South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Searching: All Votes - found 9
H 3681 Vote History
Session 125 - (2023-2024)
Omnibus Tobacco Enforcement Act of 2023
Vote# link will display details of roll call.
July 17, 2024, 05:33:50 am
Date/Time Motion Vote# Yeas Nays N/V Exc.
Pres. Abstain/
Total Result
05/10/2023 12:09 pmConcur in Senate Amendments[H]-65895519500124Passed
05/03/2023 09:00 pm2nd Reading[S]-3252616130046Passed
05/03/2023 08:44 pmto lay on the table  Senate Amendment 4[S]-3242517130046Passed
05/03/2023 08:26 pmto lay on the table  Senate Amendment 6[S]-3232615230046Passed
05/03/2023 08:15 pmto lay on the table  Senate Amendment 5[S]-3222815030046Passed
05/03/2023 07:16 pmto lay on the table  Senate Amendment 3[S]-3212816020046Passed
05/02/2023 01:22 pmto adjourn debate[S]-311329140046Passed
04/06/2023 11:08 amPassage of Bill[H]-51098416600124Passed
04/05/2023 09:20 pmPassage of Bill[H]-505902221000124Passed