South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

2003 Session

Listed below are the Acts from the 2003 Legislative Session. Following each Act number are the Ratification number (preceded by an R), the bill number (preceded by an H for House or an S for Senate), a brief description and the date the Act became effective. An Act will not be added to this page until it has been assigned an Act Number. The full text of an Act is included in the linked page. There is also a list of new laws listed by Effective Date.

Act No. 1 (R480 of 2002, H5269) -- Word format
-- Expungement of arrest and youthful offender conviction, defendant may apply to circuit court for after fifteen years. Effective November 21, 2002
Act No. 2 (R463 of 2002, H4094) -- Word format
-- Child day care or daycare facilities, terms referenced in Children's Code changed to 'childcare'. Effective December 16, 2002
Act No. 3 (R421 of 2002, S65) -- Word format
-- Elections; when candidate's name may not appear on ballot; special election not required to fill vacancy; certification of candidates for president and vice president. Effective January 16, 2003
Act No. 4 (R468 of 2002, H4402) -- Word format
-- County boards of social services, a legislative delegation has authority to terminate. Effective January 16, 2003
Act No. 5 (R475 of 2002, H4835) -- Word format
-- Capital improvement bonds, Comprehensive Permanent Improvement Plan to be submitted to Joint Bond Review Committee and Budget and Control Board; plan will serve as agency outline for the next five years. Effective January 16, 2003
Act No. 6 (R11, H3344) -- Word format
-- Broadband service exempted from regulation by the public service commission. Effective March 12, 2003
Act No. 7 (R20, S167) -- Word format
-- Shark catch limits. Effective March 20, 2003
Act No. 8 (R25, S9) -- Word format
-- Joint Agency Act, special purpose districts that provide gas. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 9 (R26, S71) -- Word format
-- Filing date extended for armed forces or national guard members serving near a hazard zone to file property taxes. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 10 (R28, S165) -- Word format
-- Hunting license, permit, stamp, or tag; unlawful to use when privileges are suspended; penalties. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 11 (R29, S168) -- Word format
-- Migratory birds and waterfowl, hunting, revisions. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 12 (R33, S340) -- Word format
-- Retirement Systems Claims Procedures Act. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 13 (R34, S341) -- Word format
-- B&C Board and Retirement Investment Panel; provisions for state to defend if employees or officers are sued. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 14 (R35, S344) -- Word format
-- Center for Teacher Recruitment, name change. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 15 (R36, S361) -- Word format
-- Snakehead fish, illegal to own, sell or import. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 16 (R39, S448) -- Word format
-- Liquid petroleum gas dealer, requirements. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 17 (R42, S508) -- Word format
-- Judges required to grant continuance in case when a party or his attorney is on active duty as member of reserves. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 18 (R44, H3078) -- Word format
-- Local correction facility includes local detention facility for purposes of detainees throwing body fluids. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 19 (R45, H3163) -- Word format
-- Judge or court official prohibited from appointing attorney in civil action case, provisions. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 20 (R46, H3198) -- Word format
-- Commercial solicitation, definition of changed; state agency substituted for a public body. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 21 (R47, H3274) -- Word format
-- Payment of student fees. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 22 (R48, H3299) -- Word format
-- Hunting small game. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 23 (R49, H3353) -- Word format
-- Coyotes. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 24 (R65, S203) -- Word format
-- Higher Education Equalization Program; CHE to establish to enhance educational opportunities for certain students attending private, historically black colleges. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 25 (R66, S224) -- Word format
-- Youthful offender, definition. Effective May 14, 2003
Act No. 26 (R67, S360) -- Word format
-- Commercial Code, records, indexing, filing; fee assessment recalculated. Effective May 14, 2003
Act No. 27 (R68, S419) -- Word format
