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Senate > Former Members > Former Senator John Yancey McGill
Former Senator John Yancey McGill

Senate District 32 - Berkeley, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Williamsburg
Personal Information
- Real Estate Broker/Residential Homebuilder
- Born September 18, 1952 in Kingstree
- Son of the late Frank H. and Peggy (Tomlinson) McGill
- Attended The Citadel and Francis Marion College
- May 18, 1974 married Pamela Jean Fennell, 3 children, Lisa, John, and Maggie
- Past Chairman, Deacon at Kingstree First Baptist Church
- Past President, Kingstree Jaycees and Chamber of Commerce
- Board of Directors, Waccamaw Regional Planning & Development Council
- Past Chairman, Waccamaw Industrial Revolving Loan Commission
- Past member, State Democratic Party Executive Committee
- Chairman, Waccamaw Regional Planning Development Council
- Outstanding Young Men of America
- Select Committee of the Education Improvement Act
- American Legislative Exchange Council
- Board of Visitors, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), 1990-91
- Legislator of the Year, South Carolina Association of Counties, 1993
- Honorary Doctorate Degree, The Citadel, 1994
- Honorary Doctorate Degree, Francis Marion University, 2001
- Honorary Doctorate Degree, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), 2004
- Legislator of the Year, South Carolina Association of Regional Councils, 1997
- Primary Health Care Association Legislative Award, 1998
- Senator of the Year, American Legion, 1999
- South Carolina Counseling Association Legislative Award, 1999
- Senate Legislator of the Year by Association of Conservation Districts, 2002
- Legislator of the Year by the South Carolina Cable Television Association, 2002
- South Carolina Association of Counties Distinguished Service Award, 2008
- Honorary Ph.D, Coastal Carolina University, 2008
- Member, Senate Finance Executive Committee
- Chairman, Senate Finance Subcommittee on Natural Resources
- Chairman, NESA (North East Economic Strategic Alliance)
- William Henry Chandler Lifetime Achievement Award, Williamsburg Hometown Chamber, 2009
- Clemson PSA Service Award, 2010
- South Carolina Advocate for Agriculture Award, 2010