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House > Former Members > Former Representative Merita A. "Rita" Allison
Former Representative Merita A. "Rita" Allison

House District 36 - Greenville, Spartanburg
Personal Information
- Communications & Legislator
- Born February 19 in Spartanburg County
- Daughter of Raymond A. Nichols and Jessie Estell Caldwell
- James F. Byrnes High School, 1958
- John Robert Powers School of Fashion Merchandising
- February 14, 1959 married William Ronald Allison, 1 child, Katina Allison Degler
- Outstanding Young Women of America, 1972
- Board member, R.D. Anderson Vocational School, 1991-92
- President, South Carolina Jaycee Auxiliary, 1968-69
- South Carolnia PTA of the Year, 1985
- United States Jaycee life member, 1978
- Board member, Miss South Carolina Scholarship Program, 1968-08
- Middle Tyger Chamber of Commerce
- Blue Ribbon Task Force for Higher Education Funding
- Advisory Board, Lyman First Citizens Bank
- President, lifetime member, PTA
- Miss South Carolina Hall of Fame
- Southern Hospitality Club Officer
- Middle Tyger Civitans
- Chairman, General Assembly Women's Caucus, 1994-96
- Vice Chairman, Operation and Management Committee, 1994-96
- Joint Legislative Committee on Children and Families
- State Tax Ad Hoc Study Committee, 1998
- PASS Com. Legislative Study Committee
- Retirement Investment Equity Conference Committee, 1998
- MTA Comm. Center Board, 1998-99
- Chairman, Greer J. Verne Smith Human Resource Center Board, 1996-99
- Woman of Achievement, Piedmont Girl Scouts, 1997
- Victims Advocate Legislator of the Year, 1997
- SCSBA Legislator of the Year, 1999
- Founder and Chairman, GOP Women's Caucus, 1999
- House Budget Committee Conferee, 1999
- NFB Legislator of the Year, 2000
- GOP Assistant Majority Leader, 1999-00
- Middle Tyger Chamber Citizen of the Year
- Woman of Achievement, Miss D/L/W Prog.
- Education Advisor for Governor Mark Sanford, 2003-05
- Legislative Advisor for Governor Mark Sanford, 2006-07
- Operations and Management, 2010
- House Education and Public Works Committee, 2008-10
- House Ways and Means Committee, 2011-
- Member, Wellford Baptist Church