-- Private practitioner must obtain Certificate of Need from DHEC before constructing or establishing a new health care facility or certain medical equipment. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 28 (R69, S447) -- Word format
-- State Athletic Commission, placed under administration of LLR, provisions. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 29 (R70, S463) -- Word format
-- Disabilities and Special Needs Department, ownership of real property. Effective May 14, 2003
Act No. 30 (R72, S497) -- Word format
-- County governments; aircraft, property tax on. Effective May 14, 2003
Act No. 31 (R77, H3233) -- Word format
-- Goldenrod, official state wildflower. Effective May 14, 2003
Act No. 32 (R78, H3303) -- Word format
-- Hunting Deer. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 33 (R79, H3613) -- Word format
-- Beavers, destructive; removal permit. Effective May 14, 2003
Act No. 34 (R80, H3722) -- Word format
-- Autopsy; additional circumstances in which photographs, videos, and audio recordings of may be viewed. Effective May 14, 2003
Act No. 35 (R83, H3902) -- Word format
-- Agriculture Forest Service law enforcement officers and special agents, U.S.. Effective May 14, 2003
Act No. 36 (R84, H3906) -- Word format
-- Horry and Georgetown Counties; county lines altered by annexing certain portion of. Effective May 14, 2003
Act No. 37 (R89, S36) -- Word format
-- Layla's Law, protection of guide dogs. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 38 (R90, S107) -- Word format
-- Tourism Expenditure Review Committee, membership. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 39 (R91, S204) -- Word format
-- Land Use Dispute Resolution Act; to settle disputes between private property owners and local governments. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 40 (R92, S228) -- Word format
-- Special foods manufacturer's license, biennial license tax provided. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 41 (R94, S425) -- Word format
-- Lexington County voting precincts. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 42 (R95, S438) -- Word format
-- Predatory Lending Bill. Effective January 1, 2004
Act No. 43 (R104, H3673) -- Word format
-- Foster Care. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 44 (R106, H3990) -- Word format
-- Saltwater Fishing special license plates. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 45 (R107, H4007) -- Word format
-- Dental hygientist. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 46 (R111, H4149) -- Word format
-- Union County voting precincts. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 47 (R123, H3410) -- Word format
-- Records retention requirements. Effective June 6, 2003
Act No. 48 (R126, H3592) -- Word format
-- Trusts and estates, technical changes. Effective June 6, 2003
Act No. 49 (R129, H3939) -- Word format
-- Passive soil-based on-site disposal systems. Effective June 6, 2003
Act No. 50 (R113, S166) -- Word format
-- Hunting from a public road, definition of hunting revised. Effective June 6, 2003
Act No. 51 (R116, S342) -- Word format
-- DMV Reform. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 52 (R117, S478) -- Word format
-- Motor vehicle insurance, total loss claim; obtaining title designated as "salvage". Effective June 6, 2003
Act No. 53 (R118, S489) -- Word format
-- Belle W. Baruch Foundation property; unlawful activities while on. Effective June 6, 2003
Act No. 54 (R121, S572) -- Word format
-- Livestock-poultry; Uniform Traffic Ticket may be used for violations related to. Effective June 6, 2003
Act No. 55 (R97, S591) -- Word format
-- Senate reapportionment plan. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 56 (R114, S285) -- Word format
-- Trout, Saluda River, limits. Effective June 6, 2003
Act No. 57 (R120, S542) -- Word format
-- Clarendon County, unlawful to hunt migratory waterfowl on Dean Swamp. Effective June 13, 2003
Act No. 58 (R124, H3575) -- Word format
-- Unclaimed property, filing of reports. Effective June 13, 2003
Act No. 59 (R125, H3586) -- Word format
-- Interstate bulk prescription plan established. Effective June 18, 2003
Act No. 60 (R130, H3950) -- Word format
-- Aquaculture Enabling Act. Effective June 13, 2003
Act No. 61 (R157, H3231) -- Word format
-- DUI, decrease blood alcohol content to 0.08%. Effective August 19, 2003
Act No. 62 (R162, H3333) -- Word format
-- School buses. Effective August 1, 2003
Act No. 63 (R167, H3429) -- Word format
-- Repeal of provision regarding responsibilities of landlords and tenants for utilities, water, sewerage, and garbage services. Effective June 25, 2003
Act No. 64 (R168, H3455) -- Word format
-- Misuse of vital statistics. Effective June 25, 2003
Act No. 65 (R172, H3684) -- Word format
-- Certain colored lights illegal to display on personally owned vehicles. Effective June 25, 2003
Act No. 66 (R180, H4280) -- Word format
