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House > Former Members > Former Representative James Hodges Harrison
Former Representative James Hodges Harrison

Home County: RICHLAND
House District 75 - Richland
Personal Information
- Attorney
- Residing at 198 Preserve Lane, Columbia
- Born April 11, 1951 in Greenwood
- Son of the late William H. and the late Mary H. Harrison
- The Citadel, B.A., 1973
- University of South Carolina, J.D., 1976
- 2 children, Catherine and Molly
- July 13, 2006 married Susan H. Harrison
- General Counsel, South Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, 1978-89
- Member, Shandon Presbyterian Church
- East Columbia Rotary Club
- South Carolina and Richland County Bar Associations
- Volunteer Guardian ad Litem for Abused and Neglected Children
- United States Army Reserve, Colonel (Retired)
- Activated for service during Operation Desert Storm, Saudi Arabia (1991); Operation Uphold Democracy, Haiti (1994); Operation Joint Endeavor, Bosnia (1996)
- Graduate of the United States Army War College, 2000