South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Rule 10


    10.1    Only the following persons shall be admitted within the House Chamber during a session of the House unless otherwise authorized by House Resolution.

The present and former members and officers and present employees of the House of Representatives; the members of the Press as designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; the Governor; the Lieutenant Governor; each statewide constitutional officer; the present members, officers, and employees of the Senate; the present employees of the Legislative Council; dignitaries and the family of members designated by the Speaker, employees of the respective legislative delegations; the employees of legislative caucuses, and such persons as may be invited by resolution of the House; provided, however, that employees of legislative caucuses, legislative delegations, the Senate, state agencies, and other branches of state government that are authorized admittance must remain behind the rail in the back of the Chamber at all times when the House is in session; provided, no seat in the House shall be occupied by anyone except the members thereof. No lobbyist, including former members registered as lobbyists, shall be admitted within the Hall without special leave of the House. No former member seeking personal favors nor any former member who has filed as a candidate or is a candidate for a position which is elected by the General Assembly shall be admitted within the outer doors of the Chamber without special leave of the House. Provided, that no member of the Press may conduct interviews within the House Chamber while the House is in session.

Provided, that notwithstanding other provisions of this rule, access within the outer doors of the Chamber is denied to any former House member who has been convicted of a crime, the conviction of which would impose a maximum penalty of imprisonment of one year or more. This paragraph does not apply to a former House member who is re-elected to either House of the General Assembly after the conviction of the crime referred to in this paragraph.

    10.2    Whenever the pronoun 'he' appears in any rule, it shall be deemed to designate either masculine or feminine. The words 'person' and 'party' and any other word importing the singular number used in any bill or resolution shall be held to include the plural and to include firms, companies, associations, and corporations and all words in the plural shall apply also to the singular in all cases in which the spirit and intent of the bill or resolution may require it. All words in a bill or resolution importing the masculine gender shall apply to females also and words in the feminine gender shall apply to males. And all words importing the present tense shall apply to the future also.

    10.3    Definitions of measures:

1.    'Resolutions' This term includes:

a.    'House Resolution' which affects only the action of the House and the members thereof. It requires only one reading for adoption, and shall not be submitted to the Senate.

b.   'Concurrent Resolution' which affects only the action of the General Assembly and the members thereof. It requires only one reading in each House for adoption.

c.    'Joint Resolution' which shall have the same force of law as an act, but is a temporary measure, dying when its subject matter is completed. It requires the same treatment as a bill does in its passage through both Houses, but its title after passage shall not be changed to that of an act; and when used to propose an amendment to the Constitution it does not require the approval of the Governor.

2.    'Bill' A bill is the term applied to a measure introduced in either House designed to become a permanent law (or an 'act').

It must be read and adopted three times on three separate days in each House, following which its title is changed to that of an act.

3.   'Act' An act is the term applied to a bill that has passed both Houses, been ratified by the presiding officer of each House and signed by the Governor or passed over his veto. It is a permanent measure, having the force of law until repealed.

4.   'Veto' The term used for disapproval of a bill or joint resolution by the Governor. It may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting with at least two-thirds of a quorum voting to override. This requirement is set forth in Article IV, Section 21, of the South Carolina Constitution and defined by the decisions of the South Carolina Supreme Court.

    10.4    The House shall not accept any invitations to attend functions (social or otherwise) which are to be held at a club or organization which does not admit as members persons of all races, religions, colors, sexes, or national origins. All invitations received shall be referred to the Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions and the five House members on the Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions shall have the duty of recommending to the House which invitations should be accepted.

    10.5    Each member of the House shall be entitled to appoint one individual as a House page to perform such duties as determined by the Speaker. The provisions of this rule shall be contingent upon the General Assembly providing for at least one hundred twenty-four House pages in the annual General Appropriations Act for the fiscal year during which such session shall take place. Any additional House pages authorized shall be appointed by the Speaker in his sole discretion.

    10.6    Laptop computers located in the House Chamber may not be removed from the Chamber.

    10.7    No smoking or use of tobacco products is permitted in any area under the exclusive control of the House of Representatives unless the area is otherwise designated a 'smoking area' by the Speaker. Smoking for purposes of this rule includes carrying a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other lighted smoking equipment. Provided, further, that the consumption of food is not permitted within the House Chamber.

    10.8   (Reserved)   

    10.9    House Resolutions granting the privilege of admittance to the House Chamber to persons not otherwise granted the privilege pursuant to House Rule 10.1 are limited to the following conditions:

(a)    The privilege of admittance to the House Chamber is limited to school teams or school groups that have won state or national championships or received statewide or national awards. Individual persons are not granted the privilege of admittance to the House Chamber.

(b)    School teams or groups may be scheduled for the privilege of admittance to the House Chamber only on Wednesdays and Thursdays that the House is in session, and no more than two teams or groups may be scheduled in one day. Provided, further, that no school teams or groups may be granted the privilege of admittance to the House Chamber during the last week of the regularly scheduled legislative session.

