South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Searching: All Votes - found 15
H 5164 Vote History
Session 125 - (2023-2024)
Education Scholarship Trust Fund
Vote# link will display details of roll call.
July 17, 2024, 04:24:27 am
Date/Time Motion Vote# Yeas Nays N/V Exc.
Pres. Abstain/
Total Result
03/21/2024 11:30 amPassage of Bill[H]-13616927151002123Passed
03/20/2024 06:29 pmPassage of Bill[H]-1354693211902123Passed
03/20/2024 05:01 pmTable Amendment 16  House Amendment 16[H]-1353752713800123Passed
03/20/2024 04:48 pmTable Amendment 12  House Amendment 12[H]-1352742913700123Passed
03/20/2024 04:41 pmTable Amendment 11  House Amendment 11[H]-1351732913800123Passed
03/20/2024 04:29 pmTable Amendment 10  House Amendment 10[H]-1350742814700123Passed
03/20/2024 04:24 pmTable Amendment 9  House Amendment 9[H]-1349752912700123Passed
03/20/2024 04:01 pmTable Amendment 8  House Amendment 8[H]-1348703116600123Passed
03/20/2024 03:48 pmTable Amendment 7  House Amendment 7[H]-1347742815600123Passed
03/20/2024 03:23 pmTable Amendment 6  House Amendment 6[H]-1346753210600123Passed
03/20/2024 03:20 pmTable Amendment 5  House Amendment 5[H]-1345753210600123Passed
03/20/2024 03:11 pmTable Amendment 4  House Amendment 4[H]-134476329600123Passed
03/20/2024 02:10 pmTable Amendment 3sub  House Amendment 3sub[H]-1343752814600123Passed
03/20/2024 02:04 pmTable Amendment 2sub  House Amendment 2sub[H]-1342762813600123Passed
03/20/2024 01:46 pmTable Amendment 1  House Amendment 1[H]-1341277514700123Failed