South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Searching: All Votes - found 6
H 4927 Vote History
Session 125 - (2023-2024)
Executive Office of Health Policy
Vote# link will display details of roll call.
July 17, 2024, 05:26:45 am
Date/Time Motion Vote# Yeas Nays N/V Exc.
Pres. Abstain/
Total Result
02/29/2024 11:47 amPassage of Bill[H]-105991188600123Passed
02/28/2024 04:38 pmPassage of Bill[H]-1047100172400123Passed
02/28/2024 02:44 pmTable Amendment 5  House Amendment 5[H]-104697184400123Passed
02/28/2024 02:19 pmTable Amendment 9  House Amendment 9[H]-1045891911400123Passed
02/28/2024 01:50 pmTable Amendment 6  House Amendment 6[H]-1044882111300123Passed
02/28/2024 12:35 pmTable Amendment 3  House Amendment 3[H]-1043902010300123Passed