-- Horry County; certain voting precincts revised. Effective June 25, 2003
Act No. 67 (R182, H4286) -- Word format
-- Voting precincts in Spartanburg county. Effective June 25, 2003
Act No. 68 (R137, S258) -- Word format
-- School curriculum, public high schools; personal finance class required. Effective June 25, 2003
Act No. 69 (R138, S274) -- Word format
-- Motor vehicle, property tax exemption; provided to member of armed services who leases private passenger vehicle. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 70 (R139, S407) -- Word format
-- Wine samplings. Effective June 25, 2003
Act No. 71 (R143, S495) -- Word format
-- Motor vehicles; towing, abandoned, disposal; provisions. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 72 (R145, S523) -- Word format
-- DNR, may implement measures to prevent spread of animal disease; unlawful to possess or transport live deer, exceptions. Effective June 25, 2003
Act No. 73 (R147, S549) -- Word format
-- Second Injury Fund. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 74 (R149, S588) -- Word format
-- Greenville County, voting precincts. Effective January 1, 2004
Act No. 75 (R151, S675) -- Word format
-- Oconee County, voting precincts. Effective June 25, 2003
Act No. 76 (R156, H3206) -- Word format
-- Campaign Finance Reform Bill. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 77 (R176, H4008) -- Word format
-- Retirement System. Effective June 27, 2003
Act No. 78 (R112, S555) -- Word format
-- Uniform Securities Act. Effective June 4, 2003
Act No. 79 (R132, S28) -- Word format
-- State income tax return; contribution to law enforcement assistance program provided. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 80 (R134, S64) -- Word format
-- State health and dental plan, dependent of person killed in the line of duty; conditions to receive state health coverage. Effective June 27, 2003
Act No. 81 (R150, S593) -- Word format
-- Special purpose district providing water and sewer services. Effective June 26, 2003
Act No. 82 (R140, S433) -- Word format
-- Notice and Opportunity to Cure Dwelling Construction Defects Act. Effective July 2, 2003
Act No. 83 (R141, S449) -- Word format
-- Building codes, nationally recognized codes organizations, references to; procedures for adopting codes. Effective July 2, 2003
Act No. 84 (R146, S525) -- Word format
-- Vacation time share plans, provisions, exemptions. Effective October 1, 2003
Act No. 85 (R166, H3426) -- Word format
-- Scope of State Commission for Minority Affairs. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 86 (R133, S34) -- Word format
-- Business incentive offers must include fiscal impact; documents not exempt from disclosure once offer accepted or rejected. Effective July 14, 2003
Act No. 87 (R165, H3418) -- Word format
-- School buildings. Effective July 16, 2003
Act No. 88 (R174, H3909) -- Word format
-- Manufactured homes. Effective July 14, 2003
Act No. 89 (R163, H3361) -- Word format
-- School make-up days; further provide for procedures and requirements. Effective July 23, 2003
Act No. 90 (R173, H3713) -- Word format
-- Homeland Security; SLED jurisdiction and authority. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 91 (R127, H3749)
-- Appropriations Bill 2003-2004. See Act for Effective Date and Governor's Vetoes
Act No. 92 (R142, S477) -- Word format
-- Domestic Violence Protection Act of 2003. Effective January 1, 2004
Act No. 93 (R115, S305) -- Word format
-- Constitutional amendment, ratified; political subdivisions, firefighters, pension plans. Effective June 3, 2003
Act No. 94 (R155, H3199) -- Word format
-- Child abuse and neglect, members of clergy required to report unless protected by statutory priest-penitent privilege. See Act for Effective Date
Act No. 95 (R171, H3641) -- Word format
-- South Carolina Community Economic Development Act. Effective September 25, 2003
Act No. 96 (R14, H3474) -- Word format
-- Revised Code Volumes 8 and 12, adoption of. Effective March 12, 2003
Act No. 97 (R96, S550) -- Word format
-- Dept. of Revenue and State Treasurer allowed to adjust misallocation of local option sales tax revenue collections and distributions to provide a corrected base. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 98 (R32, S320) -- Word format
-- Adjutant General, authorized furloughs for 2002-2003. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 99 (R58, H3829) -- Word format
-- State employees who are members of National Guard or Reserves; leave. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 100 (R37, S408) -- Word format
-- Armed Forces of the US Veterans Monument, SC flag to be flown. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 101 (R16, H3589) -- Word format
-- State employee adoption assistance program. Effective March 13, 2003
Act No. 102 (R21, S375) -- Word format