(c)    The House member wishing for the qualified school team or group to have privilege of admittance to the House Chamber shall introduce a House Resolution granting the privilege on a 'date and time to be determined by the Speaker of the House'. The House of Representatives shall adopt the resolution in order for the team or group to be granted the privilege. Provided, the school team or group's list of members, coaches, mascot, and other appropriate school officials must be listed on the House Calendar for the day in which they are granted the privilege of admittance to the House Chamber. The House member sponsoring the resolution shall provide the appropriate information to the Clerk five days in advance of the school team or group scheduled admittance to the House Chamber.

(d)    All other teams, groups, or individuals not otherwise allowed the privilege of admittance to the House Chamber may be recognized in the balcony of the House Chamber at a 'time determined by the Speaker of the House'. Provided, no presentation either within the House Chamber or in the balcony may exceed five minutes, and no one, other than a House member, may speak or make remarks during a presentation.

    10.10     The use of audible pagers, cell phones, and any other personal communication device by any person is prohibited in the House Chamber when the House is in session and when the General Assembly is meeting in Joint Session. The use of these devices by any person is also prohibited in House committee meetings and subcommittee meetings. These devices must be turned off, or placed in a silent mode, such as vibrate, prior to being carried into the House Chamber, committee meetings, or subcommittee meetings. Should a device which has been placed in a silent mode activate in the Chamber, a committee meeting, or subcommittee meeting the person possessing the device must exit the Chamber, committee room, or subcommittee room prior to responding in any fashion.

    10.11    The Clerk's office shall establish procedures for providing House members with certificates commemorating birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, achievements, awards, etc. as needed. House members shall request certificates in writing and provide the Clerk's office with the information necessary to complete the certificates.

The Clerk's office also shall establish procedures whereby members may have House certificates and House and Concurrent Resolutions framed at local businesses providing framing services within the Columbia area during the legislative session. House members are responsible for paying for all framing services within a timely manner.

The Clerk's office shall establish procedures whereby staff shall deliver framing requests to local businesses no more than one time each legislative day. Provided, further, the Clerk's office shall establish procedures whereby staff shall pickup framing requests from local businesses no more than one time each legislative day. Framing requests will not be delivered or picked up on nonlegislative days. All framing requests, upon their completion and pickup, must be delivered to the House member on the State House complex. House staff may not deliver framing requests to members outside the State House complex.

    10.12     The Speaker shall establish procedures for the hiring of staff for the House of Representatives. The procedures must provide that a list of the most qualified applicants shall be submitted to the appropriate supervisory authority for consideration. The appropriate supervisory authority shall select an applicant from the list. If the appropriate authority determines no applicant to be acceptable the application process will reopen and a new list of most qualified applicants shall be submitted to the appropriate supervisory authority. The appropriate supervisory authority's selected applicant then must be submitted to the Speaker of the House for final appointment as a member of the staff of the House of Representatives

For purposes of this rule the Speaker of the House and the Speaker Pro Tempore are the supervisory authority for their respective offices. The Committee Chairmen are the supervisory authority for their respective committees, and the Sergeant at Arms is the supervisory authority for security personnel necessary for the proper performance of the Sergeant at Arms' office and security needs of the House Chamber, Solomon Blatt Building, and other areas under the Sergeant at Arms' jurisdiction. The Clerk is the appropriate supervisory authority for administrative and clerical staff of the House necessary for the proper operation of the Clerk's Office and the general administrative and clerical needs of the House.

Provided, the appropriate supervisory authority's selected applicant must be submitted to the Speaker of the House for final appointment as a member of the staff of the House of Representatives.

   10.13     The Speaker shall conduct reviews of employee salaries and compensation and shall, upon consultation with the appropriate supervisory authority, set the salary and compensation of new and current employees.

   10.14    (A)    Gifts intended for members of the House of Representatives, whether individually or collectively as a body, may not be delivered to the chamber of the House of Representatives for distribution or placement on members' desks. A gift may be delivered to the members' offices with the presumption under penalty of perjury that the gift is not reportable on the member's Statement of Economic Interests pursuant to Section 8-13-710 of the South Carolina Code of Laws. When, however, the gift is reportable on the member's Statement of Economic Interests pursuant to Section 8-13-710, the individual or officer providing the gift must deliver correspondence to the offices of the members of the House announcing their intention to provide a gift to the members and at that time must provide a statement of value to the House Ethics Committee. A member may choose to opt in to the receipt of all or specific gifts to be delivered to the member's office by notifying the appropriate giver of the gift in writing of such desire within seven (7) days of receipt of correspondence.

(B)    The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall strictly enforce the provisions of this rule.

    10.15    Members, all employees of the House, and guests are expected to dress in business professional attire unless otherwise excused by the Speaker in his sole discretion. Examples of business professional attire include, but are not limited to, dress or sport coat, trousers, shirt and tie for males and dress, skirt, slacks and blouse, or suits for females.

    10.16    No employee of the House shall personally interest or concern himself with the passage or consideration of any measure whatsoever. If any employee does so, it shall be grounds for summary dismissal. While within the House Chamber during session, no one may personally, or in an official or representative capacity, concern himself with the passage or consideration of any measure whatsoever, except sitting members of the General Assembly and House staff in the usual and ordinary performance of their duties as an employee of the House. The Speaker may require immediate removal from the House Chamber of any person who violates the provisions of this rule."

Last Updated: 12/21/2022 12:00 PM