South Carolina Legislature
South Carolina Legislature

Searching: All Votes - found 18
H 4230 Vote History
Session 121 - (2015-2016)
Supplemental appropriations
Vote# link will display details of roll call.
July 26, 2024, 08:27:41 pm
Date/Time Motion Vote# Yeas Nays N/V Exc.
Pres. Abstain/
Total Result
07/07/2015 01:51 pmOverride VETO 1[H]-88301069800123Failed
06/23/2015 03:18 pmAdoption of Conference Report[H]-790108010500123Passed
06/23/2015 01:34 pmto adopt the conference report[S]-560420030045Passed
06/18/2015 02:43 pm2nd Reading[S]-557401140046Passed
06/17/2015 04:31 pmAdopt motions to non-concur [H]-785100091400123Passed
06/17/2015 11:13 amPassage of Bill[H]-778940161300123Passed
06/16/2015 05:29 pmPassage of Bill[H]-7751030101000123Passed
06/16/2015 05:26 pmTable   House Amendment 24[H]-7746536121000123Passed
06/16/2015 05:09 pmTable   House Amendment 15[H]-7736435141000123Passed
06/16/2015 04:50 pmTable   House Amendment 7[H]-7726333171000123Passed
06/16/2015 04:19 pmTable   House Amendment 4[H]-7711676211000123Failed
06/16/2015 04:09 pmTable   House Amendment 3[H]-7705639181000123Passed
06/16/2015 03:56 pmTable   House Amendment 30[H]-7695532261000123Passed
06/16/2015 03:32 pmTable   House Amendment 29[H]-7686334161000123Passed
06/16/2015 03:06 pmTable   House Amendment 25[H]-7675526321000123Passed
06/16/2015 02:30 pmTable   House Amendment 20[H]-7668711151000123Passed
06/16/2015 02:17 pmTable   House Amendment 19[H]-7657919151000123Passed
06/16/2015 01:59 pmTable   House Amendment 18[H]-7641012101000123Passed