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Senate > Former Members > Former Senator Kay Patterson
House > Former Members > Former Representative Kay Patterson
House > Former Members > Former Representative Kay Patterson
Former Senator Kay Patterson

Home County: RICHLAND
Senate District 19 - Richland
House District 73 - Richland
Personal Information
- Residing at 6815 Gavilan Ave., Columbia
- Born Jan. 11, 1931 in Darlington Co.
- Son of the late James Hildred and Lelia (Prince) Patterson
- Attended Claflin Coll., 1949-51
- Atlanta Univ., NDEA Inst. in Black History, 1966
- Graduated from Allen Univ., A.B., 1956
- Temple Univ., 1957-59
- S.C. State Univ., M.Ed., 1971
- Hon. Doctor of Laws, 2000
- Univ. of S.C. Hon. Doctor of Public Serv., 2005
- July 7, 1955 Married to Jean Millicent James, 2 children, Pamela and the late Eric
- Social Studies Teacher, W. A. Perry Middle School, 1956-70
- Instructor, Dept. of Educ., Benedict Coll., 1968, and served as a UniServ Rep. for the S.C. Educ. Assn., 1970-86
- Life Member of NAACP
- Prince Hall Mason
- Omega Psi Phi Frat.
- Former Member of Educ. Comm. of the States
- Southeastern Regional Educ. Bd.
- Univ. of S.C. Trustee
- SCDHPT Comr. (House Ways & Means Com.)
- Vestry of St. Luke's Episcopal Church
- Mil. serv.: Sgt., USMC, 1951-53
- Prev. serv. in House 1975-85
- Sen. Nov. 5, 1985-07.