-- School districts, personnel and fund transfer provision. Effective March 20, 2003
Act No. 103 (R38, S444) -- Word format
-- State General Funds, 2002-2003, use of certain college and university funds. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 104 (R76, H3218) -- Word format
-- Law Enforcement Officers Memorial; proceed with construction on State House grounds. Effective June 3, 2003
Act No. 105 (R57, H3822) -- Word format
-- Education Oversight Committee, designee who is a member of the National Guard or Reserves called into active duty; interim designee provided for. Effective April 21, 2003
Act No. 106 (R98, S626) -- Word format
-- Joint Study Committee on Corrections and Penology created. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 107 (R22, H3539) -- Word format
-- Board of Nursing regulations. Effective March 26, 2003
Act No. 108 (R52, H3655) -- Word format
-- General retention schedules of municipal records. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 109 (R53, H3656) -- Word format
-- General retention schedules for school district records. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 110 (R54, H3657) -- Word format
-- General retention schedules for state colleges and universities. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 111 (R61, H3869) -- Word format
-- Basic Skills Assessment Program-Kindergarten. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 112 (R62, H3870) -- Word format
-- Basic Skills Assessment Program-Readiness Test. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 113 (R63, H3872) -- Word format
-- Education Department; Intervention Quality of Education in a Local School District is impaired. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 114 (R64, H3878) -- Word format
-- Education Department; Disposition of Textbook Samples after State Adoption Process. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 115 (R71, S479) -- Word format
-- DPS, Criminal Justice Academy training regulations. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 116 (R73, S552) -- Word format
-- Automobile manufacturer standard license plate, annual fee, distribution of fees. Effective May 14, 2003
Act No. 117 (R74, S564) -- Word format
-- Natural Resources Dept., regulations, wildlife management areas. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 118 (R75, S648) -- Word format
-- Regulations approved, x-rays. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 119 (R85, H3927) -- Word format
-- Crop Pest Commission. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 120 (R86, H3933) -- Word format
-- Witchweed Quarantine. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 121 (R87, H3934) -- Word format
-- Plum Pox Virus Quarantine. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 122 (R177, H4250) -- Word format
-- Motorist Insurance Identification Database Program. Effective June 27, 2003
Act No. 123 (R59, H3850) -- Word format
-- National Guard Armory, surplus in Beaufort. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 124 (R100, S678) -- Word format
-- Hilton Head No. 1 Public Service District, election of members instead of appointed. Effective June 4, 2003
Act No. 125 (R461 of 2002, H3958) -- Word format
-- Beaufort County Legislative Delegation, appointment powers for boards and commissions devolved upon county council; exceptions. Effective January 16, 2003
Act No. 126 (R109, H4092) -- Word format
-- National Guard Armory, surplus located on Bynum Street in St. Matthews. Effective June 4, 2003
Act No. 127 (R2, S158) -- Word format
-- Charleston County Elections and Voter Registration Board established; Board of Voter Registration abolished. Effective April 1, 2003
Act No. 128 (R88, S10) -- Word format
-- Charleston County School Trustees, partisan election. Effective June 4, 2003
Act No. 129 (R13, H3430) -- Word format
-- Cherokee County No. 1, exempt from make-up requirement due to inclement weather on certain days. Effective March 19, 2003
Act No. 130 (R41, S501) -- Word format
-- Chester County, missed school days. Effective April 24, 2003
Act No. 131 (R9, S358) -- Word format
-- Clarendon County School District 1 bonds. Effective March 13, 2003
Act No. 132 (R4, H3259) -- Word format
-- Darlington County School Bond Property Tax Relief Act, referendum vote on county penny sales tax. Effective February 21, 2003
Act No. 133 (R55, H3670) -- Word format
-- Darlington County school district; Day missed on February 17, 2003 due to inclement weather. Effective April 24, 2003
Act No. 134 (R50, H3599) -- Word format
-- Dillon County School District 3, school bonds. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 135 (R51, H3600) -- Word format
-- Dillon County School District 2, school bonds. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 136 (R56, H3794) -- Word format
