South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Searching: All Votes - found 5
H 3400 Vote History
Session 119 - (2011-2012)
Child support
Vote# link will display details of roll call.
July 26, 2024, 08:05:17 pm
Date/Time Motion Vote# Yeas Nays N/V Exc.
Pres. Abstain/
Total Result
06/19/2012 12:44 pmto adopt the conference report[S]-1329370800045Passed
06/07/2012 03:39 pmAdopt Conference Report[H]-133274044400122Passed
05/22/2012 12:58 pmConcur in Senate Amendments[H]-1181010118300122Failed
05/15/2012 12:11 pm2nd Reading[S]-10422801700045Passed
05/25/2011 03:52 pmPassage of Bill as amended[H]-410110011300124Passed