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House > Former Members > Former Representative Alma Weaver Byrd
Former Representative Alma Weaver Byrd
Home County: RICHLAND
House District 74 - Richland
Personal Information
- Residing at 2327 Willow St., Columbia
- Born Sept. 18 in Aiken
- Daughter of the late Frank Ernest Weaver and the late Annie Lou Spann Weaver
- Graduated from Benedict Coll., A.B., 1944
- Columbia Univ., M.A., 1960
- Univ. of S.C., Ph.D., 1978
- Sorbonne (Universite de Paris) Paris, France, Certificat d'Etude, 1960
- Universite de Poitiers a La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France, Certificat d'Etude, 1960
- Benedict Coll., 1960-91
- Instructor, Adult Educ., Richland Co. Dist. One, 1978-80
- Voorhees Coll., (p-t) 1968-70
- Allen Univ., (p-t) 1987-90
- Conducted European Study Tour, 1969
- Member of Richland Co. School Dist. One, 1980-91, Vice Chair, 1984, 1989-91, Secy., 1986-87, Chair, 1985
- School Bd. Consultant, West Africa, 1990
- Del., NSBA, 1985
- Bd. of Dirs., S.C. School Bd. Assn., 1986-91
- V.P. Southern Regional Natl. School Bd. Black Caucus, 1984-87
- Basic Skills Adv. Comm., 1978-91
- Phi Sigma Iota Intl. Honor Soc.
- Phi Delta Kappa
- Alpha Chi Honor Soc.
- AAUW, NAUW, AAUP, Amer. Legion Post 212
- S.C. Fed. of Women's & Girl's Club
- Life mem., Natl. Council of Negro Women, Inc.
- Legis. Liaison Advocate S.C. Mechanism NCNW
- Pres., NCNW Cola., 1978-91
- Legue of Women Voters
- GammaNu Omega-AKA Sor.
- Toastmasters
- Intl. Women's Year Comm., 1977
- Co-Founder, Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation, 1971
- Order of the Palmetto, 1983
- St. John Baptist Church
- Charter mem., UBF
- 1990 African American Role Model, Southern Bell Calendar
- S.C. Natl. Assn. Social Workers Legis. Award, 1994
- Prev. serv. in House June 25, 1991-97.