-- Dillon County Nos. 1-3, School day missed on January 23, 2003 due to inclement weather exempt from the make-up requirement. Effective April 24, 2003
Act No. 137 (R82, H3837) -- Word format
-- Dillon County Transportation Committee, members may be paid for twelve meetings. Effective May 19, 2003
Act No. 138 (R110, H4118) -- Word format
-- Eleven mill increase in levy of taxes for school purposes for fiscal year. Effective June 4, 2003
Act No. 139 (R60, H3868) -- Word format
-- National Guard Armory, surplus in St. George; Budget and Control Board authorized to transfer ownership to city of St. George. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 140 (R101, H3436) -- Word format
-- Dorchester County; Election and Registration Board established; Election Commission and Voter Registration Board abolished. Effective June 4, 2003
Act No. 141 (R27, S149) -- Word format
-- National Guard Armory, surplus in Johnston; B&C Board to transfer ownership to town of Johnston. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 142 (R6, H3327) -- Word format
-- Slater-Marietta Elementary School; days missed due to roof and structural problems exempt from make-up requirements. Effective February 26, 2003
Act No. 143 (R7, H3377) -- Word format
-- Greenville County school districts; exempt from make-up requirements due to inclement weather. Effective February 26, 2003
Act No. 144 (R19, H3652) -- Word format
-- Hampton County, capital projects sales tax; imposition of provided. Effective March 13, 2003
Act No. 145 (R30, S269) -- Word format
-- National Guard Armory, surplus in Ridgeland; B&C Board authorized to transfer to Jasper County. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 146 (R5, H3282) -- Word format
-- Laurens County school districts 55 and 56, board of trustees; change in election date. Effective February 21, 2003
Act No. 147 (R17, H3615) -- Word format
-- Laurens County School District 55, missed school days. Effective March 19, 2003
Act No. 148 (R18, H3633) -- Word format
-- Laurens County School District 56, make-up days. Effective March 19, 2003
Act No. 149 (R31, S294) -- Word format
-- National Guard Armory, surplus in Lee County; B&C Board to transfer ownership to city of Bishopville. Effective April 23, 2003
Act No. 150 (R105, H3945) -- Word format
-- Lee County School District Board of Trustees authorized to issue and sell bonds; conditions and purposes for provided. Effective June 4, 2003
Act No. 151 (R102, H3630) -- Word format
-- Newberry School District School Bond-Property Tax Relief Act. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 152 (R103, H3631) -- Word format
-- Newberry County Board of Education, disposition of property. Effective June 2, 2003
Act No. 153 (R8, S310) -- Word format
-- Oconee County school district; minimum bond amount. Effective March 13, 2003
Act No. 154 (R93, S334) -- Word format
-- Oconee County, Tamassee Elementary and Tamassee-Salem High Schools, exempt from make-up day requirement. Effective June 4, 2003
Act No. 155 (R152, S716) -- Word format
-- Orangeburg County Consolidated School Districts . Effective June 26, 2003
Act No. 156 (R3, S188) -- Word format
-- A.R. Lewis Elementary School, school day missed on Dec. 3, 2002 due to broken water main exempt from make-up requirement. Effective February 27, 2003
Act No. 157 (R12, H3389) -- Word format
-- Columbia Jewish Community Center. Effective March 13, 2003
Act No. 158 (R99, S657) -- Word format
-- Pickens County, Holly Springs Elementary School, missed school days. Effective June 4, 2003
Act No. 159 (R108, H4091) -- Word format
-- Holly Springs Elementary School, days missed on April 22 and 23, 2003. Effective June 4, 2003
Act No. 160 (R15, H3500) -- Word format
-- Holly Springs Rural Fire District, Spartanburg County. Effective March 13, 2003
Act No. 161 (R23, H3672) -- Word format
-- Spartanburg County Nos. 1 through 7, School days missed due to inclement weather or other disruptions. Effective March 26, 2003
Act No. 162 (R24, H3698) -- Word format
-- Spartanburg County, School Districts 1-7, missed school days; district employees allowed to take up to four days unpaid leave. Effective March 26, 2003
Act No. 163 (R148, S581) -- Word format
-- USC, Spartanburg campus, Darwin H. Simpson University Readiness Center. Effective June 25, 2003
Act No. 164 (R81, H3743) -- Word format
-- Union County Board of Trustees, election districts reapportioned. Effective May 15, 2003
Act No. 165 (R1, S129) -- Word format
-- York County Registration and Elections Commission, membership, chairman. Effective February 27, 2003
Act No. 166 (R10, S395) -- Word format
-- York County School District No. 1, date board takes office. Effective March 13, 2003
Act No. 167 (R40, S454) -- Word format
-- York County School Districts 1-4, make up days. Effective April 24, 2003