South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Searching: All Votes - found 6
H 3726 Vote History
Session 122 - (2017-2018)
SC Retirement system
Vote# link will display details of roll call.
July 27, 2024, 12:11:00 am
Date/Time Motion Vote# Yeas Nays N/V Exc.
Pres. Abstain/
Total Result
04/05/2017 06:28 pmto adopt the conference report[S]-177337500045Passed
04/05/2017 02:16 pmAdopt Conference Report[H]-475105110400120Passed
03/29/2017 02:46 pmConcur in Senate Amendments[H]-42209918300120Failed
03/09/2017 12:17 pm2nd Reading[S]-115380430045Passed
03/09/2017 12:12 pmadoption of committee amendment[S]-114381330045Passed
02/28/2017 02:03 pmPassage of Bill[H]-9799145200120Passed