Co. Magistrate
- Asst. Dep. Adjutant Gen., 1986
- One of only four persons from Dillion Co. to receive Order of Palmetto by the Governor
- Elected Circuit Judge Aug. 16, 1979, qualified Sept. 20, 1979
- Re-elected Feb. 20, 1985
- Retired Mar. 17, 1989 as Circuit Judge
- Mil. serv.: former Co. Comdr., 51st Aviation Co.
- Staff Judge Advocate & Bn. Comdr., 51st M.P. Bn., S.C. Natl. Guard
- St. Aviation Officer
- Promoted to Major Gen. and received the U.S. Legion of Merit upon retirement of Apr. 16, 1988
- Former Dep. St. Area Comdr.
- Mem., S.C. Army Natl. Guard
- Prev. serv. in House Nov. 5, 1957-60, 1978-Sept. 20, 1979, Oct. 10, 1989-1997.